
Hey guys, this is Cori from Redefining Strength. Welcome to the Fitness Hacks podcast. This is a show where I share all my free work on the nutrition tips. I’m not going to ever fill this episode with sponsorships or ask you to buy anything. All I ask in return is, if you’re enjoying the podcast, to leave a review or leave a five-star rating or, even better, share it with someone you think it might help. This will only take a few minutes and would mean the world to me and possibly change the life of someone you know. So let’s jump right in.


It’s just not the right time. Many of us have felt that way. When we’re about to start a new program, we think it’s not the right time to get started. But what if the not right time is actually the right time to start? And hear me out with this, because I think often we keep ourselves stuck in this yoyo dining cycle because we only start things at the right time. We wait for that Monday, that January, the time where we’re really motivated, where we feel like we have a clean slate, and then we make all these different habit changes and we can sustain them for a certain amount of time. We might even see results during that time. But then life, which it loves to do, gets in the way. We come up with some challenge, our priority shift, it’s busy at work, family life has more demands, but something comes up where, all of a sudden, this perfect time, this right time to start, is no longer the right time. But we’ve been willpowering our way through as is, and then we wonder why we don’t have discipline. And it’s because we’ve been willpowering our way through during a perfect time to maintain these habits. And so the second it’s no longer perfect. The second there’s other priorities. The second, there’s other challenges. All of a sudden, the things we’re doing and willpowering our way through, we just can’t keep willpowering our way through. And we haven’t built discipline because we haven’t truly ingrained lasting habit changes, because we only created habit changes based on this perfect time. So ultimately, what happens? We fall off our plan, we can’t maintain those habits and we don’t know how to do the minimum because we never learned how to handle the not right times.


I see clients get the best results when they truly start a program, the coaching program specifically, when it’s not the right time, when they’re about to go on vacation, when they have a whole bunch of stress at work. Because if they learn to make one percent improvements during that time, if they have that outside support during that time, that proven plan in place during that time and this is not to say you need to do coaching, but it’s just to highlight that when you have that plan in place and you learn to do those changes during the imperfect times, you learn to meet yourself where you’re at and make those one percent improvements. And the more we can make our lows less low, the more we can keep moving forward during those unideal times, the more those results actually snowball and build. We don’t see results from what we do inconsistently. We all know consistency is key to results, yet so often we try and only be consistent during ideal times and then what we see over the course of the year is, instead of hitting that 80-20 balance, we’re more like 60-40 because we’re only striving to be extra super perfect during 60% of the time, versus if we could find ways just to make those lows less low, we’re going to be more consistent over the course of the year and we might realize that our overall balance is even closer to 90-10 just because we’re making those improvements during unideal times.


So if you’ve been thinking that now is not the right time. I want you to question that and I want you to step back and I actually want you to think about your plan or your habit changes, as like being on a treadmill and if you were given 24 hours to try and get as many miles as you can on that treadmill, you’re going to move at different paces, you’re going to try and run at points. And that’s where we have those ideal times where you can make more sacrifices, you can implement more habits, you can be more strategic with everything, you can do a little bit more potentially. But you know those times where you can sprint. But instead of sprinting and then getting off the treadmill right, if you just all of a sudden walk and you give yourself that little rest and recovery, you’re going to keep moving forward. You’re going to keep logging those miles over those 24 hours to try and get more.


And that’s what we have to think about the ideal times as the times where we’re just going to walk, to keep moving, and maybe because we tried to sprint a little bit, all of a sudden we’re a little bit more fatigued. Maybe it’s, you know, the mental drain of other things coming up in life along with trying to do the habits, or it’s the mental drain of pushing really hard in our workouts. So we have to back off and yeah, maybe we’re walking at 1.0 on the treadmill, but we’re still moving forward, we’re still getting those extra miles. So we’re going to be a lot further ahead. And we have to think about it this way because if we’re thinking about it as just even this 24 hour span on the treadmill that we’re trying to get as many miles, that 24 hour span is really the year. And the more you can keep moving forward every single day of the year, even if some days are slower and some days are faster, the more at the end of that year you’re going to have accumulated and snowball those results Because as you keep moving, you’re moving forward.


That’s the thing. Like if you’re not doing anything, you’re literally standing still. Not only are you keeping yourself stuck in that spot, but we have to remember our body doesn’t like change. So when we go into a 12 week period where we want to see results and we’re thinking well, you know, it’s only 10 pounds, I should see great progress. You can lose one pound per week. Well, if you have those 10 pounds on, even if you didn’t dig yourself a hole in the last year waiting for the ideal time, if you just kept those 10 pounds on for that entire year, your body now thinks that is normal. Your body now is very balanced at that weight.


It is going to fight you even more to lose that weight because it has thought that is natural and normal and all the routines and habits you do for that whole year are what you need to do. So it does not want to change from that spot because this has become more and more normal. And if you think about how often, how long we’ve done it, it’s not just one year, it’s two, three, four that we’ve really built up those habits, built up those routines, built up the weight potentially that we want to lose. So you’re not going to lose in 12 weeks because you’re going to fight more against it. So that’s like getting off the treadmill and just standing still. You’re not logging any miles whatsoever. Better to move on the treadmill at the slowest of slow paces and keep moving forward, even if it feels kind of ridiculous. So that’s how we have to see our habit changes and our perspective of not the right time. If it’s not the right time, it is the exact right time to start, because the more you can learn to do something during that time walk at the slowest of slow paces the more miles you’re going to accumulate over that span and the further along you’re going to be. So don’t hold yourself back by waiting for some ideal time. Realize that waiting for that ideal time, waiting for a perfect time to be able to get the most out of our plan, is holding you back from ultimately seeing lasting results. Lasting changes, better results, snowball.


Thanks for listening to the Fitness Hacks podcast Again. This is the place where I share all my free work out and nutrition tips. I’m never going to run sponsorships or ask you to buy anything. All I ask in return is, if you’re enjoying the podcast, to leave a rating review or share it with someone you think it might help. This will only take a few minutes and it would mean the world to me and possibly change the life of someone you know.

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