Let’s Talk Supplements – Breaking Down BCAAs

Let’s Talk Supplements – Breaking Down BCAAs

BCAAs - It's All About The Amino Acids! Other than protein powders, BCAAs supplements are actually the supplement I get asked about the most, especially when people come from bodybuilding circles. We always think MORE IS more amino acids, especially when...

Stop Torturing Your Rotator Cuff!

Stop Torturing Your Rotator Cuff!

Rotator cuff injuries are all too common. And often when we have an injury, we think the muscle must have been weak and that is why they got hurt. But all too often that IS NOT the case. All too often smaller, weaker muscles end up injured because they become...

The Prevent Lower Back Pain Workout

The Prevent Lower Back Pain Workout

If you want to stay injury free, it isn't enough to just rest and then return to your normal routine. You've got to CORRECT the problem that caused the pain to occur aka address the movement distortions, compensations and imbalances that lead to the overload. And in...

Macro-Friendly Pizza – Curb Those Cravings

Macro-Friendly Pizza – Curb Those Cravings

I believe eating well is a balance...and sometimes that balance even means having no balance aka what I consider "cheat days." But for those days you don't fully feel like indulging but do have a hankering for some of those not so healthy treats, it can be fun to come...

Ladies…Protein WON’T Make You Bulky!

Ladies…Protein WON’T Make You Bulky!

So one of my male clients told me a few of his female co-workers wanted to start losing some weight. He told them they should eat more protein. And they said back to him, "But we don't want to get bulky!" WHAAAAAAAT!?! I was a bit stunned when he told me this. They...

Do You Really Have Lower Abs?

Do You Really Have Lower Abs?

GASP! Maybe there is something to this LOWER AB thing! Fitness elitists will get really mad if you utter the term "lower abs." Because technically there is no lower ab muscle. Technically it is all the same muscle the rectus abdominis that we are usually targeting...

Your Personal BluePrint To The Best Results

Does it feel like you’ve tried EVERYTHING but you still struggle to get the results you want? Or maybe you just don’t know where to start.

Any fitness or nutrition program that does not take into consideration your exact mobility restrictions and training history and how you progress, well they lead to quick plateaus and lackluster results.

One size doesn’t fit all.

We know this.

But that’s why it’s key we have the support we need to assess what is and isn’t working and make changes.

 That’s why it’s key we have a mentor there to guide us and adjust our programming based on the way results are ACTUALLY building.

Get the support, accountability and guidance you need so you can stop wasting time on fad diets and quick fixes that aren’t customized to your needs and goals!