5 Bodyweight Moves For A Full Body Cardio Workout

The most common excuse I hear as to why people can’t workout or stick to a plan is…

“I don’t have time.”

And it’s a valid excuse to some extent.

Most of us are short on time between work and family obligations.

However, we also put too much stress on working out LONGER over making use of the time we have.

Too often we think we need an hour in the gym 6 days a week to get results.

When that isn’t really the case.

Instead we need to focus on being more efficient with our workouts and planning for the time we DO have.

When you’re short on time, there’s a few things you can do to plan your workouts to maximize the time you have.

Choose higher intensity compound, and even hybrid movements. Focus on moves that work multiple big muscle groups at once.

Adjust your rest so you can spend more time working while still recovering enough to keep your intensity high throughout the workout.

This can mean not only using active rest, but cycling the areas that are worked each interval. If you focus on legs then upper body then maybe core, muscles can rest while others work.

Use your time wisely and you’ll maximize the work you can get done even if you only have 10-30 minutes!

Don’t let your busy schedule hold you back from getting the results you want!

You can get more out of less time, you just have to plan for the time you actually do have instead of wishing you had more time to train!

So if you’re short on time, and don’t have access to a gym, try one of these two workouts:

  • The 20-Minute Full-Body Interval Blast
  • The Interval Pyramid

Both use just the 5 bodyweight moves for a full body cardio workout shown in the video!

And both can be done at home, in under 30 minutes, even including a proper warm up and time to cool down!

If you love these moves and workouts, you’ll want to check out my Cardio Burners!

–> The Cardio Burners

The 20-Minute Full-Body Interval Blast

Set a timer for 30 second intervals of work and move from exercise to exercise in the circuit without resting. Use the Two-Way March as active rest between rounds. Beginners can even choose to rest instead of doing the march or add an additional 30 seconds of rest between rounds. Complete 4 rounds through the circuit.

30 seconds Double Lunge Burpee
30 seconds Push Up Scorpions
30 seconds Squat Cross Jacks
30 seconds C-Sit Rotational Knees
30 seconds Two-Way March (Active Rest)

The Interval Pyramid

Start with 45 seconds of each move. After you work for 45 seconds on all 5 moves, start back over with the burpees, working for 30 seconds on each move. After all 5 moves, go back to the burpee for 15 seconds. After you complete 15 seconds of work, start over at the top of the circuit, working for 30 seconds on each move. Then do one final round through of 45 seconds on each move. If needed, add in 15-45 seconds of rest between rounds but do not rest between moves in that round.

45 seconds Double Lunge Burpee
45 seconds Push Up Scorpions
45 seconds Squat Cross Jacks
45 seconds Two-Way March
45 seconds C-Sit Rotational Knees

30 seconds Double Lunge Burpee
30 seconds Push Up Scorpions
30 seconds Squat Cross Jacks
30 seconds Two-Way March
30 seconds C-Sit Rotational Knees

15 seconds Double Lunge Burpee
15 seconds Push Up Scorpions
15 seconds Squat Cross Jacks
15 seconds Two-Way March
15 seconds C-Sit Rotational Knees

30 seconds Double Lunge Burpee
30 seconds Push Up Scorpions
30 seconds Squat Cross Jacks
30 seconds Two-Way March
30 seconds C-Sit Rotational Knees

45 seconds Double Lunge Burpee
45 seconds Push Up Scorpions
45 seconds Squat Cross Jacks
45 seconds Two-Way March
45 seconds C-Sit Rotational Knees

If you love these moves and workouts, you’ll want to check out my Cardio Burners!

–> The Cardio Burners