Playground Obstacle Course Workout

Stretch and Roll Out:


The specifics of this workout will vary based on the specific playground you use.
It is best done at a playground with steps, monkey bars, poles, swings and a place to crawl under or over.

Complete the circuit as fast as possible. Then rest as much as needed to be able to complete the circuit as quickly as you did the first time (at least half the time it took you to do it).

Perform 5-8 rounds of the circuit below.

1 rep Across the Monkey Bars
10 reps Box Jumps off the Monkey Bar Platform
1 rep Climb Up to the next level
1-4 reps Slide Down the Pole
1-4 reps Climb Up the Pole
1 rep Go Down the Slide
1 rep at least 15ft Bear Crawl Forward to the Swing (add in obstacles to go around)
10 reps Decline Push Ups to Pikes off swing
1 rep Sprint 50ft to finish Line

Stretch and Roll Out:


Could be fun to do as a you go, I go, partner challenge. Each of you should try to beat the other’s time. Record your time and go back and try it again a month or two later.


Box Jumps – Stand facing the step or platform. Bend your knees slightly hinging forward a little. Then explode up off the ground to land on the platform. Do not squat too low. When you land, bend your knees and squat a little to absorb the impact. Sit your weight back in your heels when you land. Then step or jump back down, landing softly on the ground. Do not lock out your knees as you land. Your landing should be soft. If your landings aren’t soft, this move can be turned into a Power Step Ups or even just a basic Step Up if the stairs are too high or even too low.
Bear Crawl – Set up on your hands and knees with your knees under your hips and your hands under your shoulders. Then flex your feet and lift up onto your toes. Take a step forward with your left foot and right hand, keeping your knees close to the ground and your back flat. Then step forward with your right foot and left hand. Keep alternating moving the opposite arm and opposite leg together.

forward backward crawls
Decline Push Ups to Pikes – A beginner may need to stick with a push up off the ground or simply a knee tuck with their feet in the swing. Set up with your ankles in a swing and your hands on the ground under your shoulders. Your body should be in a nice straight line. Your belly button should be pulled in and you should squeeze your glutes tight. Then, keeping your body in a straight line, bend your elbows and drop your chest toward the ground. Do not let your elbows flare way out or your shoulders shrug as you lower down. Then press back up. Once you press back up into the high plank position. Pull your ankles in toward your head as you pike your butt up toward the sky. Keep your legs straight as you push your butt up and pull your ankles in toward your head. Pike as high as you can, then straighten back out and do another push up.
Pole Slide and Climb – Climb up the pole and slide back down. If the pole is short and you want to make this move harder, climb with no legs or add in two or even four repetitions of climbs.