Stretch and Roll Out:


Complete 3-5 rounds of the first exercise, resting 1-2 minutes between rounds. Then rest 2-3 minutes before moving on to the supplemental supersets. Complete 5-8 rounds of each superset. Rest 30 seconds between rounds of the supersets and 1-2 minutes between supersets.

8-12 reps per side 3-Count Eccentric 1/2 Squat, 1/2 Deadlift

30 seconds Duck Under Lunge
30 seconds Farmer’s Walk
30 seconds Rest

30 seconds Get Up Lunge
30 seconds Kettlebell Swings
30 seconds Rest

Stretch and Roll Out:


For the first exercise, focus on the slow tempo and adding as much weight as you can while maintaining good form.

For all of the timed movements, pick a variation that challenges you but that allows you to move the entire 30 seconds. If you rest, you won’t get as much out of the 30 seconds. Only add weight or make the move more challenging if you can keep working at a consistent pace the entire time.


3-Count Eccentric 1/2 Squat, 1/2 Deadlift – To do the 1/2 Squat, 1/2 Deadlift, start by standing on your right leg. Then start to bend your right knee as you drive your left leg back and hinge over. Keep your back flat as you hinge over and sit your butt back. You are going to hinge over as you also squat down on your right leg. Try to touch the ground without rounding your low back. Make sure to push your butt back as you sit back in your heel and squat down. Take 3 seconds or a 3 count to hinge over and touch the ground. Once you’ve gone as low as you can, you will come back up to standing. Try not to touch your left toe down between reps. Hinge back over, sitting your butt back as you bend your standing leg to squat down. Touch the ground and come back up. Go as low as you can each time and take 3 seconds to lower down. The more you bend your knee as you hinge over, the harder the move will be.


Duck Under Lunge – To do the Duck Under Lunge, hold the sandbag up at your chest with your arms wrapped around it. Then squat down, sitting your butt back while keeping your chest up. To come up out of the squat, rotate toward the right, pivoting your left foot. Stand up nice and tall, facing to the right with your back leg in triple extension. Do not let your foot stay put and your knee cave in. Pivot your back foot so that, when you straighten your leg, your ankle, knee and hip are all in line.  Then sink down into a lunge and pivot into a squat. From the squat, pivot and rotate up toward the left side, pivoting your right foot. Keep your chest up the entire time. Do not let your back round toward the ground. Also do not lean forward to try to get lower to the ground. Sink as low as you can in the squat without your form breaking down then quickly pivot up to each side. As you get comfortable with the move, try to make it as fluid as possible. The move should look like a “U” shape. You will sink down into a little lunge and pivot into a squat before rotating into a lunge on the other side and standing up. Beginners may need to make it look more like a “V” until their hips open up more. Beginners may also need to drop the weight or not go as low.


Farmer’s Walk – To do a Farmer’s Walk, you can hold dumbbells, kettlebells, water jugs or any sort of weights in each hand. Use as heavy a weight as you can grip while maintaining a nice tall posture. Stand up nice and tall with your arms down by your sides and your chest pressed out. Make sure your core is braced so you don’t feel your low back engaging. Holding the weights in each hand begin to walk forward, making sure the weights aren’t resting on your legs. Hold them just off your thighs. Walk around for a set distance or an amount of time, maintaining perfect posture. You want to use weights that challenge you and make you want to drop them just before the time or distance is out.  Do not let your head jut forward or your shoulders round. Do not let the weights rest on your legs. Keep your core tight and glutes engaged as you walk with your shoulders down and back and your head up.


Get Up Lunge – To do the Get Up Lunge, start standing with your feet together. Then sit your butt back and sink into a little squat. Then lunge back to half kneeling on the ground. Keep your chest up as you half kneel down. Lunge back on the other leg until you are fully kneeling on the ground. Keep your chest up and back flat as you come to kneeling. Then step one foot forward to return to half kneeling before pushing back up into the little squat. Repeat either lunging back with the same leg or by alternating sides. To make this move harder, add a weight. Beginners may need to add a pad under their knees if they can’t get all the way down to the ground. Make sure that even when you stand up, you don’t completely extend your legs. You want to stay in that little squat even at the top so your legs are working the entire time.


Kettlebell Swings – For Kettlebell Swing form and variations, click here.
