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FHP 543 – THIS Is Killing Your Metabolism…

FHP 543 – THIS Is Killing Your Metabolism…

Muscle stokes our metabolic fire. Often if we just focused on building muscle, we would ultimately be leaner and see fat loss results faster. Yet so often our previous dieting practices have already sabotaged our metabolic health. The good thing is our metabolism...

FHP 542 – STOP The Extreme Diets And Workouts To Lose Weight

FHP 542 – STOP The Extreme Diets And Workouts To Lose Weight

Stop the extremes. Stop the restriction. Stop pushing yourself to the point you want to give up constantly. Instead embrace finding your balance and realize why some changes are more of a struggle. Start to listen to what your body and mind are telling you and what is...

FHP 541 – Define How You Age

FHP 541 – Define How You Age

You can’t stop getting older. But you can DEFINE HOW YOU AGE. Our body will change. Our needs and goals will evolve. But getting older doesn’t have to mean decline. We can lead our healthiest, happiest lives at any and every age as long as we embrace evolution to meet...

5 Diet and Exercise Myths

5 Diet and Exercise Myths

There are lots of different opinions and perspectives out there.  And while I think this is a good thing, it can also lead to us creating beliefs and habits that don’t serve us. That’s why in this episode I’m excited to chat with RS coach Cathy about some common diet...

FHP 539 – Why Is Nothing Working?!

FHP 539 – Why Is Nothing Working?!

Sometimes it feels like nothing is working! No matter how hard we try, we stay stuck in the same spot, asking ourselves, "Why is nothing working?!" A lot of the time, what it takes is going back to those boring basics. As much as it's tempting to search for a magic...

FHP 538 – You’re Sabotaging Your Own Success…Here’s How

FHP 538 – You’re Sabotaging Your Own Success…Here’s How

We are often our own worst enemy.And it comes back to the fact that whether we believe we can or we can’t we’re right.How we perceive things, dictates our actions - whether we see things as obstacles or opportunities is our choice.That’s why I wanted to discuss some...

FHP 537 – Why 1% Tweaks Can Lead To BIG Results

FHP 537 – Why 1% Tweaks Can Lead To BIG Results

So often when we want to see a better result, we feel like we need to make these massive changes.When often it is 1% tweaks, slight shifts in perspective that add up.That’s why I’m excited to share some amazing meal prep and workout hacks you can implement this week...

FHP 536 – Postpartum Fitness – What You Need To Know

FHP 536 – Postpartum Fitness – What You Need To Know

Are you a new mom juggling baby care and fitness goals? In this episode, I'm joined by my fabulous trainer Rachel, a new mom, who shares her real-life experiences and strategies to balance motherhood and personal fitness. In this candid conversation, we uncover the...

FHP 535 – Is it Healthy? Busting Food Labels

FHP 535 – Is it Healthy? Busting Food Labels

Many healthy terms and habits have evolved over time. Keto now is not what keto originally was. Tabata now refers to so many variations of intervals it didn’t originally stand for. And I don’t think the evolution of terms is a bad thing. HOWEVER, these healthy terms...

FHP 533 – Fad Diets – How Dangerous Are They?

FHP 533 – Fad Diets – How Dangerous Are They?

  00:00 - Intro Fad diets promise a quick fix or easy solution, but not only do they not lead to LASTING results they could also even be bad for your health and KILL you. I’m not trying to scare you or be overly dramatic. But some of the fad diets popping up on...