Stretch and Roll Out:
IT Bands


Set a timer for 15 minutes for each circuit. Do as many rounds as possible in each 15 minute round. Do not go to failure so that you can keep moving from exercise to exercise.

8-12 reps per side Single Leg Squats
20-50ft Reverse Sled Drag

8-12 reps per side Balance Lunge
20-50ft Sled Frog Hops

Stretch and Roll Out:
IT Bands


For the reverse sled drags, add as much weight as you can handle. With the frog hops, make them heavy, but not so heavy that you can’t move explosively forward without pausing between jumps.

If you need to rest between rounds at all, stretch out your hips and quads quickly.


Single Leg Squats – Choose a variation of the single leg squat that is right for you. Beginners may use a box step while more advanced lifters may use a doorway, TRX or XT straps for balance. If you can do a full pistol squat or use a plate weight to counter balance you, do that variation. Choose as hard a variation as you can do. To perform the basic single leg squat to bench, you will start by standing on one leg. Hold the other leg straight out in front of you. Lower yourself down until you are sitting on the box or table. Then driving off the heel on the ground, stand back up. Do not lean way forward or touch your raised foot to the ground. If you use a box, the more you allow yourself to sit down, the easier the move will be. The more you just lightly touch the box and come right back up, the harder the move will be. Also the lower the box you use or the lower down you go on any variation, the harder the move will be.

Reverse Sled Drag – Hook a strap and handles up to a sled. Then stand facing the sled with a handle in each hand. Bend your knees and sink into a little squat. Keep your chest up and your back flat with your arms out straight in front of you. Then start walking backward. Stay as low as possible and do not let your back round forward as you walk backwards.

reverse sled drag
Balance Lunge – Place your back foot up on a table, bench, chair or box. Do not let the chair or bench be too high. Hop your front foot out so you are in a nice wide stance with your back foot up on the box. Then sink down, dropping your back knee toward the ground. Really sit back into the lunge. Make sure you aren’t going forward and that your front knee is not going past your toe. You should feel a nice stretch in the front of the leg that is back when doing this move. Beginners may want to use a super low box or do the move from the ground.

Sled Frog Hops – If your sled has higher handles, use that side. Set your feet about hip-width apart and place your hands on the handles with your arms out straight. Lean your chest forward a bit with your back flat, pressing your arms straight into the sled. Sit your butt back a little then drive your hips forward, sliding the sled forward as you jump. Sink right back down into a little half squat then jump forward again. Try not to pause between hops. Try to move quickly while doing as big of jumps as possible.
