Bird Dog Plank

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To do the Forearm Bird Dog Plank, set up in a plank position from your forearms and toes with your elbows under your shoulders and your feet about hip-width apart. Placing your feet closer together will make the move more challenging because your core will have to work harder to stay balanced.

Then, holding this plank position, lift one arm and the opposite leg up off the ground. Reach them as if reaching toward opposite walls. Do not rotate open or let your butt go up in the air as you reach. Also, engage your glute as you lift your leg so that your low back doesn’t take over.

Pause at the top of the lift then lower back down and lift the other arm and leg.

Move slowly and stay balanced. You can also stay on one side as that will be easier to stay balanced.

Do not rush this move or let your core wiggle a ton as you perform the arm and leg lift. You want to keep your core stable.