Meet The…

Redefining Strength Team

Helen Keller once said, ‘Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much We really take that to heart here at Redefining Strength because we know that our team’s combined passion and expertise is our secret sauce.

I’ve been in the fitness game for over a decade, from playing Division I college tennis, to winning a state powerlifting championship, and gathering a whole bunch of certifications (CES, PES, FNS, SFS, TFW, you name it!). But the truth is, Redefining Strength is not just about me, it’s about all of us together.

Comprised of top-tier experts in their respective fields, our team harnesses a shared commitment to guide you in achieving your fitness goals and transforming your life. Our diverse group of professionals brings together a wealth of knowledge and experiences. Ranging from certified nutritionists, RDs, and personal trainers specializing in various modalities, to holders of advanced degrees, our team members offer comprehensive fitness and nutrition guidance tailored to your unique needs. 

The bottom line? At Redefining Strength, we’re not just a team – we’re a fitness family. We’re here to support, guide, and cheer you on as you crush your fitness goals and transform your life. So, are you ready to redefine your strength with us? Let’s make it happen, together!”

Meet The Redefining Strength

Leadership Team



I’m Cori Lefkowith the founder of Redefining Strength. The reason I can get my clients great results is because I’ve been the idiot that has made every mistake and experimented…Even with ridiculous things. I’ve been stuck in that diet and deprive, binge, guilt, binge, try a new diet cycle.

I’ve ignored injuries and pushed through only to end up more injured. I’ve gained weight and lost weight. I’ve worked out hard and then slacked off because I’m so burnt out.

And because I’ve made all the mistakes, I now know what works. That’s why I can help you.

I realize that each person has unique needs and no two fitness journeys will look alike. I’m a fitness nerd and former Division I tennis player and the 2011 Massachusetts/Rhode Island State Best Overall Raw Lifter. I can’t wait to help you on your journey 😊



Hey, I’m Ryan, and I’m Cori’s sidekick and #1 fan. I grew up in Southern California playing just about every sport imaginable. I’ve always had a passion for helping people. I attended Berklee College of Music in Boston, MA, where I met Cori while we were both in college in the same city.

Fun fact: Our first date was when I told her I was going to show up to her tennis match, and I took her out to sushi afterward. Now we live in Southern California and have two dogs named Kiwi and Sushi.

Before joining Cori at Redefining Strength, I was a jingle writer! You’ll find me behind the camera at Redefining Strength, supporting all of your amazing health and fitness journeys!



My name is Jessica, and I am so honored to be a part of your journey to becoming your best self!

I will be the first to tell you that this journey isn’t an easy one, and I know that because I have taken it myself. But I don’t want you to be afraid, worried, or feel overwhelmed. You aren’t venturing out alone this time!

I grew up on a farm in rural Alberta, Canada, and moved to the United States for college. I met and married my college sweetheart and moved to our dream Colorado ski town.

I’m an adventure seeker and thrive when the adrenaline is pumping. I’m an expert skier, backcountry snowmobiler, single-track and downhill mountain biker, and scuba diver. I’m also a wife and mom of three, and I love living the empty-nest lifestyle!



My name is Michelle Alley and I am a registered dietitian. I believe in keeping nutrition simple and sustainable. We should enjoy our eating, not suffer from it. I know that small wins day to day create momentum towards larger goals. My spark for nutrition came as a collegiate track athlete who learned quite literally that I could not outrun a bad diet. 

Since then I have earned two degrees in nutrition (BS in Dietetics, BS in Health Sciences with a Nutrition Emphasis) I and have worked the last 9 years counseling others to reach their nutrition and fitness goals. I’m an avid hiker, and love the outdoors. I’m also a bit competitive and love finding new challenges to continue to push myself and see what I am capable of. My current fitness journey has me pursuing triathlons and trail runs.

Meet The Redefining Strength

Coaching Team



I’m Brooke and I’m a Registered Dietitian! Fitness, athletics, and nutrition have always been apart of my life! I grew up playing every sport out there, but truly fell in love with soccer. I eventually went on to play Division 1 soccer but during that time realized my passion was more in nutrition and overall fitness, not just soccer. I graduated in nutrition and dietetics.

I married my high school sweetheart who was also a college athlete so you bet there’s always a competition going on in our house. I love lifting, running, hiking, cycling, cooking and taking walks with my husband and dog 🙂 I love coffee and warm weather! What I love most about nutrition is that there is always a place to start! No matter where you are in your journey, I will meet you there and will help you take little steps to get you to you overall goals! All foods fit, and I am here to help you learn how to eat for YOUR body, and feel YOUR best every single day!

💪Super Strong With…All things nutrition (macros, meal planning, sustainable plans), woman’s health, general fitness

Education: B.S. in Nutrition and Dietetics, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Certification



I believe that health and wellness are the foundation that the rest of our lives spring from. My personal coaching philosophy stems from a deep belief that health is the vehicle that can usher in total life transformation. As you come into alignment with who you are, what’s important to you, and who you want to be, those intentions will bleed into your daily actions/habits/and mindset. Fitness helped to take me from a college dropout prone to anxiety and addiction to confident, thriving, and living a life of purpose. As we dive into WHY YOU are on this journey and what it means to you, we will come to know what shifts we need to make. You are the expert on where you want to go – I’m here to give you a roadmap on how to get there.

💪Super Strong With…Mindset, Strength Training, Menopause, Postpartum, Sustainable Habit Change, Corrective Exercise

Education: NASM- Certified Personal Trainer, NASM- Corrective Exercise, Precision Nutrition – Nutrition Coach Level 1, MindBodyGreen Health and Wellness Coach

Sara G

Sara G

I became super passionate about helping others overcome their health and fitness struggles after I went through my own during and after pregnancy. It helped me realize that sometimes we need a coach to be able to help see what we can’t see and learn how to be effortlessly accountable to our goals. I have a BS in Exercise Science, Minor in Psychology, Personal Trainer and Brain Health Coach Certifications.

💪Super Strong With…Weight loss, running, lifting, brain health

Education: B.S. Exercise Science, ACSM CPT,ACSM Exercise Physiology Certification



My passion for health started during my time as a collegiate athlete, where I realized the immense impact that both nutrition and fitness had on my quality of life. Through my own health challenges, I went on to become a registered dietitian and certified personal trainer.

Today, I help guide others on their health journeys to feel their best, while simultaneously finding sustainable results. My favorite quote reads, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” — and my ultimate goal is to teach you the necessary tools so that you may apply them throughout the remainder of your life. I am a proponent for creating a healthier lifestyle overall, without the need for extreme dieting and restrictions. I believe in small daily changes that will add up overtime to create remarkable improvement. Most of all, I’m passionate about helping you become the best version of yourself!

💪Super Strong With…weight management, sports nutrition, women’s health, gut health, fitness

Education: Bachelor’s of Science in Nutrition & Exercise Science (BS) Mater’s of Science in Nutrition (MS) Registered Dietitian (RD) National Academy of Sports Medicine Personal Trainer (NASM-CPT) EXOS Certified Fitness Specialist



My career in fitness has spanned over 12 years. As a Fitness Coach, I have helped countless people lose weight, run marathons, clean up their nutrition and even helped them touch their toes. More importantly, I’ve helped people feel confident in their own skin! Health and fitness have always been a passions of mine. I enjoy taking on new challenges and experiences.

I played on an international roller derby team, competed in a figure competition, ran a marathon and also played college softball. I have been a vegetarian for over 15 years. This way of life has opened up my eyes and taste buds to unlimited flavors but has also taught me an important lesson about planning and coming up with different tactics to ensure the food I’m eating is supporting my health. I believe in viewing food as fuel and/or medicine for our bodies. Once you understand the impact healthy eating has on your health, the possibilities are endless and also tasty!

💪Super Strong With…Marathon training and plant-based eating

Education: CPT, Holistic Nutritionist and Pilates Mat & Reformer



I am a positive, energetic coach with a can do attitude. I am a mother of three and have found that fitness can help me maintain focus and a healthy balance.

I love working with people and helping them develop an active lifestyle and positive mindset that will help them push themselves further than they thought possible. I have a passion for fitness, true crime podcasts and peanut butter!

💪Super Strong With…Women’s Strength Training and Contest Prep, lifestyle fitness, busy moms!

Education: BS, ME in Education, ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer, Certified Lifestyle Fitness Coach (DSW Fitness), Stretching Anatomy (DSW Fitness), Foam Rolling (DSW Fitness), Certified Martial Fitness Kickboxing (DSW Fitness) , TRX Suspension Training Course, Certified Bootcamp Instructor (DSW Fitness), Developing the Core (DSW Fitness)



My name is Susa and I have always been dabbling with fitness a run here a swim there some serious Jane Fonda at some stage, pink leg warmers and all. As my kids where getting more and more independent I realize that Ellen DeGeneres was becoming my new best friend and I needed a new “hobby”. 

An interesting fact about me is that it is my goal to become the oldest person to complete a marathon. The current record is 92. The advantage of doing it is that everyone will wait for you to complete it no matter how long it takes.

💪Super Strong With…Menopause, injury prevention, endurance training

Education: ACE CPT, ACE Group Fitness



I love coaching! From a young age, I knew I wanted to be a teacher. I’ve worked in education for 15 years. I love connecting with my clients, coaching them through big wins, setbacks, and mindset struggles. When I was younger, I struggled with worthiness, my weight, and how to achieve my goals. Working with clients to help them become their strongest selves is one of my passions.

💪Super Strong With…Menopause, pre and postnatal

Education: Personal Training Certification – ACE Nutrition Coaching Certification – NASM Pre- and Postnatal Coaching Specialist – Girls Gone Strong Menopause Coaching Specialist – Girls Gone Strong Behavior Change Specialist – ACE


Hey, I’m Megan, a holistic nutritionist and integrative health practitioner. I dove into health and fitness at a young age with sports and a desire to learn how to keep my body fit. That love for health just kept evolving into personal training and nutrition coaching and spending my free time learning and exploring the world of health and wellness.

In my 30’s I got more into hiking, mountain biking and trail running and I try to challenge myself with a couple outdoor fitness endeavors every year. I love to see what I can do physically and mentally and watching others challenge themselves inspires the heck out of me! My passion for health has always guided me to help others to improve theirs as well and I hope to continue to do so for many years to come!

💪Super Strong With…Weight loss, gut health/sensitivities, hormone balance, blood sugar, energy

Education: IIN Holistic Nutritionist, IHP Integrative Health Practitioner, 



My goal is to have the most positive impact that I can on the lives of the people that I work with; helping them become the healthiest, happiest version of themselves.I believe everyone deserves a right to good health and to be happy with themselves inside and out.I absolutely love to empower and teach people how to transform their bodies in a simplified, fun, healthy and sustainable way. I understand that everyone has a unique formula that works best for them.

I am passionate about helping people find their magic key, so they can enjoy their lives to the fullest whilst looking, feeling and performing how they want to.

💪Super Strong With…Hypertrophy training, Functional training, Nutrition coaching, Creative macro friendly recipes

Education: NASM CPT, TRX Level 1, Barbell Rehab


Divergent interests and personality traits is my MO. I love schedules and spontaneity, hanging out inside to read and heading outside to run, spending time with people and being alone.

I try to balance it all without annoying my family too much. I consider myself an extroverted introvert who loves relaxing and being active.

💪Super Strong With…Endurance training, vegans, pre & postnatal, basketball and athletes

Education: NSCA, Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)



I have been in fitness for over a decade now, I am certified in many different modalities and think that it helps me as a trainer as I can draw from all of those to help create fun workouts and keep them interesting! I have been doing macros for myself and clients for years and can help you tweak just about anything to make it work for your ratios!

I love being able to meet you where you are at, no matter where you are in your fitness or nutrition journey and being able to help you reach your goals. I live somewhere near a beach with my husband, 2 dogs and a cat. I love cycling, SUP, lifting heavy things, traveling (pre-pandemic), the beach, anything true crime, gardening and give me all of the animals please!

💪Super Strong With…Pilates, core/pelvic floor work, mobility, cycling/endurance training, strength training

Education: ACE CPT, ACE Group Fit, IMX Pilates, Mad Dogg Spin, PiYo, Barre Above Barre



Growing up, I was always active and loved cooking from scratch. I dabbled with a couple of sports, but I was 100% passionate about cheerleading. I spent 20 years as a military spouse and mother. We moved often, but my love of exercise and good nutrition followed me wherever we moved. Over the years, I have enjoyed a variety of activities: strength training, sprint triathlon, 5&10ks, obstacle races, rappelling, fly fishing, hunting, camping…as long as it doesn’t involve a ball, I’ll try it.

After my husband retired from the military, I decided to put my degree to use and become a personal trainer. I guess you could say, I’m still a cheerleader. I just cheer people on hitting their personal goals.

💪Super Strong With…Strength Training, Meal Planning around LIFE, Meal Prep

Education: BS Exercise Science, NASM CPT, NASM Corrective Exercise



I am a wife, mom, dog mom, and athlete. I started my own fitness journey in 2005, and I have been passionate about health and fitness ever since! I know first-hand what it feels like to be uncomfortable in my body, and I know how good it can feel to do the work that is needed to pull out of that feeling.

I love to help my clients build strong habits that last a lifetime! I love to help people find their journey towards their strongest selves. I enjoy running, lifting, yoga, and water sports. When it’s time to rest and recover, you’ll find me reading a good book 🙂

💪Super Strong With…Endurance training, lifting, CrossFit, running, functional fitness, mindset, and body recomposition

Education: Bachelor’s -Health Care Studies NCI level 1 nutrition certification NFPT – Certified Personal Trainer additional masterclasses through NCI in hormones, women’s health, and gut health



I’m a mom, wife, empty nester, personal trainer, fitness and nutrition coach, and lover of all things active. I love participating recreationally and competitively in ultra and mountain trail running, tennis, golf, cycling, swimming, snowshoeing, skiing and anything else where I can move my post-menopausal body!

💪Super Strong With…Menopause, Endurance sports (marathon/ultra running; biking; hiking; swimming), plant based eating, tennis, pickleball, golf

Education: NASM Certified Personal Trainer, UESCA Certified Running coach, Orange Theory Fitness Certified Coach, Precision Nutrition Level 2, Girls Gone Strong, Stacy Sims’ Menopause for Athletes, Functional Aging Specialist, Online Trainer Academy, TRX, Pilates, Les Mills, RIPPED, cardio/strength.

Sara N

Sara N

My personal fitness journey began over 20 years ago and it carries on to this day. During this time, I realized that I had a passion for helping others navigate what living a fit and healthy life looked like. I enjoy helping people find what works for them and encouraging them through the ups and downs (because there will be ups and downs). The truth is that during many of my downs, early on, I would scratch my workouts, but now they are a must do.

I know that living a fit life is more than the way I look – it is about the way I feel. I have learned through the years that when I put myself first and take care of myself I can be a much better version for everyone else. Being a military wife and mom of three amazing kids I know it is not always easy to take control of fitness and nutrition, but it is oh so worth it!

💪Super Strong With…General fitness, strength training, functional training, weight loss, running, endurance, athletes, busy moms

Education: American Council on Exercise Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor and Health Coach, Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified

Emily P

Emily P

I have always had a passion for all things related to health, fitness, and nutrition. I have experimented with different diets, supplements, and every type and style of training I can find. From trail running to CrossFit, Pilates, yoga, rock climbing, mountain biking, snowboarding, and jiu-jitsu – I love finding out what I am capable of and how far I can push my body.

The most rewarding aspect for me is helping others discover their own limits and then surpassing them to become the best version of themselves. Although I focus on helping people change their relationship with nutrition and fitness, it goes beyond that. Witnessing people evolve and thrive in every aspect of their lives is what truly makes me love what I do.

💪Super Strong With…Endurance athletes, runners, plant-based diets, weight loss, body recomposition, and strength training

Education: Bachelor of Science in Exercise Kinesiology, NASM-CPT National Association of Sports Medicine – Certified Personal Trainer, NASM-CNC National Association of Sports Medicine – Certified Nutrition Coach, USATF – USA Track & Field Level 1 Coach ASFA American Sports & Fitness Association Running Fitness Coach



My passion for fitness/nutrition started when I struggled to lose weight after my 3rd son was born. I dove into educating myself, lost the weight and became a Certified Personal Trainer. In my 15 years in the industry, I’ve helped women lose weight, gain confidence, get stronger and feel better about themselves! I want you to experience the same life-changing positive effects that fueling our body via nutrition and exercise has on our lives!

💪Super Strong With…Hypertrophy training, peri/menopause, functional training, fat loss, muscle building, applying healthy habits for life, cancer patients

Education: ISSA-CPT, Macro University,TRX

Kelli B

Kelli B

My name is Kelli Burney and I am a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach. My passion for health and fitness spans back as far as I can remember. I played sports all the way up through Division One college soccer and immediately got certified as a Personal Trainer upon graduation. Since graduating, my passion for wellness and resistance training has only continued to grow! With that, helping others in their unique journey with health and fitness has been so fulfilling and inspiring. For fun, I am also a Certified Pilates Instructor.

I am all about finding ways to move that are fun and sustainable for you while also getting those results. Here at Redefining Strength, I hope to use my knowledge and personal journey as a trainer to help as many of you as possible toward your goal!

💪Super Strong With…Menopause, Resistance training, Pilates, Weight Loss, Athletes, Gut Health/Hormone Imbalances

Education: NASM CPT, NCCA, NASM Certified Nutrition Coach, Certified Pilates Instructor



My name is Sierra and MOVEMENT is my passion! I’m excited to be here! I love to move, I love to study movement, and I love to teach movement. I have a musical theatre, dance, and track and field background (yeah, I know!) 😉 and I combine all of those to make fitness fun again!

💪Super Strong With…Beginners, Busy Professionals/Bosses, Former Collegiate and Professional Athletes, Pre and Post Natal, 

Education: NASM Certified Personal Trainer, NASM Corrective Exercise Science, Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification, Equinox In-House Kettlebell Certification, CPR/First Aid Instructor, NASM Women’s Fitness Specialist Certification



My journey into fitness and nutrition started with a personal mission to lose weight and adopt a healthier lifestyle. Along the way, I discovered a passion for helping others achieve their goals. Every client brings a unique ambition, whether it’s losing weight, gaining muscle, or simply feeling better. My job is to craft a plan that fits seamlessly into your life. I firmly believe that any fitness or nutrition regimen should enrich your life, not dominate it.

That’s my aim for every client.
 Let’s ditch the rollercoaster of starting and stopping ineffective routines. There’s a smarter way: work efficiently, not excessively. Let’s build habits that become second nature. Discover a workout style you genuinely enjoy and eagerly anticipate.
 Because life’s too short for workouts that feel like chores. Together, let’s make fitness fun and sustainable—where every step forward is a step toward a happier, healthier you!

💪Super Strong With…Menopause, Weight loss, Strength Training, Mindset, Functional Training

Education: CPT, TRX, Precision Nutrition L2, Health Mindset Coaching Certification, GGS Menopause Certification

Emily B

Emily B

Hey Y’all, I’m Emily B- a passionate, well-rounded advocate for fitness and wellness. With a journey that’s led me through various avenues of the industry. From teaching skiing, managing and coaching at a martial arts gym to co-owning a thriving CrossFit box, my career has been a blend of hands-on coaching and business management. My deep dive into alternative medicine and nutrition started at a holistic clinic where it sparked a fascination with the body’s intricate workings and a commitment to helping others achieve their healthiest selves. As a single mother of two amazing kids, I’ve embraced the challenges of balancing family life with my calling for fitness. I’ve competed in a wide range of athletic competitions, including CrossFit competitions, triathlons, Tough Mudder, and more—there’s not much I haven’t tried!

Competing in bodybuilding is now my new obsession. I am always pushing my limits and working on achieving new personal milestones. Becoming a Certified Nutrition Coach through NASM allowed me to blend my expertise with my genuine purpose of empowering individuals on their wellness journeys. I’m excited to bring my wealth of experience to Redefining Strength, where I strive to inspire, guide, and support others in reaching whatever their fitness and nutrition goals maybe. It’s Go Time!

💪Super Strong With…Meal Prep, Endurance and Strength Training, Postpartum, Functional Movement, Body Composition


Meet The Redefining Strength

Customer Success Team



Hi my name is Susie and I first fell in love with working out after making a promise to my mom to make my health a priority in college.

I quickly became passionate about fitness and helping others improve their health and quality of life.  I followed my dream of becoming a health and fitness coach, and now I get to help all of you discover the MAGIC inside of you 🦄



I have been the person that was extremely obese… I got a wakeup call in my early 20’s. I started exercising like crazy (to Tae Bo) and ate waaaaay too many grilled chicken salads 🥗

About 150 pounds and a few years later, I joined a Kempo Karate dojo and started a Kickboxing class there along with Bootcamp, Self Defense and a run club. My Love for cooking and eating good food pulled me in the direction to explore nutrition coaching. I am driven to help as many as I can to reach their goals and feel good about themselves!



Fitness and health have always been apart of my life in some form or fashion. Growing up I played all kinds of sports. Whether it was softball, basketball, or volleyball, I enjoyed being active, being on a team, and letting my competitive side show. I ended up going to Florida State University for college, where I continued to play sports through intramural and on my sorority team.

I graduated with my Bachelor’s degree in Family and Child Sciences and later obtained my Master’s degree in Family Therapy. I love to hike, bake, watch movies, and snuggle my pups!



My adventure with Redefining Strength kicked off in 2016 when I joined as a client and discovered the magical powers of Cori’s programs (and her endless motivation)! 💪✨ It was so inspiring that I dove headfirst into becoming a certified personal trainer myself, ready to help others rock their own fitness journeys. I’ve witnessed how the right tools and a sprinkle of accountability can set the stage for some serious success!

I’ve spent my whole life soaking up the sun in Southern California, but I’m always dreaming of my next travel escape!  When I’m not training, you can find me snapping photos, diving into a good book, getting creative with drawing and painting, or exploring the great outdoors through swimming and hiking. I can’t wait to meet all of you and cheer you on as you crush your health and wellness goals!



I have always had a passion for sports, fitness, nutrition and competition! Sports and activity have always been a huge part of my life. I am a former collegiate athlete and I earned many awards throughout my career that I am still proud of and still brag about 🙂 I am a mom of 3 amazing children and one of my favorite parts of who I am is how I mom.

A fun fact about me is I read more books than anyone I have ever met. If you ever need any book suggestions, I am your girl! I also enjoy the beach, working out, playing tennis with my son, spending time with family and my husband, lots of coffee, reality TV shows and walks with my dog. I am very happy to be a part of the RS family and I Look forward to getting to know YOU!



I have always been an athlete. In high school, I was named Female Athlete of my class. I swam, played volleyball and softball. I discovered my love of running at Michigan State University and haven’t stopped since. I have run 20 marathons, including Boston a few times.

After staying home with my 2 kids, I became a personal trainer and group instructor and fell in love with strength training. It is the most important thing women can do as they approach menopausal years. I love helping women look and feel their best.



Hello! My name is Nikki and I am a mama of 3 crazy beautiful humans. I was born and raised in California but since then spent 6 years in Oregon and recently took a leap of faith and moved to South Carolina. I grew up a competitive gymnast and my whole life changed when I was forced to quit the only thing I ever loved at 16 because of a back injury.

After that is when my love for fitness and helping others on their journey began. I love to dance, camp, hike, snowboard and really do anything that has to do with water. Sometimes I wonder why I wasn’t created a mermaid because if there’s water – I’m in it!



Passionately caffeinated, I’m always on a mission to sprinkle kindness and support wherever I go, all while fueled by my trusty sidekick coffee. When I’m not doing that, you can find me turning workouts into highly competitive events with my husband lol. And speaking of companions, there’s Jasper, the fluffy CEO of my heart.

I am thrilled to be a part of a team of like-hearted individuals who share a passion to empower others in achieving their dreams.



I am new to the world of fitness and have a passion for creativity and helping others tell their stories. Working toward my journalism degree really showed me that the possibilities are endless in the digital world!

When I am not wrangling up potential unicorns I am doing email marketing for my church and creating content for small business owners in San Diego.

However my true passions are obsessing over my adorable pup Spud and rewatching Parks and Rec and the Office with my husband for the billionth time!



Hi! I’m Lisa, & I live in Kentucky with my 4 amazing kids. Some of my favorite things include lounging on beaches, soaking up sunshine, eating donuts, and watching The Office. I graduated from Morehead State University, but didn’t really find my love for health & fitness until after college, when I started running & training for my first half marathon.

I’ve now been working in the fitness industry for several years as an ACE-Certified Group Fitness Instructor and Registered Yoga Teacher. I am passionate about helping others & am always eager to support people in achieving their health & wellness goals.



In school I was always active playing sports such as volleyball, basketball and softball. I loved working on a team with fellow classmates and being competitive.

Nowadays I stay busy as a mom, but in my spare time I love to read books, play video games, and watch movies with my hubby. Harry Potter and The Office are some of my favorites! I’m also a huge animal lover and love to snuggle my dog and two cats.


Hi! I’m Glynna! I live in Waco, Texas with my husband, daughter, and two dogs. I graduated from Northwestern State University where I also played volleyball. After college I realized I wanted to pursue fitness so I got my NASM certification in 2018 and I’ve been involved in fitness ever since! Some of my favorite things are coffee, working out, my family, Target, and chick fil a sandwiches! 😉