Stretch and Roll Out:


Complete 3-5 rounds of the circuit below. Rest 30 seconds to 1 minute between rounds.

8-15 reps each side Swing Balance Lunges
10-20 reps Swing Rows
10-20 reps Swing Decline Push Ups
10-20 reps Swing Knee Tucks

Stretch and Roll Out:


This is going to be a very challenging workout. It can also be done on a suspension trainer at home or at the park.


Swing Balance Lunges – Place your back foot up on the swing and hop your front foot out so you are in a nice wide stance. Then lunge down, dropping your back knee toward the ground. Really sit back into the lunge. Make sure you aren’t going forward and that your front knee is not going past your toe. You should feel a nice stretch in the quad of the leg that is back when doing this move. If the swing is too hard because it causes too much instability, you can do this move with your foot up on a bench instead. Beginners may even want to start with a basic split squat on the ground.

Swing Rows – Be careful with this move as the chains can pinch. Grab one chain in each hand and walk your feet forward so you are at an incline. The closer to parallel to the ground you get, the harder the move will be. Keeping your body in a nice straight line, straighten your arms out. Squeeze your glutes and draw your belly button in toward your spine. Press your chest out and then row up. Bend your elbows and pull your hands and the chain in toward your chest. Your body should be in a nice straight line as you row up and as you go back down.

Swing Decline Push Ups – Set up with your ankles in a swing and your hands on the ground under your shoulders. Your body should be in a nice straight line. Your belly button should be pulled in and you should squeeze your glutes tight. Then, keeping your body in a straight line, bend your elbows and drop your chest toward the ground. Do not let your elbows flare way out or your shoulders shrug up as you lower down. Then press back up, keeping your body in a nice straight line. Beginners may need to start with push ups from the ground or incline push ups with their hands on the swing. Beginners can also do incline push ups from a bench.

Swing Knee Tucks – Place your ankles in a swing and your hands on the ground under your shoulders. Your body should be in a nice straight line. Then pull the swing in toward your body, tucking your knees in toward your chest. Once you tuck your knees in, you will straighten your legs back out. Do not let your hips sag as you straighten back out or your butt go up in the air. Keep your body in a nice straight line. Repeat, tucking your knees in and driving your legs back out straight. You can also do oblique knee tucks, bringing your knees in toward one side and then the other. Beginners may do mountain climbers on the ground.
