The Fitness Hacks Podcast

While Shawna grew her in-person training business, she also expanded online, creating challenge programs and products to help women lead healthier, happier lives. Shawna Kaminski has a passion for helping women feel great in their own skin and she has helped thousands of women through her blog and her products.
2. Be willing to fail because that is how you get better and achieve success.
3. The give a shit factor – there are going to be haters so you just need to focus on the things and people that matter!
Shawna reminds us that we also have to focus on the people and things that matter – on the people that we are trying to help. There will be haters and failures, but we’ve got to stay focused on what matters if we want to succeed!
Q: What exercise do you hate…but love at the same time?
Wall Ball
Q: What is the best book you’ve ever read?
Rich On Paper Poor On Life – Philip McKernan
Q: What is your favorite Pump Up Song?
Shawna marches to the beat of her own drum (Ryan’s joke….)
Q: If you could train with one person (alive or dead) who would it be?
Her kids of course! 🙂