When training for a race, you have to log the miles.

However, if there are days when you can’t get outside to do your runs or rides, you can still train and improve your endurance inside the gym

And that doesn’t mean you have to spend 30 minutes to an hour doing steady-state cardio on some boring piece of cardio equipment.

Below is one of the endurance workouts we love to do. It is a challenging workout that will improve your endurance while changing up the exercise you do every minute.

If you aren’t training for a race or endurance sport, it is still a great way to build up up your endurance.

Endurance Workout

Stretch and Roll Out
Here is a great full-body warm up.


Work for 1 minute on each exercise at about 50-75% of your max output. More advanced exercisers will want to work in the upper end of that range while beginners may need to work closer to the 50% mark. Quickly transition from exercise to exercise when the minute is up (we generally set a timer for 15 seconds for transition). Rest one minute after completing a round of the circuit. Make sure you never redline on any exercise. You should be able to keep moving from exercise to exercise!

Complete 4-8 rounds of the circuit below.

1 minute Rowing
1 minute Battling Rope Sidewinders
1 minute Jump Rope
1 minute Towel Taz
1 minute Plank
1 minute Rest

Stretch and Roll Out
Here is a great full-body cool down.


You can truly sub in any exercises you want. I recommend making a couple of exercises full body, a couple core focused and then one or two upper and lower. You could even alternate hemispheres if you wanted (upper, lower, upper, lower). Anything can work just make sure you don’t redline.



Rowing – Hop on a rower and get moving! Hold a nice consistent pace that challenges you, but won’t ever make you hit your make. This isn’t a sprint. With rowing, it is also very important to have a smooth powerful stroke. It isn’t about how quickly you can move so much as how powerfully you can pull! And utilize every inch of your body. Reach forward when you come forward and lean back a bit at the end to get the most out of every stroke. If you don’t have a rower, you can always hop on a VersaClimber or other piece of cardio equipment. The more full body the better!
Sidewinders – Hold one side of the rope in each hand. Keep more slack in the rope than you would with other battling ropes moves. Relax your arms and stand with your feet between hip-width and shoulder-width apart. Then sweep your arms to the right, rotating through your core even pivoting a little up onto your left toes. Then quickly sweep your arms to the left. Sweep back and forth. Keep your arms more relaxed and only slightly bent. Use your core to push and pull from side to side. You shouldn’t do huge rotations. Your arms and the rope should stay out in front of you. The ropes should make snake-like waves on the ground and swish side to side. They should not move up and down off the ground. You can also do sidewinders holding a towel by shaking it side to side. 
Jump Rope – You can do a basic jump or make this minute even more challenging by doing double unders. If you can’t jump rope, you can fake it without a rope. Ladder drills are another great exercise to include instead of jumping rope if you would prefer. We’ve also done sled pulls and pushes at a steady pace.
Towel Taz – A difficult full body exercise that will definitely get your heart rate up. Grab a bath towel,moving blanket, fleece blanket or whatever you have on hand. The bigger and heavier the towel, the harder the move will be (we generally use moving blankets). Grab a corner of the towel in each and and start shaking the towel as powerfully and as quickly as you can up and down while moving quickly around from side to side, in a circle, forwards, backwards and every which way. Move quickly, taking only a few steps in each direction as you shake the towel. Keep your chest up and do not round your back. You can shake the towel up and down and in and out. The quicker you move, the harder the move will be.
Plank – Whether it is a basic plank from the ground or you make it more challenging by adding in a slam bag or power wheel, the plank is a great isometric move to include. It will work on your core stability and strength endurance! To do a plank, you can set up on your hands and knees, forearms and knees, hands and toes or forearms and toes. Holding from your toes will be more challenging. Your hands or elbows (if on your forearms) should be under your shoulders. And your knees or feet should be together. Lift your body up into a nice straight line. Tuck your hips under in a slight pelvic tilt to engage your abs and protect your back. Keep your body in a straight line. Do not let your hips go up in the air or sag toward the ground. Also, do not tuck your chin. Keep your belly button drawn in toward your spine and hold.