Subscribe on Apple PodcastsFHP 344- The Best Training Schedule In The History Of The WOrld
I often get asked what the best training schedule is. And I’m generally getting asked because we are worried we aren’t doing enough. We definitely have the mindset of more is better. If we aren’t spending enough time in the gym, we can’t get results. But often this...
FHP 343 – Embrace Your Negative Emotions
I’d love to tell you there was a way to be happy 24/7. But that’s just not the reality of being human. Negative emotions are a part of life and a VALUABLE part at that. I think too often we just try to avoid or ignore them, but they are going to be there regardless....
FHP 342 – It’s YOUR Choice
Things in our life are going to happen. Things outside of our control. There’s no denying that. But we also have to stop blaming these events for our successes or our failures and realize that ultimately we are in control. And this is actually a good thing. Yes, it...
FHP 341 – Am I Too Old?
Are there changes that happen as we get older? 100%! But so often we blame our age for things within our power to change. We also blame our age for issues we’ve ALLOWED to actually build up over time. Improper dieting practices. A lack of a proper warm up…. Things we...
FHP 340 – Do The Minimum
So we’re entering the time of year that well…we often slack a bit on those healthy habits. We get busy. There are tons of work things and family events… Let’s face it…often the holidays are when our motivation fades and often our healthy habits fall by the wayside....
Funny how any time there is a blip or bump in the road toward results we feel like we’re failing. But we often ignore the fact that technically we can only suffer a setback because we’ve moved forward. And trust me…I get it. It’s frustrating when you’re working hard...
FHP 338 – Are Certain Exercises Bad?
If you look at comments on different exercise posts, you can honestly start to believe that EVERY move is bad for you and super dangerous. But I think too often we simply demonize moves over learning how to use them properly. Don’t get me wrong, there is risk with...
FHP 337 – How Do You Stop The Spiral?
You know that downward spiral of negativity that can happen? Where one bad thing happens, maybe even something minor, and then stuff just seems to be piling on. And yes, while bad things are happening, you let your MINDSET only make things worse? We let ourselves...
Overcorrecting... You know when you've done too much of something so in an attempt to "correct" the situation you almost go overboard the other way? Yaaaa we've all been guilty of it when it comes to our diet...and even our workouts.... We go on vacation. Eat "too...
FHP 335 – You Don’t Get Something For Nothing
Results aren’t owned. They’re rented. And rent is due every freaking day. It’s due in the form of those habits. Because we can never stop doing what made us “better.” I know we want our cake and to eat it to, but you don’t get something for nothing. Results are truly...