The Most Essential Exercise No One Is Doing – Scapular Wall Holds

The Most Essential Exercise No One Is Doing – Scapular Wall Holds

Neck and shoulder pain and injury are common ailments these days because most of us sit at a desk hunched over a computer screen for like 9 hours a day.

And while rolling out and stretching are essential to getting rid of our knots and tight spots to lessen the pain, there is one essential exercise we all need to be including in our workout routines.

It isn’t a glamorous move. It isn’t a move that is going to smash you and make you feel like you got in a gnarly workout.

But it is a move that is going to get rid of your pain and help you get exponentially stronger in the long run.

The Scapular Wall Hold is an essential move everyone should be doing, but no one really is.
