Stretch and Roll Out:


Complete 3-5 rounds of each circuit. Rest no more than a minute between rounds and up to 2 minutes between circuits.

5-10 reps Push Up to Dip
30 seconds -1 minute Power Wheel Push Up Hold

30 seconds -1 minute Inverted Row Hold
8-15 reps Inverted Rows

Complete 5-8 rounds of 30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of rest.

Towel Taz

Stretch and Roll Out:


Do not rest between exercises each round. The whole point is that the first one will fatigue you for the second one and make the second move harder. Rest between rounds and even roll out. You want the same work output each round.


Push Up to Dip –  Set up two kettlebells. The kbs should be narrow enough that you can only really slide your feet through. They should be about hip-width apart. Perform two push ups with your hands on the kettlebell handles. The handles should be right outside your chest. You can do these from your knees or your toes. Then swing your legs through and perform two dips. The more you “swing” through and the less you walk back and forth through the kettlebells, the more challenging the move will become. Make sure that when you do the dip, your butt is back by the kettlebell. Also, the straighter your legs are, the harder the move will be. Bend your knees and walk your feet back toward your butt to make the move easier. This move can also be regressed by doing it on an incline. You can use a bench and do two push ups followed by two dips off the bench. One rep is 2 push ups followed by 2 dips. So you will end up doing a minimum of 6 push ups and 6 dips.

Power Wheel Push Up Hold – Hold a handle of the power wheel in each hand. Place the power wheel under your shoulders and set up on either your knees (beginners) or your toes (advanced). Push up into a high plank position on the wheel. Your arms should be straight and the power wheel should be right under your shoulders. Your body should be in a nice straight line from your head to your heels. Draw your belly button in toward your spine and squeeze your hips. Place your feet closer together to make the moves harder. Hold in that nice straight plank position. Advanced exercisers may want to do small rolls forward with the power wheel as they hold. Slightly roll the power wheel above your shoulders and then bring it back under your shoulders. Your body should stay in a nice straight line as you slightly extend overhead and then pull the wheel back.

Inverted Row Hold – Hold a suspension trainer strap in each hand. Walk your feet out so you are leaning back. The closer to parallel to the ground you get, the harder the move will be. Squeeze your core and glutes and press your chest out so there is tension between your shoulder blades. Then row up, keeping your body in a nice straight line. Row until your chest comes up to the handles and hold there. Do not let your hips sag or your body arch as you hold.

Inverted Rows – Hold a suspension trainer strap in each hand. Walk your feet out so you are leaning back. The closer to parallel to the ground you get, the harder the move will be. Squeeze your core and glutes and press your chest out so there is tension between your shoulder blades. Then row up, keeping your body in a nice straight line. Row until your chest comes up to the handles and then lower yourself back down. Don’t let your hips sink as you lower back down. Also, keep your chest pressed out the entire time (do not let your low back arch though).If there is no bar or XT/TRX on which to do rows, do scapular push ups or corner rows.

Towel Taz – Grab a bath towel,moving blanket, fleece blanket or whatever you have on hand. The bigger and heavier the towel, the harder the move will be. Grab a corner of the towel in each and and start shaking the towel as powerfully and as quickly as you can up and down while moving quickly around from side to side, in a circle, forwards, backwards and every which way. Move quickly, taking only a few steps in each direction as you shake the towel. Keep your chest up and do not round your back. You can shake the towel up and down and in and out. The quicker you move, the harder the move will be.
