5 Diet and Exercise Myths

5 Diet and Exercise Myths

There are lots of different opinions and perspectives out there. 

And while I think this is a good thing, it can also lead to us creating beliefs and habits that don’t serve us.

That’s why in this episode I’m excited to chat with RS coach Cathy about some common diet and exercise myths she sees holding people back and even why there is no perfect workout or diet plan out there!

00:00 – Intro
00:42 – The “Perfect” Plan
02:18 – 5 Diet and Exercise Myths
29:40 – Your Magic Macros
35:38 – Workout Design

FHP 536 – Postpartum Fitness – What You Need To Know

FHP 536 – Postpartum Fitness – What You Need To Know

Are you a new mom juggling baby care and fitness goals? In this episode, I’m joined by my fabulous trainer Rachel, a new mom, who shares her real-life experiences and strategies to balance motherhood and personal fitness. In this candid conversation, we uncover the often-unspoken realities of being a new parent, discussing the importance of setting realistic fitness goals, embracing constant life changes, and building a healthy lifestyle that includes the whole family.

Rachel discusses how she fits workouts into her hectic schedule without compromising on her role as a mom. We dissect the significance of creating a routine and schedule for workouts that fit seamlessly into your existing lifestyle. Furthermore, we highlight the importance of self-care and mental health in the journey of parenthood. Rachel emphasizes the need for new moms to learn when to hit the pause button, and why it’s essential to prioritize your own health and wellbeing, even amidst the chaos of motherhood.

We’ll also cover some practical meal prep hacks, which can make maintaining a healthy diet less of a chore. From bulk prepping to freezing meals, we dive into various strategies that can help you stay on track with your nutrition goals.

Learn my 3 step recipe to lose fat and keep it off without feeling miserable.

–> The 3-Step Recipe To Lasting Results


FHP 452 – The Self Control Gas Tank

FHP 452 – The Self Control Gas Tank

As we go into a New Year, we may be motivated to make some changes – to reach new goals.

But all too often, only a few weeks into the New Year and new habits, we find ourselves completely unmotivated and lacking the “willpower” to maintain some of the habits we’ve created.

Are we just doomed to fail?

Do we just not have the self control or discipline that others have?

Or are we just approaching changes the wrong way?

I think it is key we realize one big thing and then implement these 4 tips to help us see results…

And that big thing we need to realize is that…


During the day, there are so many things that happen that can deplete it.

That’s why the more changes we make at once, and the more dramatic those changes, the more they become harder to implement when other things come up and our tank is already on EMPTY.

It’s why we can feel like we just don’t have the willpower of someone else.

Because we are trying to force changes that don’t meet us where we are at and cause the gas tank to have to be full to be maintained.

Since life though so often doesn’t allow for us to maintain a full gas tank all of the time, I wanted to share 4 tips I think can help you make changes that don’t just rely on motivation and self control to sustain….

#1: Understand your current lifestyle – your beastette origin story.
– Where are you truly at currently? Realistic changes mean knowing your current position…and even understanding your pain!


#2: List your nonnegotiable.
– What are things that you like that the restriction instantly drains you?

#3: Create one small repeatable habit that can fly under the radar.
– What habit will you not even notice you have to do?

#4: Have a reminder of WHY you want this goal and why these changes are worth it to replenish your stores!
– Why does the pain of staying stuck outweigh the pain of change?

By creating changes in this way, we can help ourselves not feel like we need a full gas tank to keep moving forward. We can even find ways to create habits that keep us moving forward when times are tough.

We can even better embrace doing the minimum at times when we know our tank is on E!

FHP 412 – Someone Always Has it Easier

FHP 412 – Someone Always Has it Easier

Guess what?

Someone always has it easier than you. And someone always has it harder than you.

But also guess what?


All you can ever do is work based on your situation, your needs, your goals, your lucky breaks and horrible setbacks.

I don’t say this to be uncaring or unfeeling.

Life can really push us to our breaking points at times.

But the simple fact is, all we can ever do is try to find a way forward if we want results.

As harsh as this sounds, sometimes we need to tell ourselves to stop trying to blame our lack of results or progress on our situation.

The simple fact is…A. We often don’t know what it took for someone else to succeed so trying to “claim” they had it easier is a waste of breath and only holds us back.

And B. Ultimately whether we see everything in our life as a reason NOT to move forward or a reason TO move forward is up to us.

Maybe it’s because I’m openly a control freak, but I love to realize that whether I succeed or fail, or even decide to TRY at something, is my fault.


See everything as your “fault” aka give yourself control!

When it’s our fault that means we have the ability and power to make a change.

Sure we can’t stop it from raining, BUT we can control our reaction to the rain. We can skip our run outside or see it as a chance to even just do some mobility work inside while switching our run to the next day.

Realize you can see things as opportunities or obstacles.

And realize that by taking ownership…It’s also your win if you do succeed.

It makes it within your power to at ANY point make a change.

It of course sucks when you do fail. But still…at least you tried and learned and are in control to pick yourself back up and keep moving forward.

Tip #2…Recognize failure is a part of success!

We have to realize that no success is really ever smooth or easy. Success comes from failing and getting back up. From beating your head into a wall repeatedly until you find a way through.

It’s messy and frustrating and sucky AF at times.

But ultimately, no matter our situation, we can choose to embrace this pain or give up.

Everyone had to go through those ups and downs no matter how easy we think they had it.

And honestly, what they had to deal with really doesn’t matter. It doesn’t impact what YOU have to do.

So why compare?


Realize you are going to go through ups and downs no matter what. And embrace and learn from those ebbs and flows.

Tip #3….Realize it doesn’t matter….

Honestly you also have to simply remind yourself that it doesn’t matter!

You have your situation and you have to face it if you want to move forward.

Sure we may have many struggles. We may not have what we used to have.

But if we want to move forward, we can.

No matter what.

And whatever happened for anyone else out there doesn’t dictate our personal success.

So we need to stop worrying about what it took for them. We need to focus on where we are and what we need as our needs and goals constantly evolve.

Focus on you. It’s all you can do! And it is really all that matters!


Take ownership of your journey. Even love when the odds are stacked against you.

It makes it that much more sweet when you succeed. When you rebuild stronger. When you prove them all wrong.

Be true to you and live your best, healthiest and happiest life.

FHP 409 – Starting From Scratch

FHP 409 – Starting From Scratch

I’m telling you this as an incredibly stubborn, at times very pigheaded, person that definitely likes to learn by doing…and failing.

However, over time, as much as I value those learning experiences, I’ve come to realize it’s ok to want a little “cheat code” to get better results faster and skip over the mess.

There will be plenty of ups and downs along the way even having that guide.

Honestly, I’ve begun to really question my previous beliefs about starting from scratch and having to make the mistakes myself.

I mean, why start from scratch when you can learn from the mistakes of others and leap frog months or even years past where you would be if you had to do it on your own?

That isn’t admitting you couldn’t do it on your own.

It’s being smart enough not to waste time and even find ways you could improve upon those helpful hints and such to get further than you would have otherwise.

And it’s not only about using the experiences of others…it’s using your own previous knowledge to build off of versus feeling like you have to start over each time.

So because I’ve found that the more I avoid trying to reinvent the wheel or start from scratch to be so helpful in getting better results faster, I wanted to share 3 specific insights I hope will benefit you as well.

#1: Review Your Past Failures And Experiences

Life doesn’t start over. So even when we’re starting a new plan or working toward a new goal, we have a whole host of background experiences we can draw from.

Instead of ignoring our previous experiences, we need to use them to help us build.

Before starting something new, sit down and assess your personality a bit.

How you respond to changes.

Consider what has led to your greatest results and fastest progress…how have you implemented changes at these times?

Assess your failures. Don’t hide from them or ignore them.

Why did these pitfalls occur?

That can help you avoid starting something completely new that has the same potential outcome because it will lead to those same issues arising.

But take time to really assess who you are and what you need.

Draw from your previous experiences and even your knowledge.

The more we can tie new changes into what is known and what works, the more we can often avoid mistakes and pitfalls and even move forward faster!

It honestly goes back to the whole thing of, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

Don’t act like you have to start over every time. Use your strengths and learn from your mistakes!

#2: Read Perspectives You Even Dislike

So this one can be frustrating at times, but I feel like too often we get into situations where all we look for and hear is feedback that re-inforces what we already believe.

And often if we aren’t moving forward, this only keeps us stuck on habits and systems that aren’t working.

It reinforces beliefs we need to let go of.

It also doesn’t let us reflect on our own abilities to better utilize those things to build off of.

While it isn’t fully us starting from “scratch” per say, it is us starting from scratch in that we will seek out completely new things that fit only within a narrow window that cause us to have the same learning experiences over and over again.

We aren’t using someone else’s knowledge or our own strong points to move forward.

It’s why it can be so key to search for different perspectives.

It may be hard to hear at times, but it gives you a chance to honestly reflect on your own beliefs.

It’s key though that, when we DO read or listen to these other perspectives, instead of trying to poke holes, we try to see the opportunity in what they are saying.

Why could it work? Why could it be right?

What would this change?

This can help us better filter what is or isn’t working for us in our current situation.

It may solidify viewpoints we do have, but it can also help us make tweaks that improve upon where we are starting from.

Be open to questioning. It can truly help you move forward faster by learning from other’s experiences even too and mistakes!

And it can help you avoid repeating the same old things you’ve always done that haven’t yielded the results you want!

#3: Hire A Coach Or Join A Mastermind/Group

I won’t lie to you, this is why I believe my online coaching program is so fabulous.

But I also started this coaching program after I realized just how much having a coach had helped me in my own life.

I’d always had a coach growing up for sports.

But for some reason, upon graduating from college, I began to think I didn’t need a coach.

Yes I went to workshops and did have other people train me, but I think I got a bit cocky, in multiple areas of my life, thinking I could learn to do it better on my own.

When I finally found myself super stuck spinning my wheels, and also realizing that as a coach it was NOT practicing what I preach to be resistant to coaching, I got myself a coach.

No in this case it wasn’t for fitness, BUT it changed everything.

That experience, embracing a new perspective again, having that accountability, a person to ask questions of, a person to learn from to avoid mistakes and even remind me of wins….

Well that helped me move forward faster, and honestly further, than I would have on my own.

We can go super far on our own. But anyone who wants greatest begins to realize that two heads are better than one.

And we all need that outside perspective.

Heck, olympic athletes that win gold have coaches for a reason. And sometimes multiple ones for different areas.


So just remember it isn’t that you can’t do it on your own…it’s that you know how valuable your time is and you want the best for yourself so you seek out that outside help so you aren’t starting from scratch and can get further faster while avoiding unnecessary mistakes!

For the 3 FOUNDATIONAL steps to help you see better results faster by dialing in your nutrition and workouts, check out this training video:

–> 3 Step Recipe For Lasting Results…

FHP 349 – The Definition Of Insanity

FHP 349 – The Definition Of Insanity

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”

We all nod in agreement when we hear this.

We all know change requires change.

Yet for some reason, all too often we keep doing more of the same.

And not only repeating the same habits, but often literally trying to do MORE of them!!!

So we are doing the thing that isn’t working and doing more of it, and expecting a different result…should we question our own sanity?!

How does it seem so obvious looking in from the outside, yet we all truly do this.

I know I’m guilty of it.

And I think it is because there are certain habits that just feel safe. They’ve wormed their way into our comfort zone.

And they are based on a piece of the puzzle that, yes, is correct.

However, they aren’t working.

Whether it’s the fully system that is missing, improper implementation…whatever…we are doing something, and keep doing something that isn’t getting us results, especially long term results.

And so often, it isn’t only not working now, BUT it’s setting us up to fail long term.

But it’s hard to take that step back and see this.

It’s hard to even stop the immediate gratification of FEELING like we’re doing something now or seeing instant results that often backfire, for long-term thinking.

It’s hard to accept even two steps back NOW for 10 steps forward in a future…at a date we can’t fully predict.

But again…Change requires change.

So a few things I’ve used to help myself, and my clients embrace the discomfort of something new and stop the insanity it is so easy to trap ourselves in.

#1: You can always go back.

If you’re going to try something new, try it. Give it your all. And realize, you can always go back. But the only way to see if there is something better, is to test.

What have you got to lose? You’re not happy right now. You’ve been looking for something new and better…

Why not give yourself the change?

Set an end date to assess, but commit to the time to truly see if it works. We can’t half do something and then say it doesn’t work. We’ve got to truly embrace the changes.

#2: Remind yourself of why you wanted the change.

Remind yourself that you aren’t happy with where you are current. Remind yourself that change requires change.

Too often we forget that what we have done in the past, what we want to continue to do is why we are where we are. Why we’re trapped in a horrible yo-yo dieting cycle.

Honestly, even write a list of the habits you’ve done and the cycle they created. Post that somewhere to remind yourself when you want to fall back into them.

#3: Step back to step forward.

I get it. We all want instant gratification.

But if your foundation is flawed, and you just try to build a house on it because you want the house to be done? Well it will end up a disaster.

If you notice a crack, an issue, a flaw, the sooner you go back to fix it the better, EVEN if it sets you back to start.

Sometimes, we have to realize that progress may not mean moving forward instantly.

It’s why setting even an end date and having something specifically we are tracking is key in terms of habit changes.

Because it may feel like you go backward before you go forward so seeing those habit changes as wins can help you see the positives building!

#4: Life doesn’t pause. You can’t start over.

Life doesn’t pause. You can’t erase what you’ve done prior. All you can do is build for the future.

Remember it’s a constant learning experience and that in life we should always be seeking to improve.

But that means letting go of old things and realizing that we may have to be uncomfortable.

And the more you do, the more you do.

The more you jump into the discomfort, the more comfortable you get with it because it’s now oddly familiar to be uncomfortable!


Just remember, change requires change and often those changes aren’t easy.

And in the moment when you want to revert back to old habits just think….

If a friend came to you and was repeating the habits that they’d always done and expecting a different result, what would you say to them?

If you’re ready to make a change and break through those old habits holding you back, learn more about the 3-Part RS Formula…