The Partner Resistance Band Workout


Stretch and Roll Out:


Complete 3-5 rounds of the circuit below. Rest for 30 seconds and 1 minute between rounds. Rest up to 2 minutes between the circuit and conditioning.

10-20 reps per partner Band Seesaw
10-20 reps per side per partner Partner Wood Chop
10-20 reps per side per partner Band Circles
10-20 reps per side per partner Core Stability Press and Rotations

Complete 4-6 rounds of the exercise below. Crawl for 1 minute then rest for 1-3 minutes depending on your level.

Partner Band Crawls

Stretch and Roll Out:


This workout is best done with a partner of an equal fitness level so that the resistance band challenges you both. C-Bands or normal resistance bands can be used. Each partner will hold a side of the band.

Beginners may need to shorten the partner band crawls or use all 3 minutes to rest.


Band Seesaw – Each partner will stand facing each other with their feet about hip-width apart. They will each hold an end of the band with their palms facing the ground. Step away so there is tension in the band, but you can still pull it back without pulling the other person over. One partner will then hinge over, pushing their butt back and leaning forward as they pull the back back between their legs. Your knees will bend slightly as you pull it back, but you are not squating down. Your arms should stay straight as you pull and your back should be flat. As one partner pulls the band back between their legs and hinges over, the other partner will pull the band back overhead. Keep your arms straight as you pull the band back overhead. Do not arch your low back, but stand up nice and tall to pull the band overhead. Then both partners will move together, switching their position so that the band moves like a seesaw. The partner that was hinging over will now pull the band back overhead to resist the partner that is moving from overhead to the hinge. Move together and keep tension in the band. One rep is the hinge and the overhead pull.

Partner Wood Chop – Face each other and hold the band with your palms facing down. One partner is going to pivot and pull the band up and outside their shoulders to the left while the other partner pivots and drops the band outside their knee to the right. The partner that pivots up will pull the band up and across their body to outside their shoulder, keeping their arms straight and rotating their back foot. The partner that pulls outside their knee will pivot their back foot and lunge down, keeping their back flat and arms straight. The partners will then switch, moving together and keeping tension in the band. The partner who is low will move across their body and pull up outside their shoulder while the other partner will pull down across their body to outside their knee. One rep is low and high. Once all reps are completed going low to high one way, switch and go low to high the other direction.
Band Circles – Partners will stand side by side with the band held in front of them at their chests. They should stand far enough apart that there is tension in the band. Then one partner will pull to the right with their arms straight. The other partner will follow as the first partner draws a big circle with the band. Make sure there is tension in the band at all times. Create circles one way and then reverse the circles with the other partner leading. Make sure to pull and resists your partner a little as you draw the circles together.

Core Stability Press and Rotations – You will stand perpendicular to each other. One will face the other while the other will stand sideways to their partner. The partner standing sideways will hold the band out in front of them at chest height, holding the band with their palms facing each other. Their arms will stay straight out in front of them. Their goal is to keep their arms straight out at the middle of their chest as their partner tries to pull them. The partner facing their partner will then rotate side to side, forcing the other partner to stabilize. As the partner rotates from side to side, they will pull the band from hip to hip, keeping their arms straight. Each rotation from hip to hip is a rep. Once all reps are complete with the partner facing one way, the partner will turn the other direction to work their other oblique. Each partner will do two stabilization presses before switching and letting the other partner stabilize as they rotate.

Partner Band Crawls – Set up on your hands and knees side by side with the band around your waists. Set up far enough apart that there is tension on the band. Lift up onto your hands and toes with your knees under your hips and your hands under your shoulders. Begin to crawl forward with the opposite arm and leg working together. Once you crawl forward for a bit, crawl backward. Keep your core tight. Do not reach too much with your legs, especially when crawling backward. Switch sides and crawl on the other side of your partner the next round.


Posted on

December 13, 2013

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