The Fitness Hacks Podcast

Max’s mission is to help people get better every day so they have the freedom to pursue any athletic endeavor!
2. Forced Ranking – Prioritize the most important tasks and do them first!
3. You get out what you put in. Long-term success is based on consistency and consistency is really about avoiding boredom and injury.
Max also tells us about his mission to help people have the athletic freedom to pursue any athletic endeavor for the rest of their lives. He reminds us that long-term success is based on consistency and that consistency is really about avoiding boredom and injury. If you want to get better, you just need to do a little bit each and every day to help yourself grow.
Back Flips
Q: What exercise do you hate…but love at the same time?
Q: What is the best book you’ve ever read?
Q: What is your favorite Pump Up Song?
Here I Go Again by Whitesnake
Q: If you could train with one person (alive or dead) who would it be?
Sun Tzu
Q: What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Cookies and Cream