Landmine Full Body Workout

Stretch and Roll Out:


Complete 3-5 rounds of each of the circuits below. Rest up to a minute between rounds especially if you go heavy and for 1-2 minutes between circuits.

8-12 reps each side Alternating Angled Lunge with Rotation
8-12 reps each side Staggered Stance One Arm Push Press
8-12 reps each side Stability Twists

8-12 reps each side Explosive Deadlift with Rotational Press
8-15 reps “T-Bar” Row
8-12 reps each side Knees

Stretch and Roll Out:


Adjust weight as needed. Can make this quicker pace and lighter weight to make it more cardio, but then make sure to up the repetitions to between 10-15. Or you can really focus on strength by using heavier weights and staying in that 8-12 rep range.


Alternating Angled Lunge with Rotation – Start standing facing the landmine with the barbell in both hands in front of you. Lunge forward at an angle. Lunge forward with the same foot as the direction you are lunging. Rotate, bringing the barbell down in front of your front knee. Press back up to standing and push the barbell up to shoulder height in front of you. Then lunge forward at an angle with the other foot. Keep alternating lunges, bringing the barbell down to each knee.
Staggered Stance One Arm Push Press – Grab the barbell in your left hand with the landmine right in front of you. Bring your left hand and the barbell to your left shoulder. Place your right foot forward and your left foot back in a staggered stance. Then bend your knees just slightly and pop up driving the left hand straight up, pressing the barbell overhead. Because of the landmine the barbell and your hand won’t go straight up. You will actually press a bit up and forward. Then return the barbell to your shoulder and again bend your knees and explode back up, pressing the barbell up until your arm is extended. Because you are using your legs, you will be able to use more weight than if you were doing a strict press. Make sure that when you press, you do not let your core rotate toward the hand with the barbell. Keep your body square to the landmine. Complete all reps on one side and then switch.

Stability Twists – Stand facing the landmine and grab the barbell in both hands. Press the barbell up straight overhead with your body square to the landmine. Then let your arms “fall” to one side. Do not let your core rotate as your arms lower to one side. Keep your arms straight and your body square to the landmine. Then, without rotating, press your arms back up to the ceiling. Then let your arms lower down to the other side. Really control the lower to each side and don’t let the barbell pull you. Your body will be working hard to remain straight ahead even as the barbell tries to twist you to each side.
Explosive Deadlift with Rotational Press – Stand at the end of the barbell facing the end of the barbell. Grab below the end of the barbell with an overhead grip and almost at the end of the barbell with an underhand grip. Set your feet to between hip-width and shoulder-width apart. Hinge over, bending your knees and sinking your butt while keeping your chest up. Make sure your heels stay on the ground. Your arms should be right outside your legs and your shins should be right at the bar. Then quickly stand back up and as you do, rotate toward the landmine and press the bar across and overhead. Your back foot, the foot closest to the end of the barbell, should pivot as you rotate and press across. Then bring the bar back down and sink back into a deadlift. Move quickly and use your legs to power your press up and across. Complete all reps on one side before switching.

“T-Bar” Row – If you have it you can use the “t bar” handle attachment. If you don’t have it, you will just hold on the barbell below the weights. Step over the barbell and face away from the landmine. Grab the barbell in both hands and squat down slightly as you lean forward. Make sure your back is flat. Pick up the barbell and row it up to your chest and then lower back down. Keep your core tight and your back flat as you row. Drive your elbows up toward the ceiling. You do not want to turn this into a bicep row.Do not let your back round as you row up and then let your arms go back out straight. Do not set the barbell down between reps. Just lower until your arms are straight while your chest stays up and your back is flat. You can also make this into a one hand row if that allows you to use the same weight for all exercises. To do the one arm row, you will stand to one side of the barbell and stagger your feet with the leg closer to the barbell back. Bend your knees and hinge over, keeping your back flat. Then grab the barbell below the weights and row up to your side, keeping your back flat and chest up. Pull it all the way to your chest, driving your elbow up toward the ceiling. Then lower back down and complete all reps on that side before switching.
Knees – Stand facing the landmine with the barbell pressed overhead in both hands and your feet in a staggered stance. Pull the weight down and slightly to the side of the foot that is staggered back. As you pull the weight down, bring that knee in and up toward your chest. Pull the weight and drive the knee toward each other. Then quickly press back overhead and put the knee back down, driving the foot back into the staggered stance. Again, quickly pull the weight down and drive the knee up. Move quickly and explosively. Complete all reps on one side before switching.
