Pull Up/Push Up Pyramid

Stretch and Roll Out:
Upper Back


Complete the pyramid as fast as possible.

You will do 1 pull up, 2 push ups. Then right back to pull ups then push ups again. Completing all the reps with as little rest as possible.

1 Pull Up/2 Push Ups
2 Pull Ups/4 Push Ups
3 Pull Ups/6 Push Ups
4 Pull Ups/8 Push Ups
5 Pull Up/10 Push Ups
6 Pull Ups/12 Push Ups
7 Pull Ups/14 Push Ups
8 Pull Ups/16 Push Ups
9 Pull Ups/18 Push Ups
10 Pull Ups/20 Push Ups
9 Pull Ups/18 Push Ups
8 Pull Ups/16 Push Ups
7 Pull Ups/14 Push Ups
6 Pull Ups/12 Push Ups
5 Pull Up/10 Push Ups
4 Pull Ups/8 Push Ups
3 Pull Ups/6 Push Ups
2 Pull Ups/4 Push Ups
1 Pull Up/2 Push Ups

Stretch and Roll Out:
Upper Back


You can do assisted pull ups if you can’t do full pull ups. You can also regress the push ups. Make sure though that you challenge yourself and that you simply can’t cruise through the workout. You may even want to add a weight vest or do decline push ups to advance further.


Pull Ups – Hang from the bar with your palms facing away (you may also sub in chin ups or a neutral grip pull up). Press your chest out and draw your shoulder blades down and back. Then pull your chin up above the bar. Once your chin reaches above the bar, lower back down. Stay in control. Do not kip or swing. As you fatigue, you may swing a little on the last rep or two, but it shouldn’t be used to do reps quickly. Beginners may want to use a pull up assistance machine or their feet or a band to help them perform their pull ups. Here are also some ways to help you build up your pull ups as well as pictures of assisted pull up variations.

pull up back exercise
Push Ups – Beginners will do either an incline push up with their hands up on a bench or a push up from their knees. Advanced exercisers will do a push up from their hands and toes. For any variation, start by lying on the ground with your legs together. Place your hands outside your chest. Draw your belly button in toward your spine and squeeze your glutes. If doing this move from your toes, you will then press up onto your hands and toes. Your body should move in one straight line. Everything should move together as you press up to the top of the push up with the arms full extended. Do not let your butt go up in the air or your hips sag toward the ground. Do not tuck your chin. Keep your head in line with your spine. Make sure to keep your core tight so your low back doesn’t arch. Then lower back down, making sure your body moves as one unit. Touch your chest to the ground and then lift right back up. If your body doesn’t move together, if you do the “worm” as you press up or down, regress to your knees or an incline push up.

push up isometrics