I don’t know about you all, but I love Ted Lasso.

In the episode Ryan and I were watching last night, he talked about people underestimating him his entire life.

And how he didn’t understand it, but then saw a quote by Walt Whitman “Be curious not judgmental.”

After seeing that quote, he realized that everyone was judging and no one was curious and that is why they constantly underestimated him.

I won’t spoil the outcome of the scene for those of you who haven’t seen it.

But that whole scene I thought was so powerful for so many reasons.

Too often we hold ourselves back in our lives because we AREN’T curious.

We simply judge.

We judge people and situations over wondering why they are occurring.

I so often even see it in the troll comments I get.

In the way people only accept one “right way” of doing a move or of approaching nutrition.

They aren’t curious, they WANT to judge.

And because of that, they’ll always stay stuck.

We need to be open to opportunities if we want to grow and improve.

We need to even recognize that often we are looking at things from only our own perspective and being open to other viewpoints can actually help us get results faster.

We need to realize that one size doesn’t fit all and by not allowing others to find their own way we hold them back.

So much of life operates on a continuum and we need to recognize that.

However, I also know that even if we aren’t trying to, each of us can fall victim to judging over being curious.

It’s why now I so push clients and my trainers to seek out new perspectives and find the opportunities in them.

When COULD something work over just writing it off?

Because it is easy to get stuck looking at things from only one way.

So how can you keep yourself being curious?

#1: Consciously seek out other viewpoints and find why they are RIGHT.

Honestly, I’m not a vegetarian, but I can make an argument for being one.

I’m not Keto. Or Paleo.

I don’t believe in only doing steady state endurance cardio, and dislike Overhead Kettlebell Swings.

BUT if you asked me to list out why someone may do it, or the benefits, I can tell you.

It’s not that we won’t get our opinions and decide things aren’t the best way or the right way for us, but we have to remind ourselves that what works for us isn’t the only way.

By consciously putting ourselves in that uncomfortable position and trying to even argue for them, I think we can learn so much more even about our needs or ways to create hybrid routines that ultimately work even better!

And as trainer, we can find ways to reach clients where our “go-to” options don’t work!

#2: Pause to ask why.

I genuinely want to help everyone.

And when I first started online, it did take some getting used to the trolling.

It would hurt when someone critiqued something when I was only trying to help.

But I began to ask why.

Not only asking WHY to see their perspective, but also to help someone else reading the comment.

How could I support someone else who that comment may offend or who may have had someone troll them in that way.

And how could I then even potentially reach the person doing it to change their perspective.

But it required pausing my brain from reacting immediately and asking WHY?

Why is this being said?

I think in this day and age of immediate responses and instant gratification, that can be a challenge, but we need to push ourselves to pause in our responses and reactions whenever possible to assess.

I think it so often gives us a much needed perspective on things not only to help others, but to really be true to who and what we are.

#3: Experiment

The best results come from experimentation. Sure we need to have a set plan and when we find the foundation that works for us, we stick with it.

But I can tell you so much of what works is just overall systems.

I do 3 days a week of training and see results. I do 6 and also benefit.

We can choose variety over time even based on changes in our lifestyle.

But part of what I think keeps us open IS that willingness to experiment and slightly forcing ourselves to be in uncomfortable situations that challenge us.

So if you have a goal, and especially one you haven’t hit before, be willing and excited to experiment even if it doesn’t work.

Or if you haven’t tried a hobby before?

Embrace the learning process!

Honestly give the plan or new classes or lessons a try and track to see what does and doesn’t work.

Look for the opportunity in this learning experience and realize it also allows us again to see other perspectives!


Be curious.

The more you are and open to even hard different perspectives, often the more successful we will be in our own lives.

See the opportunity in things even when it requires you to pause to stop your innate reaction and be a bit uncomfortable!

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