Subscribe on Apple PodcastsFHP 304 – Don’t be a bug!
The easiest path, the intuitive path and the RIGHT path? Aren’t usually one in the same. I shared this story in this video I did for my one on one coaching clients and I thought it was so relevant after seeing some comments in my Facebook group over the weekend, I...
FHP 303 – pobody’s nerfect
EVERYONE has doubts, fears, times of insecurity. We all need reassurance at points. Feel down about our progress. We all have a better and worse. I know it can seem like someone else has all of the answers, never has a moment’s doubt about themselves. But I’m sorry. ...
FHP 302 – Is Rest Overrated?
Movement is medicine. Now I’m not saying that if you have an injury to just keep pushing through, but too often we simply do NOTHING. Then after some time off, we jump right back into what we were doing and wonder why we end up injured again. Why nothing changed. And...
FHP 301 – New Year, Same You?
While we want to work toward a new and improved version of ourselves, we have to remember… IT’S STILL US. Same flaws. Same struggles. Same reactions to things like restriction. So we need to remember who and want we are to address our needs and goals as we work to...
FHP S2: E48 – Surviving 2020 – My 5 Big 2020 Takeaways
This year was definitely….interesting. And there is a lot we can learn from the challenges to help us move forward and get even better results in 2021! Here are some key takeaways and tips to help you rock your goals and learn from the past. You can’t control what you...
S2: E47 – Sacrifice and obsession
With any goal comes sacrifice. Plain and simple. And the more "elite" the level you want to reach? The more sacrifices you'll probably have to make. Especially if you want results faster. While of course we can't out work time to some extent, the more we want...
FHP S2: E46 – I’m too OLD!
"I'm too old." I call BS on this. Do our goals change? Yup. Does our body change? Yup. But so much of what we state that we are too old for, we actually need to be doing more of. We also have to remember that fitness is always about ability. Our needs and goals do...
FHP S2: E45 – Validating Our Own EXCUSES
Change requires change no matter how you look at it And often the changes we need the most? Well they're uncomfortable. Changes that make us uncomfortable don't feel sustainable. They feel so against everything we've been doing we find excuses not to make them. We...
Something is better than nothing and often it is the habits we still want to be consistent with. But also recognizing at times you need even just a MENTAL break can be key. You have 300 other days of the year to dial things in. Focus on your consistency around...
FHP S2: E43 – Why Every Move is an Assessment
Every move is an assessment We constantly need to assess and reassess what we feel working and how we are moving. Because things add up from our daily postures and new injuries impact things. Even different variations included in a new progression can fatigue and...