Travel…the holidays…many of us feel like gaining weight is inevitable.
And in the past, it may have been.
But you don’t have to feel doomed to gain weight during the holidays or when you travel.
You just need to consider some strategies to address the patterns that usually add up.
And more importantly, you need to PLAN AHEAD!
So what did I do?
#1: I stopped to assess prior and plan out options.
#2: I focused on doing the minimum and allowing that to build momentum and motivation.
#3: I focused on controlling what I could control aka the meals AROUND holiday meals or vacation meals out. Even using more “strict” ratios and calories prior and after.
#4: I focused on swaps. Where could I swap things at restaurants. How could I swap things in dishes I was prepping to share.
#5: Used fasting strategically.
#6: Never felt guilty.
#7: Realized too often we emphasize the few holidays or vacation days over focusing on the other 300 some odd days of the year….
Love your suggestions. Moderation is my 92-year-old Moms mantra and she is in amazing shape. Your tips are all that – moderation , not total elimination.
HECK YES! Love it!
I always believe that moderation n portion control that always help
Love your moderation approach more realistic and doable
They do! But finding our balance in what those things mean is key.
Thank you! Glad the tips help!
So ‘simple’ yet so brilliant! Each one a true gem. Thank you!
So glad the tips help!