Stretch and Roll Out:


Complete 3-5 rounds of each circuit below. Rest up to 1 minute between rounds and up to 2 minutes between circuits.

30 seconds – 1 minute Inverted Row Hold
10-15 reps Inverted Rows
10-20 reps Soccer Throws

30 seconds – 1 minute High Plank Hold
10-15 reps Push Ups
10-20 reps Chest Pass

Stretch and Roll Out:


Use a med ball that is at most 10% of your bodyweight. You want to use a light ball that you can throw quickly and powerfully after doing the strength moves.


Inverted Row Hold – Hold a suspension trainer strap in each hand or do the move off a bar. Walk your feet out so you are leaning back. The closer to parallel to the ground you get, the harder the move will be. Squeeze your core and glutes and press your chest out so there is tension between your shoulder blades. Then row up, keeping your body in a nice straight line. Row until your chest comes up to the handles and hold there. Do not let your hips sag or your body arch as you hold. You can also do a scapular hold against the wall if you don’t have a bar or trainer to do the move off of.

Inverted Rows – Hold a suspension trainer strap in each hand or do it off a bar. Walk your feet out so you are leaning back. The closer to parallel to the ground you get, the harder the move will be. Squeeze your core and glutes and press your chest out so there is tension between your shoulder blades. Then row up, keeping your body in a nice straight line. Row until your chest comes up to the handles and then lower yourself back down. Don’t let your hips sink as you lower back down. Also, keep your chest pressed out the entire time (do not let your low back arch though). Do not bounce off the bottom of the row. If there is no bar or XT/TRX on which to do rows, do scapular push ups or corner rows.

Soccer Throws – Hold a med ball in both hands, facing a wall. Step back away from the wall enough that you can catch the ball after it hits the wall. Extend your arms up overhead and back. Your elbows should be slightly bent. Then step forward with one foot and throw the ball into the wall, extending your arms forward and down toward the wall as you throw. Catch the ball and step back. Extend the arms back overhead. Then step forward with the other foot and throw again.

High Plank Hold – Set up on your hands and toes (advanced) or hands and knees (beginner). Feet are together and hands are underneath your shoulders. Draw your belly button into your spine and squeeze your quads, glutes and adductors. Your shoulder blades should be down and back and your shoulders shouldn’t be up by your ears. Do not let your upper back round. Keep your head in line with your spine. If you really draw your belly button in and tilt your pelvic forward, your abs should almost instantly start shaking.

Push Ups – Beginners will do either an incline push up with their hands up on a bench or a push up from their knees. Advanced exercisers will do a push up from their hands and toes. For any variation, start by lying on the ground with your legs together. Place your hands outside your chest. Draw your belly button in toward your spine and squeeze your glutes. If doing this move from your toes, you will then press up onto your hands and toes. Your body should move in one straight line. Everything should move together as you press up to the top of the push up with the arms full extended. Do not let your butt go up in the air or your hips sag toward the ground. Do not tuck your chin. Keep your head in line with your spine. Make sure to keep your core tight so your low back doesn’t arch. Then lower back down, making sure your body moves as one unit. Touch your chest to the ground and then lift right back up. If your body doesn’t move together, if you do the “worm” as you press up or down, regress to your knees or an incline push up.

push up isometrics
Chest Pass – Hold the med ball at your chest in both hands and face a wall or your partner.  Throw the ball from your chest straight into the wall. Extend your arms out as you throw and step forward. Catch the ball and step back. Then press the ball out and step with the other foot. Move quickly, throwing the ball explosively until all reps are complete.
