Core Suspension Trainer Workout

Stretch and Roll Out:


Set a timer for 15-20 minutes and complete as many rounds as possible in that time, resting only when needed.

8-12 reps per side Rotational Row
10-15 reps Ab Extension
10-25 reps per side Mt. Climbers
10-20 reps Posterior Plank to “L-sit”

Stretch and Roll Out:


You want to choose a rep range for each exercise that challenges you yet doesn’t force you to have to rest for a long time in between (aka you don’t want to go to complete failure). You want to try to basically go from one exercise to another with no more than 20-30 seconds rest between rounds if even that much.


Rotational Row – Grab one strap in one hand. Reach the other hand up the strap as high as you can. Then rotate that hand toward the ground almost as if you are doing a hanging side plank. Straighten the arm holding the strap as you reach the other hand toward the ground. Keep your body in a straight line and don’t let the hips sag toward the ground. Keeping the core tight, rotate back to the start. Row in with the hand in the strap, bringing the strap to your chest as you reach the other hand up the suspension trainer. To advance (or regress this move), change the incline of your body. The closer you get to parallel to the ground, the harder the move gets.

Ab Extension – Grab a strap in each hand and face away from the suspension trainer anchor point. Lean into the straps and straighten your arms fully. Bring them above your head and lengthen as far as you can and then bring them back down to shoulder height. As you raise your arms overhead, you are going to lean forward more into the straps. The closer to parallel to the ground you are, the harder the move will become. You should not feel this move in your low back. You should feel this move in your abs, arms and quads. Keep your body in a nice straight line as you raise your arms up and then press your arms straight back down to come back up. You can do this move kneeling or standing.

suspension trainer ab exercise
Mt. Climbers – Set up in a high plank from your hands and toes with your feet in the suspension trainer straps. Bring your right knee in toward your chest. Then drive the foot back out and bring your left knee in toward your chest. Go as fast as you can, alternating knee drives. Mountain Climbers should look like you are “running” with your hands on the ground. Beginners may need to go slowly to start or even do these from the ground.

Posterior Plank to “L-sit”– Place both heels in the suspension trainer straps. Place your hands behind you while you are seated on the ground. Push up onto your hands and heels, lifting your butt up off the ground an inch or two. Then press your hips up as high as you can into a posterior plank. Squeeze your glutes and keep your core tight as you press your body into a nice straight line. Then lower your hips back down an inch off the ground and pull your heels backward, keeping your legs straight. Pull your butt back between your hands and then once you’ve held the L-sit for a second, swing back forward into the posterior plank, driving your hips up as high as you can.

posterior plank to l-sit