Your Dream Body Starts Today.

Sick of working hard with no results? Let our sweaty,
fun workouts guide you to the body you deserve!

Your Dream Body Starts Today.

Sick of working hard
with no results? Let our
sweaty, fun workouts guide
you to the body you deserve!

Why Haven’t You Gotten Results?

Why do we get focused on a goal weight? On what our friends, or that other person at the gym is doing?

We each need to find our own journey to feel strong, confident, healthy and happy.

Redefining Strength will help you reach your fitness goals and make lifestyle changes that STICK for REAL RESULTS!

Real People, Real Results

Stop making excuses! The first step is getting started. Put in the hard work and it pays off. Are you committed to real results?

Ashley C.

Lost 50 Pounds

Nadika and Channa

Lost over 100 pounds combined

Starla H.

Lost 20 Pounds for her wedding

Alexei M

Lost over 25 pounds

Tanya B.

Lost over 30 pounds

Laura J.

Got Abs!


Lost body fat and gained muscle

Kelly S.

Lost over 15 pounds


Got in shape for surfing

*These are real clients. Results may not be typical


The reason I can get my clients great results is because I’ve been the idiot that has made every mistake and experimented…Even with ridiculous things. I’ve been stuck in that diet and deprive, binge, guilt, binge, try a new diet cycle.

I’ve ignored injuries and pushed through only to end up more injured. I’ve gained weight and lost weight. I’ve worked out hard and then slacked off because I’m so burnt out.

And because I’ve made all the mistakes, I now know what works. That’s why I can help you.

I realize that each person has unique needs and no two fitness journeys will look alike.

I realize you’re going to slip up. That mentally sometimes you’ll want to give up or start beating yourself up.

I realize you may even be scared to start something new and get outside your comfort zone.

That is why I create programs for real people that meet their individual needs.

I’m more than just a ton of certifications. My knowledge is from real world experience, dealing with real people just like you!

Our Proven Three Key Formula

How do so many people get such great results at Redefining Strength? They follow our proven three step formula. Below are the three steps.

#1: Full Body Blast Training

We all hate to hear this word, but it is ESSENTIAL to getting results…CONSISTENCY!

If you want results, you have to find something you’ll stick with.That is why it is important that your workouts are constantly challenging you while being fun and interesting.

With Redefining Strength’s training programs, I’ll constantly challenge you with new moves and fun workouts that fit your schedule.

I realize not everyone has hours to spend at the gym every day.

I realize that people travel and have family and work obligations, which is why, even if you train with me in person most of the time, you’ll also get quick, efficient workouts you can do anywhere!

With Redefining Strength you’ll have no excuse not to fit a workout into your crazy busy life and get the results you deserve!

#2: The Macro Shred Diet

We do it do it all of the time…We say we are going to lose weight and get in the best shape of our lives. Yet all too often we never actually get started or after a month we’ve already given up!

And it’s not because there is something wrong with us or other people have more self-control. It’s because we aren’t setting ourselves up with a REALISTIC plan. Dieting has come to mean deprivation, but it doesn’t have to!

We offer a diet program that helps you get results without giving up the foods you love! Create a LIFESTYLE you can stick to LONG-TERM so you not only lose the weight, but keep it off!

#2: The Macro Shred Diet

We do it do it all of the time…We say we are going to lose weight and get in the best shape of our lives. Yet all too often we never actually get started or after a month we’ve already given up!

And it’s not because there is something wrong with us or other people have more self-control. It’s because we aren’t setting ourselves up with a REALISTIC plan. Dieting has come to mean deprivation, but it doesn’t have to!

We offer a diet program that helps you get results without giving up the foods you love! Create a LIFESTYLE you can stick to LONG-TERM so you not only lose the weight, but keep it off!

The Community

Together we can go farther than we can alone. But sometimes our friends and family aren’t always fully on board with our lifestyle changes.

That is why having a supportive community of people on their own fitness journeys is so important to your success.

That is why I’ve created both an in-person and online Redefining Strength community where you can go for support, accountability or to meet new people and have some fun!

Whether you join the gym or train with RS from afar, you’ll gain access to our amazing, supportive community of trainers and clients!

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Have questions about our programs or training? Get in touch!