The 20-Second Metabolic Workout
Stretch and Roll Out:
Set a timer for 20 second intervals with a few seconds of transition time. You will move from one exercise to the next without resting and then rest 20 seconds after both moves are complete. Complete 5 rounds of each circuit before resting 1-2 minutes. Then move on to the next circuit. Do not rest during the 20 seconds of work!
20 seconds Burpee Sit Thru
20 seconds Snowboard Hops
20 seconds Rest
20 seconds Plyo Jacks
20 seconds Climber Push Ups
20 seconds Rest
20 seconds Split Squat Jumps
20 seconds Plank Skier Hops
20 seconds Rest
Stretch and Roll Out:
Make sure to work as hard as you can during the 20 seconds. If you go easy or rest, you won’t get as much out of the workout. Regress movements as necessary to keep moving.
Burpee Sit Thrus – To do the Burpee Sit Thru, start standing with your feet together. Then bend down and place your hands on the ground as you jump your feet back into a Bull Dog position. Unlike the Basic Burpee, you won’t jump your feet back into a plank. You will want to jump your feet back so you are in more of a crawling position with your knees bent. From this bent-knee position, kick one leg under your body and through as you lift the opposite hand to “sit through.” Then bring the leg back under your body as you lower your hand back down and sit through on the other side. You will again kick the leg under your body and through as you lift your opposite hand. You want to rotate all the way through so you could actually sit if you lost your balance. Once you’ve performed a sit thru to both sides, jump your feet back into your hands and come to standing. Jump up off the ground at the top and then repeat the movement. Beginners may find they want to jump back into more of a plank position to make the sit thru easier. Advanced exercisers with more mobility will want to perform the sit thru from more of a bull dog hold starting position. AKA straighter legs makes the movement easier. Move quickly, rotating open and sitting all the way through on each sit thru.
Snowboard Hops – To do Snowboard Hops, start standing with your feet parallel and about shoulder-width apart. Face toward one foot, keeping your feet parallel and then step your back foot slightly forward so your stance is slightly staggered. Then squat down, pushing your butt back as you reach the same arm as the foot in front down outside your front toe. You can hinge over at the hips, but do not let your core collapse and simply lean forward. Then explode up off the ground, lifting your hand as you rotate forward and then to face the other way with your body. When you land, your back foot should be in front and your front foot should be in back, slightly staggered forward. Land and squat back down, dropping your front arm down to touch the ground outside your front toe. Then jump back up and rotate back to face the way you started. Beginners may not sink as low or jump as high. They may also do more of a “step” to switch than a full jump. Move quickly and make sure to bend your knees and sink down as you land. Also make sure your heels come down as you squat down. Keep your back flat even as you hinge over to touch the ground.
Plyo Jacks – To do the Plyo Jack, start standing tall with your feet together and your arms down by your sides. Then just slightly squat, pushing your butt back, to load your glutes so you can explode up off the ground. You will then perform the same movement as with the Basic Jumping Jack, but instead of jumping your feet out wide on the ground, you will want to explode up off the ground as you jump your feet out wide. As you jump up off the ground, raising your legs up to the sides as you jump, you will swing your arms out to the sides and up overhead. To land, bring your feet back together and sink back into a little squat. You want to squat a little as you land to help load your legs for the next jump while also landing softly to protect your knees. Bring your arms back down to your sides as you land and then repeat, jumping back up. The bigger your jump and the quicker you do the reps back to back, the harder this move will be. To make the move a little easier, pause between jumps.
Climber Push Ups – To do the Climber Push Up, start in a plank from your forearms. You can set your feet wider apart if needed to create a more stable base. Engage your abs and, keeping your body in a nice straight line, climb one hand at a time up to a plank position from your hands. Place your hands right below your shoulders, but outside your chest as you climb up. Then at the top perform a push up. Then climb back down and repeat. You can do the Push Ups from your knees if needed or even regress to just the Plank Climbers as you fatigue.
Split Squat Jumps – To do Split Squat Jumps, step one foot back and sink into a deep lunge, bending both knees as if kneeling down to the ground. Then from this lunge, explode up and as you jump, switch and land in a lunge on the other side. As you land, sink down into a deep lunge on the other side. Once again in the deep lunge, explode back up and jump back into a lunge on the first side. Beginners may need to do quick step back lunges instead of jumping to switch. The lower you go in the lunge and the quicker you jump to switch, the harder the move will be.
Plank Skier Hops – To do Plank Skier Hops, start in the plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your legs together. Your body should be in a nice straight line from your head to your heels. Then, with your legs together, jump your feet in toward your right elbow, rotating so that your knees come outside your elbow. Jump back into the plank position with your feet back center and your body in a nice straight line. Then jump your feet back in, but this time toward your opposite elbow. Rotate to bring your knees toward the outside of your elbow. Jump your feet back out center. Do not let your body shift backward as you perform the hops and jump back out. Try to keep your chest over your hands instead of letting your hands get way up by your head. Keep alternating hops toward each elbow.