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FHP 334 – 4 Tips To Build Muscle Without Gaining Fat

FHP 334 – 4 Tips To Build Muscle Without Gaining Fat

Gaining muscle can be HARD. There are also those of us that tend to struggle more than others. And it only gets harder as we get older because we can become anabolic resistant and we don’t utilize protein as efficiently or effectively (just another reason increasing...

FHP 333 – Is It Possible To Find Balance?

FHP 333 – Is It Possible To Find Balance?

There never really is “balance.” Life is a constant balancing act. We are always learning how to improve things and I think there will always be times we steer too much in one direction. We’re human after all. But part of mastering “balance” is realizing it will be a...

FHP 332 – You Are What You Believe

FHP 332 – You Are What You Believe

I think most often we hold ourselves back. Plain and simple. It’s not that we didn’t have the ability. It’s not that we couldn’t learn the systems. It’s not that we weren’t strong enough, smart enough…insert the “enough” here…. Honestly…Most of our limits are truly...

FHP 331 – Turning Obstacles Into Opportunities

FHP 331 – Turning Obstacles Into Opportunities

We can’t always control what happens, but we CAN always control our attitude about what happens. We can see it as an opportunity or an obstacle. It’s all about our PERSPECTIVE. So instead of dwelling on the event you can’t control, focus instead on what you can...

FHP 330 – 4 Reasons Tracking ISn’t Working

FHP 330 – 4 Reasons Tracking ISn’t Working

What we measure we can manage. If you don’t have clear data about what is going on, you can’t make accurate changes. Tracking provides us that data.  However our data is…well…only as good as our data collection methods. So if tracking isn’t working? You need to take a...

FHP 328 – Do Less, Achieve More

FHP 328 – Do Less, Achieve More

It’s so easy to fall into the “more is better” attitude. Because taking action, “doing more,” allows us to feel like we have more control over our results…like we can get things to happen faster. But that’s simply not how things work. We can’t out exercise or out diet...

FHP 327 – The Master Was Once The Beginner

FHP 327 – The Master Was Once The Beginner

I did a podcast a while ago about “how long does it take to achieve (insert result here)?” since I get that question a lot.  And I said in that podcast that the annoying answer is… “Your entire life.” Often we equate what we are doing RIGHT NOW to the results we have...

FHP 326 – 4 Things Successful People Don’t Do

FHP 326 – 4 Things Successful People Don’t Do

I was thinking about what most often leads to a client being successful…and honestly it never boils down to the fact that they really have more willpower. Or better macros or better workouts. It boils down to the fact that they truly take OWNERSHIP of the process....

FHP 325 – Perfection Hinders Progress

FHP 325 – Perfection Hinders Progress

Guess what?  You’re human. You’re never going to be perfect. I know it’s hard to believe but it’s true. And honestly, if you ever look back at a project you’ve done and there is nothing you would change? You’re either… A. Not being honest with yourself… Or… B. You’ve...