3 Fat Loss Myths Holding You Back
The simple fact is, one size doesn’t fit all. And so many things can work for so many different reasons. And ultimately what leads to our success, especially when it comes to fat loss, is something that we can do consistently LONG-TERM. Even then, the exact diet or...
The Most UNDERRATED Dumbbell Upper Body Exercise
I feel like there are always moves that sort of get “forgotten.” They fall out of popularity or get hated on because of one specific issue, or don’t seem “hard enough” and then people stop using them. Even when they’re crazy amazing and beneficial. One such move is...
5 MOBILITY Moves To Do Every Day
Use it or lose it. If we want to move well, we need to be intentional with our training. We need to do things to restore proper joint range of motion, flexibility and even stability. We can just constantly smash our bodies into the ground and expect not to get...
Leg Lowers – You’re Doing it WRONG (3 tips to help)
Constantly feel your lower back or hip flexors during ab moves like leg lowers? Do you just push through figuring your lower back is weak? STOP! Not only is this NOT helping you get the desired ab strengthening results you’re trying to work toward but it may also...
Can’t LOSE Fat? Try These 2 Tips
Trying to lose weight as quickly as possible on the scale is a completely different focus than fat loss. And often the faster we strive to see weight loss, the more we really don’t control for fat loss nor optimize our body recomposition. Actually the more we can...
the Most Underrated Glute Exercise
The stronger your mind-body connection is? The more you can lift, the faster you can run and the further you can cycle! Basically the STRONGER YOU ARE! Strength is not just about brute force but also about neuromuscular efficiency - how quickly can you recruit the...
Macro Tracking For Beginners – 3 Macro Tracking Mistakes
Counting or tracking macros is overwhelming. It’s intimidating. It’s hard. It’s annoying. It’s boring. It’s tedious. It’s really sucky to start. But it’s also the best way to get results efficiently while learning how to create a sustainable lifestyle balance so you...
Push-Ups For Beginners – 5 Simple Tips To Perfect Your Push Up
Push ups not only require a lot of upper body strength but also core strength. They require you to properly recruit and engage everything from your shoulders to your knees so your body moves as one unit. You need to not only have amazing strength but also proper...
Your Personal BluePrint To The Best Results
Does it feel like you’ve tried EVERYTHING but you still struggle to get the results you want? Or maybe you just don’t know where to start.
Any fitness or nutrition program that does not take into consideration your exact mobility restrictions and training history and how you progress, well they lead to quick plateaus and lackluster results.
One size doesn’t fit all.
We know this.
But that’s why it’s key we have the support we need to assess what is and isn’t working and make changes.
That’s why it’s key we have a mentor there to guide us and adjust our programming based on the way results are ACTUALLY building.
Get the support, accountability and guidance you need so you can stop wasting time on fad diets and quick fixes that aren’t customized to your needs and goals!