Glute Suspension Trainer Workout

Stretch and Roll Out:


Set a timer for 15-20 minutes and complete as many rounds as possible in that time, resting only when needed.

8-15 reps per side Curtsy Single Leg Lunge
8-15 reps per side Sprinter Start
8-15 reps Glute Bridge and Curl

Stretch and Roll Out:


You want to choose a rep range for each exercise that challenges you yet doesn’t force you to have to rest for a long time in between (aka you don’t want to go to complete failure). You want to try to basically go from one exercise to another with no more than 20-30 seconds rest between rounds.


Curtsy Single Leg Lunge – Stand facing the suspension trainer. Hold a strap in each hand. Step back so there isn’t slack in the straps. Then, standing nice and tall, lift one leg off the ground. Bend the lifted knee to 90 degrees with your foot back behind you. Then bend your front knee as if lunging backward. As you squat down, kick the back leg back and across behind your standing leg. You will slightly lean forward, using the straps to help you balance. Sink as low as you can, lunging back and across. Beginners may not be able to go as low. Do not let your back toe touch down. Make sure that as you lunge back, balancing on the single leg, you feel this move in the butt cheek of the standing leg. Then drive straight back up to standing, bring the leg that lunged back forward to meet your standing leg. Complete all reps on one side before switching.

Sprinter Start – Stand facing away from the anchor point. Put your body at an incline with the straps by your chest. The more you’re at an incline, the harder the move. Step back in a staggered stance with more weight on the front leg and then drive the other knee forward as you come up toward standing. Make the knee drive quick and then step the foot right back and repeat. Drive forward as you lift the knee. To make this harder, you can add a little jump at the top. After you drive the knee forward and up, hop a little up off your standing leg. Then land and step the other leg right back so you can repeat quickly. When you add the jump, you want to have the knee drive be quick so that it almost forces you up off the ground.

lunge to knee drive
Glute Bridge and Curl – Beginners may need to start with a single leg bridge and curl while more advanced exercisers may do the two-leg bridge and curl. To perform the two leg curl, place both heels in the suspension trainer straps while lying on your back with your arms by your side. Bend your knees and pull your heels in toward your butt. Lift up into a glute bridge position, lifting your hips up as high as you can. Squeeze your glutes and keep your belly button pulled in toward your spine.  Then, keeping your hips up off the ground and your glutes engaged, slide your feet out until your legs are fully extended. Then curl the heels back in, bringing the hips up again into a glute bridge. Do not let the hips sag toward the ground as you slide out or come back in. If you are not ready for the two leg bridge and curl in the suspension trainer, but the single leg variation is too easy, try a bridge and curl using towels. For more Glute Bridge and Curl Variations, check out this post.
