The Fitness Hacks Podcast

by Redefining Strength | FHP 013: Todd Kuslikis of A Shot of Adrenaline and RallyAll

Todd Kuslikis
Todd Kuslikis is the founder of A Shot of Adrenaline and RallyAll. Todd started building his fitness business focusing on bodyweight training and Isometrics after starting Kenpo karate training in college. He saw individuals with amazing physiques performing unique bodyweight exercises he had never seen before. After learning this type of training, he became addicted to the freedom, enjoyment, and results that bodyweight exercise delivers.

After growing A Shot of Adrenaline to a 7-figure business, Todd started RallyAll to help connect clients with trainers around the globe. RallyAll is a fitness social network that provides the support and accountability people need to achieve their fitness goals from the comfort of their own home!

1. You need other people to be successful so don’t hesitate to reach out, and continue to reach out even when someone doesn’t respond.

2. Persistence is the key to success.

3. The tip of the iceberg is what others see – your success. The bottom is the pain it takes to get the iceberg above the surface.

In this episode we talk with Todd Kuslikis of RallyAll and A Shot of Adrenaline about growing your business and the importance of persistence. We talk about how Todd got started in the industry with bodyweight training and Isometrics and how he grew that business to 7 figures. Todd reminds us that persistence and reaching out to other people are key to success and that you can’t hesitate to reach out over and over again even when you at first don’t get a response.

He also stresses the importance of letting your customers and clients drive what you build by following the data. While you can’t follow every client desire, it is important to listen to the needs and concerns of the people you are trying to help and provide them with a solution!

Q: What’s your favorite exercise?

Freestanding Handstand Push Ups

Q: What exercise do you hate…but love at the same time?


Q: What is the best book you’ve ever read?

The Bible

How To Win Friends And Influence People

Q: What is your favorite Pump Up Song?

Rocky Soundtrack

Q: If you could train with one person (alive or dead) who would it be? 

Jack Lalanne and Paul Bragg and Ido Portal