Why Posterior Chain Work AKA Working Your Backside Is ESSENTIAL!
So if you've read or watched any of my videos on pain and injury prevention, you've probably heard me talk about how we spend way too much time in flexion. We spend way to much time rounded and hunched over. We spend long hours seated at a desk, in a car, watching TV...
Dieting Shouldn’t Mean Deprivation
Often when we hear the word diet, we immediately think, "I have to eat bland, disgusting, boring, tasteless food that leaves me just wanting the things I love." But that isn't what a diet is. The word "diet" has gotten twisted into something it isn't. Diet is actually...
Improve Your Pull Ups And Core Strength With This Killer Workout
I designed this workout when experimenting with my 30-Day Pull Up Challenge workouts and scheduling. And while I intended it to simply help people achieve that first, or 15th!, Pull Up, I never expected it to be such a core! More clients tell me...
Are Planks Overrated? 3 Tips To Improve Your Planks
Many believe the plank to be one of the best core exercises out there, but it's has also become very overrated. The plank has now become an overrated core exercise because most people use it incorrectly. So maybe it isn't the plank so much as people's interpretation...
Why Imbalances Are Worse Than Inflexibility – Our Top Injury Prevention Articles
Have you ever heard someone say, "I want to be able to touch my toes?" As if that was a very important thing to show their fitness and health. It is such an arbitrary sign of "flexibility" and isn't necessarily meaningful when it comes to preventing injuries or moving...
Strengthen And Tone Your Inner Thighs With These Workouts – 21 Inner Thigh Exercises
The inner thighs, or adductors, are a very interesting muscle group. They are an area of the body that almost every woman complains about. That most men don't care about (but they should!). But they are also an area of the body that anyone with knee, hip, low back or...
Strengthen Your Core With Standing Core Exercises – 20 Standing Core Exercises
Working your core doesn't have to mean getting down on the ground and doing planks, crunches or sit ups. There are actually a number of great core-intensive exercises you can do standing. And these Standing Core Exercises can be a great way to work your core in every...
Full-Body Foam Rolling Moves – The RAD Kit
I'm always looking for new tools and instruments to not only improve my personal health and wellness, but also improve the quality of training that I can provide for my clients. And if those tools come in a nice kit that clients can even get for their homes so that...
Your Personal BluePrint To The Best Results
Does it feel like you’ve tried EVERYTHING but you still struggle to get the results you want? Or maybe you just don’t know where to start.
Any fitness or nutrition program that does not take into consideration your exact mobility restrictions and training history and how you progress, well they lead to quick plateaus and lackluster results.
One size doesn’t fit all.
We know this.
But that’s why it’s key we have the support we need to assess what is and isn’t working and make changes.
That’s why it’s key we have a mentor there to guide us and adjust our programming based on the way results are ACTUALLY building.
Get the support, accountability and guidance you need so you can stop wasting time on fad diets and quick fixes that aren’t customized to your needs and goals!