The 30-Minute Bodyweight Blast

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burpee with side plank

Stretch and Roll Out:


Set a timer for 30 minutes and complete as many rounds of the circuit below as possible in that time. Rest only as needed.

8-12 reps Backward Rotational Lunge to Forward Cross Lunge
10-15 reps Scapular Wall Row or Corner Row
5-10 reps per side Side Arm Balance Burpees
5-10 reps per side Sit Thru

Stretch and Roll Out:


Complete as many reps as possible in the 30 minutes. Do not go to failure on any exercise so that you can keep moving. Make sure to challenge yourself though and do the hardest variation of each move as possible.


Backward Rotational Lunge to Forward Cross Lunge – These two lunges make up one rep. Starting on the left side you will lunge back toward “7″ on the clock with your left foot. Your left foot, when you step back, will be perpendicular to your right foot, which is pointing toward “12.” Push your butt back and sink into a lunge, bending the left knee while keeping the right leg straight. Do not let the left heel come up. Keep your chest up and sit your butt backward. Driving off your left heel, push back to standing. Make sure that your right toe doesn’t rotate but continues to point toward “12.” Also make sure your right leg does not bend. Then come back up to standing and with the left foot, lunge forward and across toward about “2″ on the clock with your left foot. Pivot your left foot so that your feet are perpendicular. Sink down into a lunge, bending both knees. Make sure your left heel stays down as you lunge. Then drive off your left heel to come back to standing.

Scapular Wall Row/Corner Row – Stand in a corner with your back relaxing against the walls and your feet about six inches from the corner. (You can also do this just off the wall like demonstrated above if you don’t have a useable corner.) Place an elbow against each wall with your elbows bent. With your body in a nice straight line, drive off the wall with your elbows, pressing your chest out and pinching your shoulder blades down and back. Relax back into the corner, keeping your body in a nice straight line from your head to your heels. Do not arch your low back as you press out. Also, make sure not to shrug your shoulders.The further from the corner that you walk your feet out, the harder the Corner Row will be.

corner-row back exercise
Side Arm Balance Burpees – To do the Side Arm Balance Burpee, start standing. Then bend over and place your hands on the ground as you jump your feet back into a high plank position. Perform a push up. Once at the top of the push up, lift one hand up toward the ceiling and rotate into a side plank. Open completely and then place the hand back down on the ground and perform another push up, dropping your chest to the ground. At the top of the push up, rotate into a side plank on the other side. Then perform another push up. Once you’ve completed the push up, jump your feet in toward your hands and come to standing, jumping at the top. Beginners can always step back instead of jumping. They can also do the push ups from their knees or even remove a push up or two if needed. Beginners may simply jump back and do a side arm balance to each side. Or they may just need to remove one push up and do a two push up variation (push up, side arm balance, push up, side arm balance then jump up). Or they can even do a single push up variation (push up, side arm balance, side arm balance, jump up). All are acceptable variations as long as the focus is on a quality movement. Do fewer push ups if it means QUALITY push ups. Check out this post for a video of the move and other Burpee Movements.

burpee with side plank
Sit Thru – To do the Sit Thru, start on your hands and knees with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Flex your feet and press up onto your hands and toes. Then rotate open toward the right and bring your left leg under and through toward where your right hand is. As you bring your left leg forward and through, lift your right hand. You want to rotate all the way through with your left leg out straight so that you are almost sitting with your left hand down to support you. Then bring the left leg back through so you are back in the starting position. Next rotate to the left and kick your right leg through and forward as you lift your left hand. Move as quickly as you can back and forth. Beginners may need to move slowly or even start in a more spread out position with their legs out straight instead of their knees under their hips.



Posted on

December 12, 2014

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