Stretch and Roll Out:
Complete 3-5 rounds of each of the following circuits. Rest no more than a minute between rounds and 1-2 minutes between circuits.
8-15 reps per side Side to Side Lunges
8-15 reps per side Lateral Hops
8-15 reps per side Backward Single Leg Lunge
8-15 reps per side Lunge back with Explosive Knee Drive
8-15 reps per side Single Leg Squats
8-15 reps per side Single Leg Alternating Squat Jump
Stretch and Roll Out:
NOTES: Challenge yourself by doing the hardest bodyweight variation you can. Also slow down the tempo of the repetition and do more reps to make the workout harder. Do not add weight to any of these moves.
Side to Side Lunges – Step your feet wide apart with both toes pointing straight ahead. Your feet will be wider than shoulder-width apart. Then, you are going to bend the right knee and sit your butt back into a lunge on the right side. Keep your left leg straight. Both toes should still be pointing straight ahead. Keep your right heel down as you sink into the lunge. Push your butt back and keep your chest up and back flat. Then slowly slide across until your left knee is bent and your right leg is straight. Make sure both heels stay down as you move from a side lunge on one side to a side lunge on the other. Stay as low as you can as you move slowly from one side to the other. Beginners may need to stand up in the middle. Do not move your feet as you alternate lunges. The slower you move and the lower you get, the harder the move will be.
Lateral Hops – Start to one side of the space you have to use with each hand holding a suspension trainer strap. You are going to jump lateral, holding the straps and hopping from one foot to the other while trying to move as quickly and cover as much distance as possible. If you start to the right, you are going to push off your right leg and push yourself laterally as far as you can. When you land, you will land on your left leg. Keep your chest facing straight ahead. As you land, sink into a variation of the skater lunge. Then push off your left leg and jump back right, landing on your right foot. Try not to touch the other foot down when you land. Only touch if you need to. Beginners may need to go slower and not jump as far. As you advance, do not pause on either side of the jump to balance. Also, make sure you are jumping as far as quickly as possible.
Backward Single Leg Lunge – Stand facing the suspension trainer. Hold a strap in each hand. Step back so there isn’t slack in the straps. Then, standing nice and tall, lift one leg off the ground. Bend the lifted knee to 90 degrees with your foot back behind you. Then bend your front knee as if lunging backward. As you squat down, kick the back leg back and lean forward just slightly. Use the straps to help you balance. Sink as low as you can, lunging back while keeping that back leg bent and the foot off the ground. Beginners may not be able to go as low. Do not let your back toe touch down. Then drive straight back up to standing, bring the leg that lunged back forward to meet your standing leg. Complete all reps on one side before switching.
Lunge back with Explosive Knee Drive – Stand facing the suspension trainer. Hold a strap in each hand. Step back so there isn’t much slack in the straps. Then lunge backward with one foot and bend both knees as if kneeling to the ground. Quickly explode out of the backward lunge, driving the knee of the leg that lunged back forward and up. Come up to standing and squeeze your glute as you quickly drive the knee up. Keep your chest up nice and tall throughout the entire move. Then sink right back into a backward lunge and repeat. Complete all reps on one side before switching.
Single Leg Squats – Beginners may find they need to use a box step while more advanced lifters may use TRX or XT straps for balance. To perform the basic single leg squat with a suspension trainer, stand holding one handle in each hand. Move back so that the straps are relax but there isn’t a ton of slack. Stand on one leg with the other leg straight out in front of you. Push your butt back and sit into your heel going as low as you can. Then driving up off the heel on the ground, stand back up using your arms on the suspension trainer only as much as needed to stand back up. Do not lean way forward or touch your raised foot to the ground. Do not turn this move into a pull up. If you are feeling it only in your arms, this variation may not be right for you yet. To advance the move further, hold only one strap. Start by holding a strap in the opposite hand from the standing leg and then progress to holding it in the same hand as the standing leg.
Single Leg Alternating Squat Jump – Stand holding one handle in each hand. Move back so that the straps are relax but there isn’t a ton of slack. Stand on one leg with the other leg straight out in front of you. Push your butt back and sit into your heel squatting down to just above parallel. Do not squat too low. You do not want to go below parallel. Then driving through the heel, come out of the squat and jump up, landing on the other foot. Quickly go down into a squat on that side and jump back up landing back on the foot you started on. Keep alternating legs until all reps are complete. Beginners may not want to squat down very low at all and may want to slow down the move, pausing between jumps. They can also do a small jump with their foot barely coming off the ground as they jump to the other foot. Advanced exercisers will want to move as quickly as possible and jump as high and as powerfully as possible.