Hey There! 

I’m Cori Lefkowith, Owner of Redefining Strength

I started Redefining Strength in 2014 with one mission… 

That mission goes beyond goals. We’re here to provide you with a science-backed approach that not only supports your health and fitness journey but also empowers you through education.

My team of experts will guide you in building habits that seamlessly become a part of your lifestyle, ultimately reshaping your identity. Get ready to redefine what strength means to you and embrace a transformative experience with us.

My Story

Like most people, I was clueless when I started trying to get in better shape after gaining weight after college. I picked up some fitness magazines and started working out with no direction. 

I carried on that way for a long time, jumping from diet to diet, workout program to workout program, and supplement to supplement. No matter how hard I tried, I always felt like my body looked the same, and my energy was awful.

I’ve been the idiot who has made every mistake and experimented… even with ridiculous things. I’ve been stuck in that cycle of dieting and depriving myself, binging, feeling guilty, binging again, and then trying a new diet.

I’ve ignored injuries and pushed through, only to end up more injured. I’ve gained weight and lost weight. I’ve worked out hard and then slacked off because I was so burnt out.

And because I’ve made all the mistakes, I now know what works. That’s why I can help you.

I realize that each person has unique needs, and no two fitness journeys will look alike.

I realize you’re going to slip up. Mentally, sometimes you’ll want to give up or start beating yourself up.

I realize you may even be scared to start something new and step outside your comfort zone.

That is why I create programs for real people that meet their individual needs.

With over a decade of experience in the fitness industry, I take pride in implementing a scientific and research-backed approach that leads to amazing results. After witnessing over tens of thousands of people implement and go through my programs, I can confidently tell you what works and what doesn’t work…


Redefining Strength

In 2014, I founded Redefining Strength as an in-person fitness facility in Southern California.

Our training style focuses on functional fitness and developing a sustainable lifestyle through building habits.

Since then, Redefining Strength has evolved into a Comprehensive Online Coaching Program along with our Dynamic Strength App and Registered Dietitian-created Custom Meal Plans.

While we still have our physical facility for in-person events and certifications, it is no longer open to the public for classes. Because I wanted to help more people and impact more lives, our program transitioned online. Now, our world-class coaching and programs can be experienced from anywhere in the world, allowing us to reach a wider audience and make a greater impact.



The Team & Qualifications

Check out a Podcast With The RS Nutrition Team

While I personally have close to 15 years of of experience in the fitness industry, played Division I college tennis, won a state powerlifting championship, and hold multiple certifications, including being a certified personal trainer (CES, PES, FNS, SFS, TFW, and Battle Ropes Level 1), the power and magic of Redefining Strength lie within its team. Our entire team is committed to helping you achieve your fitness goals and transform your life.

At Redefining Strength, our team consists of highly qualified professionals who are dedicated to helping you achieve your fitness goals. Our staff includes multiple coaches with advanced degrees, such as an MS in Exercise & Sport Studies, an MS in Nutrition & Dietetics, and an MS in Health Exercise & Sports Science. We also have multiple Registered Dietitians (RDs) who specialize in different modalities, who oversee your nutrition.

To ensure the highest level of expertise, we have a rigorous selection process for adding new team members. In fact, the last time we expanded our team, we hired less than 2% of the applicants. Harvard and MIT accept and approve more applications than I do 😉

We take pride in the qualifications and expertise of our specialty trainers. They undergo thorough vetting and possess a wealth of knowledge in their respective areas. When you work with our team, you can be confident that you are receiving guidance and support from professionals who are not just qualified but truly overqualified for the task at hand.

With our highly qualified and dedicated team, you can trust that you are in capable hands as you embark on your fitness journey. We are committed to providing you with the best possible guidance, support, and expertise to help you redefine your strength and achieve your goals.

Click here to learn more about our individual team members and qualifications

We also have our own Strong Smart Certification, which is globally recognized by esteemed organizations such as the National Academy of Sports Medicine, the American Exercise Council, the International Sports Sciences Association, and the Athletics and Fitness Association of America.

Our Core Values

At Redefining Strength, our core values of OWNERSHIP, SYNERGY, DRIVE, and PASSION shape everything we do. We take ownership of our actions and constantly strive for improvement. Our team is dedicated to creating a supportive and collaborative environment where everyone is valued and respected.

We are driven by an unwavering pursuit of education. Above all, we are fueled by passion – a passion for our mission and a genuine desire to witness every person we help experience positive transformation.

We take great pride in our achievements. Redefining Strength has garnered global recognition and has been featured in renowned publications such as Women’s Health, Insider, Livestrong, Self, Cosmopolitan, Shape, Elite Daily, IDEAfit magazine, and more. We were also honored to be named a top 10 home workout by The Guardian.

P.S – Be sure to check out our reviews and testimonials

RS In The Press

25 Questions With Cori

If you are curious enough to read this far down on the page, I’ll give you the real dirt on me. What do I like to watch? What do I like to eat? And despite what a Google search says, am I really 5’8? (SPOILER: No)


What is your personal mantra?

Act As If

What is your favorite cheat day food?

Carne Asada Burritos 🌯 and chips and guacamole đŸ„‘ (all of those at once is ideal)

(PS – I have a pretty big sweet tooth too and I think finding that 80/20 balance is Key to succeed long term!)

How Tall are you

Almost 5’4 (on my best day)

Are you Married?

Yep! Ryan and I have been together since 2007! 

What is your favorite desert?

Rice krispy treats with frosting

What is your favorite alcoholic beverage?

A Margarita – any kind 

What is your favorite vacation spot? 

Palm Springs 😎🌮

What is your favorite movie?

I Feel Pretty 

What is your favorite exercise? 

Sumo Barbell Deadlift

(Silly Faces Necessary)

What is the most unexpected piece of advice you ever received?

Your passion is a double edged sword was the gist of what Dave, my GM at the first gym I worked at told me. It was an eye opening moment. And I credit it with making me more self aware to realize how my passion needs to be harnessed.

If you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?

Step into your fears and face them. You don’t know what will or won’t work until you’ve tried so be willing to embrace outside perspectives as opportunities. BE OPEN!

What is one item on your bucket list?

Honestly I don’t have a bucket list as I could never predict what life has already thrown at me. I just want to see where it goes.

What quote most resonates with you?

Whether you believe you can or you can’t, you’re right.

What is your general outlook on life?

You get out of life what you put in. Nothing will ever go as expected so embrace the journey and be willing to take risks.

What brings you the most joy?

When I see something with diet and exercise just CLICK for a client
.that and drinking margaritas with Ryan anywhere near the beach 🏝

If you could learn one skill instantly, what would it be? 


(currently a work in progress)

If you could eliminate one word from the English language, what would it be?


What is your favorite simple pleasure?

That pump from a really good glute burner. No joke. 🍑

What is an unpopular opinion you hold?

We can always move forward and improve no matter what. I believe we are ultimately in control. Stuff happens of course that we can’t control, but we still always have a choice in our perspective and how we take actions.

What do you believe is underrated?

Macros. And being open. 

What do you believe is overrated?

The concept of “clean eating”

What is your favorite thing about yourself?

My awkwardness. 

What are your dogs’ names?

Kiwi and Sushi!

đŸ„ + 🍣

What is the weirdest way you’ve accidentally hurt yourself?

Slipping on a puddle I was trying to jump over in the street in Palm Springs.

What is one trend you wish would come back in style?

Low rise leggings. I have a short torso. High waisted pants go up to my bra.

What is your favorite pump up song

Lizzo – Like A Girl. But previously Fort Minor Remember The Name (I’ll always love this)

What is your favorite tv show?

The Office 

What is your favorite childhood memory

I honestly don’t know
It’s those in between moments I feel are so special that you remember but they’re not really stories.

Like when my mom told me I had to walk home if I beat her at tennis. She was joking but I think it did make me nervous.

Or like random moments just making meals together. Or car trips to tennis tournaments with my mom when we would just talk about random things.

Those moments that aren’t truly special but just have that FEELING when you think back on them. 

What is your favorite kind of weather? 

Hot. Sunny. 90 degrees. Basically I don’t mind sweating. 😎

(The Hotter The Weather The Better)

What is your favorite type of workout

Picking up heavy shizzle

What is your favorite food to cook

one that is cooked for me!? 3 ingredient peanut butter hershey kiss cookies. đŸ€€

What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten

Probably something at an omakase Sushi tasting Tokyo, but I wouldn’t exactly what since there were no translations and they prepared whatever they wanted. 🍣

What movie or tv quote do you repeat the most

Inappropriately – that’s what she said.

Also inappropriately – “I don’t give a flying fart in space.” Bonus Points if you can name that movie