Stretch and Roll Out:
After stretch and rolling, set a timer for 5 minutes and jog, backpedal, side shuffle, carioca, skip, do butt kickers and/or high knees. Move around at about 75% of your max effort to get your heart rate up and blood pumping.
Set a timer for 20 seconds. Perform the Rope exercise for 20 seconds as fast as you can then quickly move on to the two ab exercises for reps. Rest the same amount of time it took you to complete the round or alternate with a partner. Complete 3-4 rounds of each circuit. Rest up to 2 minutes between circuits.
20 seconds Battling Ropes Jumping Jacks
10 reps TFW Sit Ups
10 reps each side Rope Russian Twists
20 seconds Stage Coach with Reverse Lunge
5 reps each side Sit Thrus
10 reps each side Oblique V-Ups
20 seconds Rainbows with Lunge
10 reps Cherry Bombs
15 reps per side One Arm Plank Waves
Stretch and Roll Out:
Beginners may need to do fewer reps of the core exercises to continue moving quickly. You do not want to rest during the three exercises. Rest only between rounds. Beginners may also need to rest double the time they worked instead of resting equal to the time they worked.
Advanced exercisers may want to raise the reps just slightly as long as they can continue to move quickly and rest only equal to the time they worked. With the equal rest to work ratio, you should be able to go just as hard each round as the round before. If you find you’re really falling off, you may need to lessen the reps you are doing or rest just a bit longer. You do not want your work output to dip too much.
For all Battling Ropes Moves (Battling Ropes Jumping Jacks, Rope Russian Twists, Stage Coach with Reverse Lunge, Rainbows with Lunge, One Arm Plank Waves), see our Battling Ropes Exercises post and video.
All other moves are below:
TFW Sit Ups – To do the TFW Sit Up, lie on your back on the ground with your legs out straight in front of you. Bring your hands up under your chin. Then from lying on the ground, come up to a seated position, bringing your knees in as you sit up. As you come to a tucked seated position, grab your shins with your hands. Then lie back down, straightening your legs out in front of you. Sit back up and bring your knees back in, grabbing your shins. Lie back down and repeat.
Sit Thrus – To do the Sit Thru, start on your hands and knees with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Flex your feet and press up onto your hands and toes. Then rotate open toward the right and bring your left leg under and through toward where your right hand is. As you bring your left leg forward and through, lift your right hand. You want to rotate all the way through with your left leg out straight so that you are almost sitting with your left hand down to support you. Then bring the left leg back through so you are back in the starting position. Next rotate to the left and kick your right leg through and forward as you lift your left hand. Move as quickly as you can back and forth. Beginners may need to move slowly or even start in a more spread out position with their legs out straight instead of their knees under their hips.
Oblique V-Ups – Lie on your side with your bottom arm out in front of you just below shoulder height. Angle your straight legs a bit out in front of you, stacked one on top of the other. Keep your legs together. V up on your side reaching your top hand toward your toes. Lift your legs up as high as you can as you sort of prop yourself up on your bottom arm. Relax back down and repeat.
Cherry Bombs – Sit on your butt and draw your knees into your chest. Wrap your arms around your shins and lift your feet off the ground. Then open your arms and straighten your legs out wide and let your upper body go back toward the ground. You should almost look like a big X on the ground with arms and legs out and open. Then come back to seated and draw your knees back in. Your feet should stay off the ground the entire time; however, do try to straighten your legs out as close to the ground as you can when you open up.