Stretch and Roll Out:

Complete 3-5 rounds of the Eccentric Push Ups, resting 60-90 seconds between rounds so you do quality reps each and every time. Then rest 2-3 minutes before moving on to the supplemental circuits. Rest 20-40 seconds between rounds of the circuits. Complete 6-8 rounds of each circuit. Rest 2-3 minutes between circuits.

3-8 reps Eccentric Focused Push Ups (as slow as possible)

20 seconds Push Up Variations
20 seconds Inverted Row Hold or Scapular Wall Hold
20-40 seconds Rest

20 seconds Push Up Holds
20 seconds Inverted Rows or Corner Rows
20-40 seconds Rest

Stretch and Roll Out:

For this workout to really help you improve your Push Ups, you need to make sure that on the Eccentric Push Ups all your reps are quality reps. You want to make sure you have perfect form and lower yourself down as slowly as possible. You are better off doing 3 perfectly than moving quickly or allowing your form to slightly break down and doing 8 reps. The Eccentric isn’t about volume. Those reps are about quality and doing the hardest variation possible.

Also, it is better to regress the Eccentric by doing them off an incline instead of from your knees so your core has to work like it would with the full Push Up. Also, you can do an Eccentric Only if you are close to a full Push Up, but not quite there yet.

See the Push Up post link below for Eccentric Push Up Form.

For the second two circuits, it is very important that you pick variations you can do for the entire 20 seconds. If you rest during that time, you aren’t going to get as much out of the workouts as you would otherwise.

For the Push Up Variations, mix it up and use this time to work on your weak points. If your chest is weak, do Wide Grip. If your triceps are weak, try Close Grip. If your core is weak, try a Spiderman Variation. If you struggle pushing up from the bottom of the Push Up, try a Dead Stop. Pick variations that help you strengthen your weak points while allowing you to maintain proper form!

For the Push Up Holds, you can use the High Plank or Top Push Up Hold, Mid-Push Up Hold or Bottom Push Up Hold. Mix it up to strengthen different points in your Push Ups and challenge your upper body and core in different ways.

For Stretches, Foam Rolling Moves and all of the exercises in this workout, including Push Up Variations, check out our How To Do A Push Up post.