Breaking Down The Turkish Get Up

Stretch and Roll Out:


Complete 3-5 rounds of each circuit. Rest 30 seconds to 1 minute between rounds and about 1 minute between circuits.

3-5 reps per side Turkish Get Up (DB or Kettlebell)

10 reps per side Lying Press
5 reps per side Turkish Get Up Glute Bridge
8-12 reps per side Kneeling Side Hinge
8-12 reps per side Step Up Lunge

Stretch and Roll Out:


All of the moves in the second circuit are pieces of the Turkish Get Up. These moves will help you work on your weak points so that you can lift more in the Get Up. This workout is also very core intensive and can help you gain great functional strength to prevent or even alleviate many nagging aches and pains.


Turkish Get Up – Start by lying on your back on the ground with your legs out straight. Then drive your right arm up straight and have your fist pointing up toward the ceiling. Bend your right knee and place your foot flat on the ground. Straighten your left arm out to the side (not straight out at shoulder height, but not right by your body). Keeping your right arm straight up and pointed toward the ceiling at all times (it can even help to balance something on your knuckles to remind you of this while you are learning), roll up on to your left forearm. Prop yourself up nice and tall on your left forearm. Press through your right foot on the ground. Do not let your right knee cave in and keep your left leg out straight on the ground. Once up on your forearm, press up onto your left hand with your left arm going straight. Sit up nice and tall. Do not shrug your shoulders. And remember, your right arm is always straight and pointing straight toward the ceiling. Then from the seated position you are going to bridge up, lifting your hips up as high as you can. You will press down through your left hand as well as your left heel and right foot. Keep your right foot flat on the ground and your left leg out straight. Do not let your right heel come up. From the bridge position, slide your left leg back and under you so that you are in a kneeling position with your hand on the ground. Make sure you swing your leg back enough so you are in a strong supported kneeling position that will allow you to lift your left hand off the ground. Staying nice and tall, lift your left hand and come to a kneeling position. Do not lean forward of slouch forward as you lift your hand up off the ground. With your right arm still pointing up at the ceiling, stomp your right foot into the ground and come up to standing, bringing your left foot forward to be even with your right foot. Once standing, you will reverse the steps until you are again lying on your back. You will first go back to kneeling, stepping your left foot back. You will then place your left hand down on the ground out to the side and just a little back from your left knee. You will then bridge up and swing your left leg through so it is out straight in front of you. As you bridge, keep your right heel firmly planted on the ground. From there, you will return to a seated position supported by your left hand. Then you will relax down to your forearm and finally roll on to your back. Do not slouch as you move back down. Keep a nice tall posture throughout the entire move. Repeat 3-5 reps on this right side before switching. You can also do this move with either a sandbag over your shoulder or a kettlbell or dumbbell in the raised hand. Beginners may just want to start by balancing something on their knuckles.

Lying Press – Lie on your back with your legs out straight. Then raise your right arm up straight toward the ceiling while bending your right knee so your foot is flat on the ground. You will then complete the first part of the Turkish Get Up. You will roll onto your left forearm, driving the right hand up toward the ceiling and then roll back down. Stay under control and add weight to the right hand by holding either a kettlebell or dumbbell. Beginners may want to use bodyweight. To advance further, slow down the tempo. Press up quickly then take 3-5 seconds to lower down. Complete all reps on one side before switching.

Turkish Get Up Glute Bridge – Starting on your right side, sit on the ground with your left hand right behind you on the ground and your left leg out straight. Your right arm will be pointing straight up toward the ceiling and your right knee will be bent with your right foot flat on the ground. Do not bring your right foot in too close to your butt. Driving through your right foot, left heel and left hand, raise your hips up toward the ceiling. Keep your core tight and bridge up as high as you can. Try to get your body into a nice straight line. Squeeze your glutes and make sure your right heel stays down. Try not to press too much off of your left hand or you will push yourself forward and put more strain on your shoulder and less on your glutes. Beginners may not hold long at the top before returning back down to the seated position. Advanced exercisers will want to hold for 5 second at the top then take 5 second to lower back down to the ground. Only advanced exercisers who can maintain that slow pace should add weight. If weight is used for the bridge, hold it racked at your chest (use a kettlebell) or on your shoulder if it is a sandbag. Complete all reps on one side before switching.

Kneeling Side Hinge – Start by kneeling on your left leg with your left hand out to the side and a little in back of your left knee. Your right knee is bent with your right foot flat on the ground. Your right arm should be pointing straight up toward the ceiling. Advanced exercisers will hold a weight in their right hand. Then from this supported kneeling position, you are going to hinge up to kneeling. You will lift your left hand up and move from the leaning position to kneeling straight up. As you hinge to the side, make sure your chest doesn’t collapse forward or round. You want to stay up nice and tall and really feel your right oblique engage to pull you up. Then lower back down and place your left hand back on the ground and repeat.

Step Up Lunge – Start by kneeling on your left leg with your right knee is bent in front of you and your right foot flat on the ground. Your right arm should be pointing straight up toward the ceiling. Stop your right foot in to the ground and come up to standing, bringing your left foot up to meet your right foot. Once standing, reach your left leg back and lunge back down to kneeling. Complete all reps on one side before switching. Advanced exercisers can either hold a weight overhead in their hand or a sandbag on their shoulder to make this move more challenging.
