Stretch and Roll Out:
Complete one 5-minute round of each of the five circuits. Complete as many rounds of the exercises as possible, resting only as needed during the 5 minutes. Rest 1-3 minutes between circuits.
5-10 reps per side Lateral Box Shuffle
5-10 reps per side Backward Chain Crawls
10-15 reps Squat and Press
10-20 reps Sidewinders
5-15 reps per side Skater Hops
10-20 reps Push Ups
15-30 reps Tsunamis
10-20 reps 10 ft Side Shuffle
5-10 reps per side Power Step Ups
5-10 reps per side Lateral Chain Pulls
Stretch and Roll Out:
For chain pulls, you can sub in a sandbag or ropes or even a dumbbell instead of the chain.
For the step ups and lateral box shuffle, use the highest box you can while moving quickly. If you slow down, use a lower box or even no box at all for the lateral box shuffle. Do not use one so high though that you can’t explode up off the box.
Do not go to failure on any one exercise so that you can keep moving the entire five minutes.
Lateral Box Shuffle – Pick a box or bench that you can explode up off of that isn’t too high. Beginners should use a lower box while advanced exercisers will want to use a higher box but something they can easily step onto. You should be standing facing forward with the box to one side. You will place your foot laterally on top of it. If the box is on your right, place your right foot on top. Driving up off the foot on top of the box, jump up in the air. In the air, switch and land with the other foot on top of the box, shuffling over the box and on to the other side. Touch the other toe to the ground and then explode back up, pushing up off the foot on the box. As you jump up and switch which foot is on the box, you are shuffling back and forth over the box. Jump up as high as possible, driving off the foot on the box to switch and land with the other leg on top of the box. Keep alternating until all reps are complete. If you can’t move quickly, use a lower box.
Backward Chain Crawls – Place a chain or sandbag on the ground. Set up with the sandbag right in front of your head. You will be in the crawling position on your hands and toes with your knees under your hips and your hands under your shoulders. Reach forward and grab the chain with one hand. Pull it down and back toward you, sitting back in your heels as you pull. Then crawl a few steps backwards, moving the opposite foot and hand together to step back. Once the chain is again just past your head, reach up and pull it back toward you. Repeat, alternating sides.
Squat and Press – Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet between hip-width and shoulder-width apart. Use a weight that challenges you to press overhead (and since you will be using your legs, this weight will be heavier than a strict overhead press). Remember though that you want to move quickly and not go to failure. Place the weights up at your shoulders and then squat down. Push your butt back and keep your chest up and back flat as you sink down so that your thighs are parallel to the ground. Then drive up through your heels and as you come back up to standing, press the weights up and overhead. Do not arch your low back as you press overhead. Keep your core tight. Then bring the weights back down to your shoulders and sink back into the squat.
Sidewinders – Attach the end of a 50ft foot rope to an anchor point and stretch the rope out. Keep more slack in the rope than you would with other battling ropes moves. Relax your arms and stand with your feet between hip-width and shoulder-width apart. Grab the rope with both hands. Then sweep your arms to the right, rotating through your core even pivoting a little up onto your left toes. Then quickly sweep your arms to the left. Sweep back and forth. Keep your arms more relaxed and only slightly bent. Use your core to push and pull from side to side. You shouldn’t do huge rotations. Your arms and the rope should stay out in front of you. The rope should make a snake-like wave on the ground and swish side to side. The closer you step in to the anchor point, the harder the move will be.
Skater Hops – Start to one side of the space you have to use. You are going to jump lateral, hopping from one foot to the other while trying to move as quickly and cover as much distance as possible. If you start to the right, you are going to push off your right leg and push yourself laterally as far as you can. When you land, you will land on your left leg. Keep your chest facing straight ahead. As you land, sink into a variation of the skater lunge. Then push off your left leg and jump back right, landing on your right foot. Try not to touch the other foot down when you land. Only touch if you need to. Beginners may need to go slower and not jump as far. As you advance, do not pause on either side of the jump to balance. Also, make sure you are jumping as far as quickly as possible.
Push Ups – Beginners will do either an incline push up with their hands up on a bench or a push up from their knees. Advanced exercisers will do a push up from their hands and toes. For any variation, start by lying on the ground with your legs together. Place your hands outside your chest. Draw your belly button in toward your spine and squeeze your glutes. If doing this move from your toes, you will then press up onto your hands and toes. Your body should move in one straight line. Everything should move together as you press up to the top of the push up with the arms full extended. Do not let your butt go up in the air or your hips sag toward the ground. Do not tuck your chin. Keep your head in line with your spine. Make sure to keep your core tight so your low back doesn’t arch. Then lower back down, making sure your body moves as one unit. Touch your chest to the ground and then lift right back up. If your body doesn’t move together, if you do the “worm” as you press up or down, regress to your knees or an incline push up. Move quickly even if that means regressing the move. It is better to do an easier variation and not have to rest as much than to do a hard variation and have to rest every couple of push ups.
Tsunamis – Attach the end of a 50ft rope to an anchor point without losing too much of the length of the rope. Holding the rope in both hands, squat down just a little with your arms straight down. As you quickly jump up, pull your arms up toward the ceiling. Then snap your arms back down as you land. Small quick hops with a slight hinge as you raise and lower your arms to create quick small waves. You aren’t trying to jump high off the ground. You are just hopping an inch off the ground and stomping your feet right back down to help you generate more power and not just depend on your arms. Everything should move quickly together.
10 ft Side Shuffle – Set up two cones about 10ft apart. Face one direction with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Take a step laterally with one foot and then step the other foot the same way. Shuffle sideways from cone to cone, keeping your chest up. One rep is counted as shuffling one direction. A second rep would be shuffling back to the start.
Power Step Ups – Pick a box or bench that you can explode up off of that isn’t too high. Beginners should use a lower box while advanced exercisers will want to use a higher box but something they can easily step onto. Place one foot on top of the box. Driving up off the foot on top of the box, jump up in the air. In the air, switch and land with the other foot on top of the box. Touch the other toe to the ground and then explode back up, pushing up off the foot on the box. Jump up as high as possible, driving off the foot on the box to switch and land with the other leg on top of the box. Keep alternating until all reps are complete.
Lateral Chain Pulls – Hook the chain around an anchor point and clip it together so that it is a circle. Set up in a high plank position with the chain going across you so you can pull it laterally. You can be in a plank position from your hands and knees (beginner) or hands and toes (advanced). Place your feet about hip-width apart. Reach under and across your body to grab the chain. Then pull it across, sitting back into the side you are pulling toward. Use your glutes to powerfully pull the chain under and through. Complete all pulls on one side before switching.