Homemade Workout Equipment – Slosh Pipes

Homemade Workout Equipment – Slosh Pipes

You don’t have to buy a ton of fancy exercise equipment to get in a great workout at home.

Actually you can use a ton of things you already have around the house and even make a few simple, cheap pieces of equipment and have everything you need to get in a great home workout.

For instance, towels make great sliders for a full body workout. And a larger bath towel or moving blanket can help you get in a great cardio workout without having much room. Just check out the Towel Taz.

And if you want to make a great functional weight to use to load down your exercises, you can easily make a slosh pipe.

Slosh Pipes are an awkward and functional weight that cost about $10 to make.

They are easy to make and are a great uneven weight to challenge your core and work on your stabilization and strength.

The traditional slosh pipe is about 6-8 feet long and filled about 1/2 to 2/3 full with water or sand to really challenge your core.

However, if you want to use the slosh pipe in your house, you may find this length doesn’t really work. That is why I started using a 2 ft slosh pipe.

With the shorter slosh pipe there are exercises you can do that you can’t do with the longer pipe; however, the longer pipe can be a great option to really work your core if you have the space.

Below is a guide to help you make your own slosh pipe (I’ll show you how to make the shorter one, but the same directions can also be applied to make a longer one). Also, below are some great exercises to do with your 2ft Slosh Pipe!
