FHP 309 – Shift Before You Drift

FHP 309 – Shift Before You Drift

One of my amazing Unicorns asked, “I was wondering if there were general “success” habits that you’ve noticed yourself and/or all clients who’ve met / exceeded their goals practice consistently on the daily?”

One of the things I told her that I think is actually at the heart of whether or not we succeed is…

We have to remember that we will NEVER be perfect with anything.

It’s about learning to recognize the detour more quickly to get back on track!

She summarized this thought so nicely as…

Shift as soon as I notice drift.


Detours are going to happen. There will be things that get us off track, whether it’s life events popping up or simply stress.

But success isn’t dependent on us never having these deviations.

It’s dependent on how quickly we can recognize we are off course and get back on track.

How quickly can we “right the ship” so to speak.

Because the quicker we can just sort of note the slip up or mistake, not JUDGE ourselves and then just simply do what we can to move forward?

Often the less those detours really even register or matter.

But the more we sort of make ourselves feel guilty for them, the more we end up actually continuing along the detoured path, getting further and further away from what we need to be doing.

We actually allow ourselves to continue steering in the wrong direction.

So how can you shift as soon as you notice drift?

Here are 3 Tips to help you out:

#1: Don’t judge.

Often it isn’t the mistake that is the issue. It’s our own internal hater judging us that leads us down a dark path.

That one cookie becomes 10. And then it becomes “Screw it I’ve messed up today so may as well just eat bad the rest of the night.” Which then even sometimes becomes, “Well it’s Thursday so may as well just wait to start over Monday because I’ve messed it up!”

This can lead to us basically driving ourselves miles out of our way instead of just turning the car around at that first place to make a U turn.

So what if you had one thing and your macros won’t be perfect?

Better to do what you can and get CLOSE over completely writing the day off!

Mistakes are going to happen. You’re human. Get used to it.

When they do, just do what you can to correct them over making yourself feel guilty or stupid!

#2: Assess.

Often we just ignore or avoid what happened over facing the mistake head on while assessing why it occurred.

The more we can understand the WHY behind the things that happen, the more we can address the true causes and even learn how to handle situations before they happen.

Like if you know you tend to reach for something at the end of the day when you’re stressed and tired.

Maybe you plan in a treat so you don’t feel deprived, even working backward from that.

Or maybe you just realize you can’t even have any of those snacks in the house, at least to start.

Or maybe you just know you need to make a macro friendly sweet treat to keep you on track.

There are so many ways to help yourself overcome potential pitfalls, but the first key is assessing and learning why they happen in the first place.

We will never be perfect, but the more we can improve our understanding of ourselves? The more we can create systems and routines that really work for us!

#3: Pick one small thing to move forward – even just mentally.

If we can’t do something perfectly, we act like it isn’t worth doing.

But if you have a detour?

Just do what you can to get back to it.

Even if you can’t hit your macros and your calories are way off, do something MENTALLY to get back on track.Even if you skipped the workout and are about to go to bed?

Roll out for 5 minutes just so you know you still did something that could even help you tomorrow.

It doesn’t have to be big.

But we want to do something as soon as possible to get the momentum going back in the right direction!

Just remember the key isn’t never slipping up, never making a detour. Those things are going to happen.

The key to success is just recognizing it more quickly and doing what you can to move forward ASAP!

Why You’re Not Losing Weight (3 Mistakes You Might Be Making)

Why You’re Not Losing Weight (3 Mistakes You Might Be Making)

“I’m eating so clean and training hard every day. Why am I not losing weight?”

There is nothing more frustrating than feeling like you’re working super hard and doing all of the “right” things but not getting the results you deserve.

It can make you feel like something is wrong with you.

But often it is very SIMPLE habit changes, those boring basics, that make the difference.

Too often we overcomplicate things in our search for a quick fix, instead of dialing in the fundamentals first.

We get focused on doing more and working HARDER over simply working smarter.

That’s why I want to share the 3 most common reasons people don’t see the weight loss results they want and how to correct them.

But first, I also want to discuss why you don’t want to let the scale dictate how you view your results.

The scale doesn’t tell us the full story.

It tells us how much we weigh on any given day at any given time.

But our weight isn’t just muscle and fat.

It’s glycogen and water storage.

It’s impacted by inflammation and food still left to be processed and disposed of.

The scale will fluctuate daily, not to mention even hourly.

While I know we can often want to see a specific number on the scale, we have to remember that the scale doesn’t really show us the full picture.

And often striving for faster weight loss on the scale will backfire.

The scale is a very poor indicator of body recomposition.

Your weight could stay the same while amazing body recomposition results are happening.

If you lose a pound of fat, but even gain 2lbs of muscle?

Guess what?

You could end up looking leaner BUT actually even see your weight increase.

Because as much as we say “I want to lose weight” what we really want is to lose fat.

And the scale as a data source for fat loss is very limited

So even if you are trying to lose weight, consider another form of measurement to help you truly track your body recomposition – whether it is a form of body fat testing, progress picture or even body measurements.

Now…What Are The 3 Most Common Reasons We Aren’t Seeing Results?

Often we need to focus on those BASICS and dial in those fundamentals first.

While they aren’t sexy or fun, they are often the reasons we succeed or fail!

Supplements, fancy moves may be the things we want to focus on, but we have to remember that what we measure, can be MANAGED!

If you don’t have a clear picture of what you’re doing, a clear plan in place? You can’t make accurate changes to your routine.

Reason #1: You’re Not Tracking And Measuring

I know I know…tracking sucks.

It’s boring and tedious and no one likes doing it.

But it gives us an unbiased picture of what we are truly doing so that we can adjust.

It’s a great learning tool to truly understand how to best fuel your body so your calories and macros are dialed in specifically to YOUR needs.


1. We are often very bad at estimating our own portion sizes, no matter how good we think we are at it.

And 2. You can still overeat healthy foods. It’s why you may be eating clean and NOT seeing results.

It’s easy when you’re hungry or simply even WANT the food to end up letting that portion size get a bit bigger.

I don’t know about you, but a tbsp of peanut butter gets exponentially bigger depending on how much I want it that day or even what I’m putting it on.

And with calorically dense foods like that, it’s easy for those calories to add up each day, not to mention over the week and throw us out of the deficit we need to see for results.

Not to mention, those calories can distort the macros we are actually hitting that day, which can dramatically impact our results.

And if you’re a snacker?

It’s easy to end up letting a snack or two here or there become 3 or 4 and add up to more calories throughout the day than we realize.

It’s why tracking not only holds us accountable, but measuring gives us an accurate picture of what is going on so we know what to change.

You may not do it long term. But why not set yourself up to truly understand your diet by having a clear picture of what you’re consuming so you CAN get better results without having to do more?

Reason #2: You’re Focused On Doing More

When we do more, we feel more in control of our progress.

We feel like we can speed up our results.

But doing more can often backfire.

It can lead to burn out.

Extra frustration because we are pushing so hard yet NOT seeing the results we want.

The simple fact is we simply can’t out exercise or out diet time.

And the more we try to? The more we often create habits that aren’t sustainable that we can’t be consistent with.

Too often we overestimate how much we can accomplish short term while underestimating what we can accomplish long term.

Not to mention, those fast fad results we sometimes do see happening?

Well those seemingly amazing results are often why we get caught in the same annoying weight loss cycle…losing and regaining the same weight over and over again.

We slash our calories ridiculously low as we add in extra cardio and spend hours in the gym.

We may then see a huge initial drop of 5lbs in those first few days or even the first week.

But guess what? That isn’t all fat that we lost.

It’s water weight. Glycogen depletion. Maybe a pound of fat.

BUT also a pound of muscle.

So while it may feel satisfying, it won’t keep up. Or we have to keep doing more and more in an attempt to keep the results rolling in as quickly.

And in our attempt to see those faster drops on the scale, we end up sacrificing muscle not to mention create metabolic adaptations and hormonal imbalances that hold us back.

We create issues that end up backfiring and we’ve built habits that are unsustainable.

So what happens?

All that doing more leads to us regaining the weight we worked so hard to lose. And often, we end up worse off because, when we regain the weight?

We aren’t regaining muscle.

So the next time we attempt to lose weight? The process may feel even more hopeless.

This is why we need to stop doing more and instead create a plan that is truly realistic for our lifestyle.

There is no perfect workout schedule. No one perfect diet.

The key is making small changes and doing something that truly fits the time we have.

If you only have 3 days a week to workout? Start with that schedule and design workouts that fit that routine.

If you’ve never tracked your food before? Just start by logging without other changes.

These small swaps allow you to build momentum and truly make lasting changes.

Reason #3: You’re Not Focusing On Strength Training

Yes, for weight loss diet is key.

I don’t think there is anyone at this time who hasn’t heard the phrase “Abs are made in the kitchen.”

But so often we don’t dial in our workouts in a way that truly complements our nutritional plan and works toward lasting results.

Most of the time when someone says they want to lose weight, they also say they plan to add in more cardio.

And this association between cardio and weight loss arose because often cardio workouts do burn more calories per session than strength workouts.

But thinking of our workouts only as a chance to burn more calories is really not utilizing them to maximize our results.

We also have to remember our body adapts.

It’s why we get stronger. Why we can run faster and ride further.

But because of these adaptions, we don’t continue to burn as many calories from our steady state cardio training sessions as we did to start.

It’s why we can feel like we just need to keep doing more.

It can also lead to us trying to out exercise our diet to create a great calorie deficit.

Instead we need to see our workouts as not only a chance to burn more calories but as an opportunity to keep our overall body healthy and avoid metabolic adaptations.

If you want to look leaner? You want to build muscle.

That’s why strength workouts are so key.

If you want to avoid more metabolic adaptations and burn more calories at rest?

You want to include strength workouts to build muscle.

So while you can and should include cardio training if you enjoy it, and for your overall wellness, we need to stop turning to cardio for weight loss.

Focus on lifting heavy and challenging your body through heavier loads and more advanced movements! Make more out of less time so you can even create a routine that is sustainable long term!


If we want to see amazing weight loss results, you can’t ignore the basics.

Stop spinning your wheels just trying to do more.

Instead think of how you can do less and get better results.

Start tracking and logging as you focus on creating a sustainable routine that includes strength training.

The BEST results happen when our diet and our workouts WORK TOGETHER!

Learn to eat and train according to YOUR needs and goals:

–> Macro Hacks 

FHP 308 – Expectations Can Make Or Break Your Success

FHP 308 – Expectations Can Make Or Break Your Success

When we start a new program we of course have “expectations” about what we’ll get out of it.

But what if the reason we’ve never fully seen the results we want is because of our “expectations” of what the outcome will be?

What if we are expecting too much? What if our binary definition of success is holding us back?

What if the benefit of each thing we do isn’t as simple as “did we or did we not get (insert outcome here)”?

Now I’m not saying not to expect yourself to work or not have high expectations when it comes to what you want out of things.

But I think too often we set our expectations only on reaching a specific goal and not on the LEARNING PROCESS involved in achieving that outcome.

It’s also why we can get really down and feel like nothing has ever worked for us. We are only seeing victory as did we or didn’t we reach our goal.

If we instead saw each thing we’ve done as a chance to LEARN so we can build upon that next time?

Well we’d end up getting a lot further faster. 

And we’d probably feel like we’re “starting over” a lot less. When we start something new, we need to set our expectations to be what can be LEARNED from this experience? How can we grow?

If our expectations are simply to learn? We’re going to get far more out of every experience.

We need to think of our journey as building a bridge.

Too often in our mind we simple see success as going from point A to point B.

But each thing we do can teach us something about how to truly build that bridge to get us across

Each experience can add a piece to make our bridge more sturdy.

Each experience can show us how to move closer to our goal, even if it is the pitfalls to avoid.

And in doing the habits and implementing the systems to move forward? Often we will reach our goal and before we know it.

Sometimes taking our focus OFF the outcome and putting it onto the building process, the daily habits, ultimately helps us reach our goal faster.

Because we’re putting in the work and doing what we should.

Instead of just focusing on how far we have still to go.

When building the bridge, you don’t want to keep looking up and thinking “Are we there yet?”

You want to think about what next piece you have to lay out to get across!