Hey guys, this is Cori from Redefining Strength. Welcome to the Fitness Hacks Podcast. This is a show where I share all my free workout and nutrition tips. I’m not going to ever fill this episode with sponsorships or ask you to buy anything. All I ask in return is if you’re enjoying the podcast to leave a review or leave a five star rating, or even better share it with somebody you think it might help. This will only take a few minutes and would mean the world to me and possibly change the life of someone. So let’s jump right in. Are your goals worth it? So I want to share a little story that one of my coaching clients shared in the group. She said, so yesterday my favorite cupcake place was featuring two of my favorite cupcakes, almond Raspberry, and one called the Irish Triplet. I was seriously considering heading there to buy one of each the sample, but I had just had a feeling the scale was going to budge.

I had been bouncing back and forth for a while, and I just felt like I was close to good news. So I skipped the cupcake. They’ll have the flavor next Saturday. So I told myself to wait, and yep, the scale budged. I’m down seven pounds since starting the program, and no cupcake would be worth missing this feeling, not at this point. Anyway, next week, if I feel good about it, I can work that cupcake into my day. So tempting, and I love the story and wanted to share it with all of you because I think this really highlights the choice that we have when we’re working towards our goals and also the assessment we often need to do when breaking old patterns. We have to ask ourselves, is our goal worth it? Because a lot of times we just repeat an old pattern saying, oh, well, I feel so deprived.

I don’t want to be restricted. I don’t always want to be that person on a diet. Instead of assessing, well, what actually does matter to me? What do I truly want? Is that this important right in this moment? And then we act forced into the decision over recognizing that we’re even choosing potentially not to allow ourselves to have something because we’ve prioritized our goal over the other thing because the short-term gratification isn’t worth it. Too often we just fall back into old patterns though, Hey, I’ve always gotten this. I deserve this. I should have it. The scale’s not budging. We think out of frustration, we’re going to do it. Instead of saying, Hey, is this a pattern? I’ve always repeated at this point when I’m a little bit frustrated when I really want this thing and it’s my favorite flavors, do I always fall back into the same pattern and then ultimately feel bad after the decision, not get back on it and not move forward.

So it’s not that her handling of this was the way you have to handle it, but the assessment is what I think we all need to do more of. We need to recognize our choice. We also have to recognize the fear of judgment that often plays a part. Are you judging yourself because you think someone else would judge you for this? Are you worried that if you are with other people and they’re like, oh, you’re not going to have one, that they’re judging you in a negative way, and do you not like the reflection back on yourself? We have to assess, am I really seeing this as my choice? What choice do I want to make? Am I worried about judgment? And how is that playing in? Am I being true to what I want? And is my goal really worth it? Because as she recognized, even

She go have those on a different week, it wasn’t that she was eliminating them forever even. And I think that’s something we often get caught up in. We think we’re developing this lifestyle and this is just the way it’s going to be when there’s really going to be evolutions along the way, and what we even do to accomplish one goal isn’t what we will do to maintain it. That balance will shift. Our priorities are going to shift in life and how we’re scheduling everything, what choices we’re deciding to make, they will evolve. And it’s key that we recognize that one size doesn’t fit all forever and it doesn’t fit us forever. So recognizing that, Hey, what is my goal? What do I have to do right now to achieve it? Even? How can I make a different decision in the future can really pay off, but don’t let what you’ve always done in the past.

Don’t let the instant gratification persuade you to do something that you’re not really ready to do, and that doesn’t really match your long-term goals. And I bring this up too because I think we often don’t recognize that we’re creating a new identity as we’re working towards a goal. The person that has that goal has a specific lifestyle, and if we don’t want that lifestyle, we’ve got to reassess if we actually want to reach that goal. But we’ve got to recognize the changes that will come into play, and even the fact that a lot of times the changes we rebel against to start, we actually in the end, we even say to ourselves, why didn’t I do this sooner? And again, going back to that exact example, while she’s making this decision right now, she knows next weekend she can make another choice. And she might even find that when she gets to that next weekend, all of a sudden it’s like, well, I actually don’t really care because I feel really good and I like the other flavors just as much, and I’ll have them in a few weeks with the other flavors, or it’ll come back around because they do make them in a cycle.

So it’s truly recognizing what we want and not getting caught up in the moment or in the old patterns that we’ve always repeated. So question, why you’re holding onto something, question why you even have that feeling of restriction versus seeing it as a choice and stop worrying about judgment from other people and even recognizing when that judgment is really coming from yourself. But in a situation where you are faced with a hard choice, where you might’ve always gone one direction and you might need to slightly overcorrect the other way, ask yourself, are my goals really worth it? Because that will highlight so much and impact so many of the decisions you make moving forward, knowing that you can make another choice at a different time. Thanks for listening to the Fitness Hack Podcast. Again, this is the place where I share all my free workout and nutrition tips. I’m never going to run sponsorships or ask you to buy anything. All I ask in return is if you’re enjoying the podcast to leave a rating, review or share it with someone you think it might help. This will only take a few minutes and it would mean the world to me and possibly change life of someone you know


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