by Cori Lefkowith | Dec 13, 2013
Stretch and Roll Out:
Complete 3-5 rounds of the circuit below. Rest for 30 seconds and 1 minute between rounds. Rest up to 2 minutes between the circuit and conditioning.
10-20 reps per partner Band Seesaw
10-20 reps per side per partner Partner Wood Chop
10-20 reps per side per partner Band Circles
10-20 reps per side per partner Core Stability Press and Rotations
Complete 4-6 rounds of the exercise below. Crawl for 1 minute then rest for 1-3 minutes depending on your level.
Partner Band Crawls
Stretch and Roll Out:
This workout is best done with a partner of an equal fitness level so that the resistance band challenges you both. C-Bands or normal resistance bands can be used. Each partner will hold a side of the band.
Beginners may need to shorten the partner band crawls or use all 3 minutes to rest.
Band Seesaw – Each partner will stand facing each other with their feet about hip-width apart. They will each hold an end of the band with their palms facing the ground. Step away so there is tension in the band, but you can still pull it back without pulling the other person over. One partner will then hinge over, pushing their butt back and leaning forward as they pull the back back between their legs. Your knees will bend slightly as you pull it back, but you are not squating down. Your arms should stay straight as you pull and your back should be flat. As one partner pulls the band back between their legs and hinges over, the other partner will pull the band back overhead. Keep your arms straight as you pull the band back overhead. Do not arch your low back, but stand up nice and tall to pull the band overhead. Then both partners will move together, switching their position so that the band moves like a seesaw. The partner that was hinging over will now pull the band back overhead to resist the partner that is moving from overhead to the hinge. Move together and keep tension in the band. One rep is the hinge and the overhead pull.
Partner Wood Chop – Face each other and hold the band with your palms facing down. One partner is going to pivot and pull the band up and outside their shoulders to the left while the other partner pivots and drops the band outside their knee to the right. The partner that pivots up will pull the band up and across their body to outside their shoulder, keeping their arms straight and rotating their back foot. The partner that pulls outside their knee will pivot their back foot and lunge down, keeping their back flat and arms straight. The partners will then switch, moving together and keeping tension in the band. The partner who is low will move across their body and pull up outside their shoulder while the other partner will pull down across their body to outside their knee. One rep is low and high. Once all reps are completed going low to high one way, switch and go low to high the other direction.
Band Circles – Partners will stand side by side with the band held in front of them at their chests. They should stand far enough apart that there is tension in the band. Then one partner will pull to the right with their arms straight. The other partner will follow as the first partner draws a big circle with the band. Make sure there is tension in the band at all times. Create circles one way and then reverse the circles with the other partner leading. Make sure to pull and resists your partner a little as you draw the circles together.
Core Stability Press and Rotations – You will stand perpendicular to each other. One will face the other while the other will stand sideways to their partner. The partner standing sideways will hold the band out in front of them at chest height, holding the band with their palms facing each other. Their arms will stay straight out in front of them. Their goal is to keep their arms straight out at the middle of their chest as their partner tries to pull them. The partner facing their partner will then rotate side to side, forcing the other partner to stabilize. As the partner rotates from side to side, they will pull the band from hip to hip, keeping their arms straight. Each rotation from hip to hip is a rep. Once all reps are complete with the partner facing one way, the partner will turn the other direction to work their other oblique. Each partner will do two stabilization presses before switching and letting the other partner stabilize as they rotate.
Partner Band Crawls – Set up on your hands and knees side by side with the band around your waists. Set up far enough apart that there is tension on the band. Lift up onto your hands and toes with your knees under your hips and your hands under your shoulders. Begin to crawl forward with the opposite arm and leg working together. Once you crawl forward for a bit, crawl backward. Keep your core tight. Do not reach too much with your legs, especially when crawling backward. Switch sides and crawl on the other side of your partner the next round.
by Cori Lefkowith | Dec 13, 2013
Stretch and Roll Out:
Complete 3-5 rounds of the circuit below. Rest only as needed between rounds.
30 seconds – 1 minute Push Up Hold
30 seconds – 1 minute Supine Bridge
30 seconds – 1 minute Pike Hold
30 seconds – 1 minute Glute Bridge Hold
30 second Power Wheel Crawl
Complete 5-8 rounds. Rest 30 seconds to 1 minute between rounds.
Stretch and Roll Out:
If this is being used as a recovery workout, you may want to cut out the conditioning or at most do a couple of rounds. This is a great core and activation workout, especially for more advanced exercisers.
Push Up Hold – Hold a handle of the power wheel in each hand. Place the power wheel under your shoulders and set up on either your knees (beginners) or your toes (advanced). Push up into a high plank position on the wheel. Your arms should be straight and the power wheel should be right under your shoulders. Your body should be in a nice straight line from your head to your heels. Draw your belly button in toward your spine and squeeze your hips. Place your feet closer together to make the moves harder. Hold in that nice straight plank position. Advanced exercisers may want to do small rolls forward with the power wheel as they hold. Slightly roll the power wheel above your shoulders and then bring it back under your shoulders. Your body should stay in a nice straight line as you slightly extend overhead and then pull the wheel back.
Supine Bridge – Place your feet in the straps. Lie on your back with your legs out straight. Bend your arms to 90 degrees and squeeze your glutes to lift your body up an inch or two off the ground. Press your chest out and drive through your elbows to even get your back up off the ground. Keep your body in a nice straight line off the ground and hold. Do not hyperextend your back. Keep your core tight as you hold. Beginners may want to substitute a posterior plank in for this power wheel move.
Pike Hold – Place your feet in the power wheel and then turn over onto your hands. Lift up into the high plank position with your feet in the power wheel. Then squeeze your belly button in toward your spine and lift your butt up toward the ceiling. As you pike up, pull the wheel in toward your head. Pull the wheel in as close as you can to your head while keeping your legs straight. Hold in that position. Do not let your back round too much as you tuck and keep your arms straight. Beginners may do a plank hold with the wheel on their feet or even a modified handstand hold from the ground.
Glute Bridge Hold – Place your feet in the straps. Lie on your back and bring the power wheel in toward your butt. Bend your arms to 90 degrees with your upper back and arms on the ground. Then drive through your upper back and your feet in the wheel to raise your hips up as high as you can. Do not hyperextend your back. Hold there and squeeze your glutes and core. Do not let your heels roll away from you as you hold.
Power Wheel Crawl – Place your feet in the power wheel and then turn over onto your hands. Lift up into the high plank position with your feet in the power wheel. Squeeze your core and set your body in a nice straight line with your hands under your shoulders. Then begin to walk forward on your hands, stepping with one hand and then the other. Keep your body in a straight line as you move forward on your hands and the wheel. Do not let your hips sag or go up in the air as you crawl forward. Beginners can do a bear crawl or table top crawl from the ground.
by Cori Lefkowith | Dec 12, 2013
Stretch and Roll Out:
Complete 3-5 rounds of each circuit. One partner will go and then the other. Your rest will be when your partner goes. In between circuits rest up to 2 minutes.
20-50ft Chain Sprint
1 Chain length Front Plank Pulls
20-50ft Chain Sprint
1 Chain length Lateral Plank Pulls
20-50ft Chain Sprint
1 Chain length Backward Plank Pulls
Stretch and Roll Out:
In this workout, you will sprint with the chain behind you. It will then be stretched out along the ground. When you do the plank pulls, you will pull it into a pile on that side so that when your partner sprints, they will drag it back out on the ground. Battling ropes can also be used if the chain is too heavy or you simply don’t have one. Beginners may also need more rest and might not be ready to go right after their partner finishes. Rest more if needed. You do not want to rest once you’ve begun the round.
Chain Sprint – Hold the chain behind you or strap it on around your waist or to a harness. Sprint, driving with the opposite arm and leg. Keep your head in line with your body as you sprint and don’t round forward. Sprint all the way down, letting the chain stretch out behind you.
Front Plank Pulls – Set up in a high front plank over the chain so that you can reach forward to grab the chain. Beginners will do this from their knees while advanced exercisers will do the plank from their toes. If you are doing this from your toes, set your feet about hip-width apart. Then reach forward and grab the chain and pull it down toward your chest. You can either sit back toward your heels as you pull or you can maintain a strict plank for an anti-rotational pull variation. Once you pull down to your chest, reach up again with the same hand and pull again until you’ve pulled the chain all the way in. Alternate arms each round.
Lateral Plank Pulls -Set up in a high plank position with the chain going across you so you can pull it laterally. You can be in a plank position from your hands and knees (beginner) or hands and toes (advanced). Place your feet about hip-width apart. Reach under and across your body to grab the chain. Then pull it across, sitting back into the side you are pulling toward. Use your glutes to powerfully pull the chain under and through. You can also mix it up and do an anti-rotational pull where you stay in a strict plank as you pull across instead of sitting back as you pull. Pull until the chain has been totally pulled back in. Alternate sides each round.
Backward Plank Pulls – Set up in a high front plank over the chain with your feet toward the stretched out chain. Beginners will do this from their knees while advanced exercisers will do the plank from their toes. Set your feet or knees about hip-width apart over the chain. Sit your butt back toward your heels as you reach your hand back and through your legs to grab the chain. Then drive your hips forward as you pull the chain up toward your head. Once you pull as far as you can, sit back again and reach through with the same hand. Switch sides after each round. Pull the entire chain in until it is in a pile in front of your head.
by Cori Lefkowith | Dec 6, 2013
Stretch and Roll Out:
Complete 3 rounds of each circuit. Rest the same amount of time to double the amount of time it took you to complete the circuit. Rest 2-3 minutes between circuits.
Sprint Suicide
20-50ft Lateral Crawls
10-20 reps per side Bicycles
Shuffle Suicide
3-5 reps each way Circle Crawls
10-20 reps Full Body Crunch
Carioca Suicide
20-50ft Forward/Backward Crawl
10-15 reps per side Oblique V ups
Stretch and Roll Out:
This is a great variation of the resisted sprint workout.
For all the suicides, beginners can do a 2 cone suicide, intermediate a 3 cone suicide and advanced a 4 cone suicide. For every one, the final cone will be about 50ft from the starting point.
Suicide – Sprint, side shuffle and carioca as fast as you can while maintaining good form. Start at one cone and go to the first cone. Then come back to the start and then quickly go back to the second cone. Return to the starting cone and then shuffle to the third cone and come back to the start. Always start with the closest cone even if you are only doing a two cone suicide.
Lateral Crawls – Set up on your hands and knees with your knees under your hips and your hands under your shoulders. Then flex your feet and lift up onto your toes. Place your hands close together and your feet about shoulder-width apart. Then step your left hand to the left so your hands are apart as you step your right foot together withyour left. Then step your right hand to meet your left hand as you move your left foot to the left. Keep moving the opposite arm and leg laterally until you’ve completed your 20-50ft then crawl laterally back.
Bicycles – Lie on your back with your legs out straight in front of you and your hands behind your head. Lift your legs up off the ground. Beginners may need to keep their feet up higher while more advanced exercisers will be able to keep their feet only an inch or two off the ground. Bring your right knee into your chest, keeping the left leg off the ground. As you bring the right knee in, crunch the upper body up and bring the left elbow up and across to touch your right knee. Then straighten you right knee out and bring your left knee in as you rotate your left elbow to the ground and your right elbow to your left knee. Keep rotating and alternating touches until all reps are complete.
Circle Crawls – Set up on your hands and knees. Flex your feet and lift up onto your hands and toes. Your knees should be under your hips and your hands should be under your shoulders. Pretend their is a string attaching your belly button to the ground. You may even want to put something on the ground under your belly button to keep you centered. Then begin to circle over that spot. Do one full circle one direction then switch and do a complete circle the other way. To move in a circle, you will take a step with the opposite hand and leg. Make sure to move both your hands and feet. You do not just want to move your feet and circle around your hands! Beginners may need to do a baby crawl on their hands and knees to start.
Full Body Crunch – Lie on your back with your legs out straight. You can place your hands behind your head or across your chest. Lift your feet up off the ground and tuck your knees in toward your chest as you crunch your upper body up. Keep a space between your chin and your chest as you lift your shoulder blades up off the ground. Crunch both your lower and upper body together then relax your upper body back down as you kick your legs out straight. Do not touch your heels to the ground until all reps are complete. Beginners may need to keep their feet up higher in the air while more advanced exercisers will kick their legs out close to the ground, keeping them only an inch or two up off the ground. After you kick your legs out, crunch everything back together.
Forward/Backward Crawl – Set up on your hands and knees with your knees under your hips and your hands under your shoulders. Then flex your feet and lift up onto your toes. Take a step forward with your left foot and right hand, keeping your knees close to the ground and your back flat. Then step forward with your right foot and left hand. Keep alternating moving the opposite arm and opposite leg together. Once you’ve crawled forward the 20-50ft, you will then reverse the crawl. Take a small step back with your right foot as you step back with your left hand. Take small steps, especially moving backward. If you reach too much with your leg, you are going to put more strain on your shoulders and your movement will get off. The opposite arm and leg need to move together. Keep your knees close to the ground as you move backward. Beginners may need to perform a baby crawl from their knees and hands.
Oblique V ups – Lie on your side with your bottom arm out in front of you just below shoulder height. Angle your straight legs a bit out in front of you, stacked one on top of the other. Keep your legs together. V up on your side reaching your top hand toward your toes. Lift your legs up as high as you can as you sort of prop yourself up on your bottom arm. Relax back down and repeat.
by Cori Lefkowith | Dec 6, 2013
Stretch and Roll Out:
Complete 3-5 rounds of each circuit. Rest 30 seconds to 1 minute between rounds. Then rest 1-2 minutes between circuits.
SAQ Drills:
1 length Ladder Drill
5-10 reps Bobcats
5-10 reps Hinge Throws for Height
3-6 reps per side Turkish Get Ups
10-15 reps per side Step Downs
10-15 reps per side Dumbbell Cross Body Chop
Stretch and Roll Out:
Focus on precision of movement not on lifting the most weight possible. Take your time with the moves. This is a great workout to develop core strength.
Ladder Drill – You can either choose to do a few different ones and get more advanced as you go or you can pick one and do 3-5 rounds of that. Remember your goal is to move quickly while not sacrificing precision. You can do a hopscotch move, the Ali Shuffle, the Ickey Shuffle or even a basic one or two foot run. Choose drills to match your experience and level. Here are some drills to help you out!
Bobcats – Perform 5-10 reps. The goal of bobcats is to get everything to move together. Choose the variation you can do quickly and with precision. To set up for bobcats, lift up onto your hands and toes with your knees bent and under your hips and your hands under your shoulders. Beginners will then quickly bend their elbows and drop their knees to the ground as if they are trying to explode up off the ground. The next level is donkey kicks, jumping the feet up and down on the ground. When that feels easy, stay on your hands and toes and next just lift and jump the hands together. To advance this move further, you will actually lift everything up off the ground and land with hands and feet hitting together. Bend your elbows and drop your knees to the ground, then explode up off the ground and quickly come back down. You don’t want your hands or feet to hit before the other. You want everything to hit quickly together. Move as fast as possible. The goal is to get your core moving quickly together. Choose the level you can not only do well but do quickly.
Hinge Throws for Height – Grab a med ball with both hands. Set your feet between hip-width and shoulder-width apart. Hinge over pushing your butt back and bending your knees slightly. Keep your back flat as you bring your hands back between your legs. Then, as if doing a squat jump, launch yourself up into the air and extend your arms up and overhead, releasing the med ball toward the ceiling. Then land softly bending your knees as you land. You can either then catch the ball and repeat quickly, hinging right back over or you can let the ball bounce and give yourself a second or two between reps. Beginners should let the ball bounce. Use a lighter ball so you can throw it high in the air; however, make sure you challenge yourself.
Turkish Get Up – Start by lying on your back on the ground with your legs out straight. Then drive your right arm up straight and have your fist pointing up toward the ceiling. Bend your right knee and place your foot flat on the ground. Straighten your left arm out to the side (not straight out at shoulder height, but not right by your body). Keeping your right arm straight up and pointed toward the ceiling at all times (it can even help to balance something on your knuckles to remind you of this while you are learning), roll up on to your left forearm. Prop yourself up nice and tall on your left forearm. Press through your right foot on the ground. Do not let your right knee cave in and keep your left leg out straight on the ground. Once up on your forearm, press up onto your left hand with your left arm going straight. Sit up nice and tall. Do not shrug your shoulders. And remember, your right arm is always straight and pointing straight toward the ceiling. Then from the seated position you are going to bridge up, lifting your hips up as high as you can. You will press down through your left hand as well as your left heel and right foot. Keep your right foot flat on the ground and your left leg out straight. Do not let your right heel come up. From the bridge position, slide your left leg back and under you so that you are in a kneeling position with your hand on the ground. Make sure you swing your leg back enough so you are in a strong supported kneeling position that will allow you to lift your left hand off the ground. Staying nice and tall, lift your left hand and come to a kneeling position. Do not lean forward of slouch forward as you lift your hand up off the ground. With your right arm still pointing up at the ceiling, stomp your right foot into the ground and come up to standing, bringing your left foot forward to be even with your right foot. Once standing, you will reverse the steps until you are again lying on your back. You will first go back to kneeling, stepping your left foot back. You will then place your left hand down on the ground out to the side and just a little back from your left knee. You will then bridge up and swing your left leg through so it is out straight in front of you. As you bridge, keep your right heel firmly planted on the ground. From there, you will return to a seated position supported by your left hand. Then you will relax down to your forearm and finally roll on to your back. Do not slouch as you move back down. Keep a nice tall posture throughout the entire move. Repeat 3-5 reps on this right side before switching. You can also do this move with either a sandbag over your shoulder or a kettlbell or dumbbell in the raised hand. Beginners may just want to start by balancing something on their knuckles.
Step Downs – Start standing on the bench or box so that you can step off of it to the side with your left foot. Your right foot will be on the edge of the box as if you are going to step down onto your left foot. Slowly hinge forward, keeping your back flat. Push your butt back as you bend your right knee, dropping your left foot toward the ground. Do not touch your left foot down. Once you go as low as you can, drive right back up to standing. Do not do more than touch your left toe down. You don’t want to be able to push off your left foot at all. Make sure you are only driving through your right heel and not using your left foot on the ground. Control your decent and then press quickly back up.
Dumbbell Cross Body Chop – Start with the dumbbell vertical outside one hip and your arms bent. Feet shold be no wider than hip-width apart. Hinge back a bit, pushing the butt backward while leaning the torso forward just a bit. Then pop the hips forward to swing the dumbbell up across the body and up and outside the other shoulder. Then lower back down to the outside of the hip and repeat. Keep your core tight and your chest up nice and tall. Explosively push the dumbbell up and across your body, but lower it back down with control. Complete all reps on one side before switching.