FHP 452 – The Self Control Gas Tank

FHP 452 – The Self Control Gas Tank

As we go into a New Year, we may be motivated to make some changes – to reach new goals.

But all too often, only a few weeks into the New Year and new habits, we find ourselves completely unmotivated and lacking the “willpower” to maintain some of the habits we’ve created.

Are we just doomed to fail?

Do we just not have the self control or discipline that others have?

Or are we just approaching changes the wrong way?

I think it is key we realize one big thing and then implement these 4 tips to help us see results…

And that big thing we need to realize is that…


During the day, there are so many things that happen that can deplete it.

That’s why the more changes we make at once, and the more dramatic those changes, the more they become harder to implement when other things come up and our tank is already on EMPTY.

It’s why we can feel like we just don’t have the willpower of someone else.

Because we are trying to force changes that don’t meet us where we are at and cause the gas tank to have to be full to be maintained.

Since life though so often doesn’t allow for us to maintain a full gas tank all of the time, I wanted to share 4 tips I think can help you make changes that don’t just rely on motivation and self control to sustain….

#1: Understand your current lifestyle – your beastette origin story.
– Where are you truly at currently? Realistic changes mean knowing your current position…and even understanding your pain!


#2: List your nonnegotiable.
– What are things that you like that the restriction instantly drains you?

#3: Create one small repeatable habit that can fly under the radar.
– What habit will you not even notice you have to do?

#4: Have a reminder of WHY you want this goal and why these changes are worth it to replenish your stores!
– Why does the pain of staying stuck outweigh the pain of change?

By creating changes in this way, we can help ourselves not feel like we need a full gas tank to keep moving forward. We can even find ways to create habits that keep us moving forward when times are tough.

We can even better embrace doing the minimum at times when we know our tank is on E!

FHP 451 – 5 Cold Hard Facts About Losing Weight (AND KEEPING IT OFF!)

FHP 451 – 5 Cold Hard Facts About Losing Weight (AND KEEPING IT OFF!)

If you want to lose weight and keep it off for good, you’ve got to face some cold hard facts…

As much as we like to just get excited about a new goal when we are motivated and even tell ourselves that it will be “easy,” to help ourselves embrace the change, this actually sabotages our long-term success.

Because there will be challenges. And the more we can prepare for them, the better off we will be!

#1: You get good at, and used to, what you consistently do.

Results come not from what we do every once in awhile, but what we do daily.

However, what feels natural is also what we’ve trained our body and mind to see as natural.

Often we have to UNLEARN old patterns and habits before we can learn new ones.

For example, you may find you can track for a few weeks and then fall off. At some point, you have to push through this hurdle. You have to acknowledge the hard and believe your goals are worth the sacrifice.

#2: There is no ideal plan.

One size doesn’t fit all.

What worked for you before, may not work for you later.

Because we are constantly evolving – our bodies, needs, goals and lifestyles are constantly changing.

So in order to create the perfect plan or you, you have to know where you are currently at to accurately adjust.

Meeting ourselves where we are at allows us to make small changes so we aren’t dependent constantly on willpower.

So we don’t get overwhelmed.

So we can actually create habits that stick.

It helps us create a lifestyle so we then think, “Why didn’t I do this sooner?!”

#3: Your body fights the weight loss process.

The longer you’ve had the weight on, the longer you haven’t been at your goal, the harder the process will be because your body doesn’t like change.

And then as you try to get your body to even do something it’s never done, lose those last few pounds for instance, it is going to rebel more and more.

The longer even you’ve been dieting, the more you’ll start to feel things adding up.

Realizing this and planning in other ways to measure success, or even strategic breaks, is key!

#4: It’s going to be boring and hard.

The things that work aren’t the sexy 1% tweaks. They are the boring basics done daily. And at times, it will be hard to want to do them.

We never want to do what we should 100% of the time.

BUT these things are what allow us to enjoy life in the way we want.

These are the little sacrifices we make to do more of what we love!

#5: Your mindset matters most.

You can have the exact macros you need, the exact workout plan in place, but if you don’t implement it, if you don’t trust in it, you’re not going to fully use it and see results.

Too often we doom ourselves with doubt.

We have a plan that would work, but we just don’t fully take action or trust in the process long enough for results to build.

We doubt it will work and then we don’t truly make the changes consistently but convince ourselves we have so we give up when we don’t see the results we feel we deserve.

Even sometimes causing ourselves to fail because we’ve done MORE…which, in our head, feels like it should have worked out better.

But if you’re going to do a program, DO THE PROGRAM.

Believe in it and expect to LEARN even if you don’t hit your exact goal as fast as you’d like.

Because often, as skeptical as we can be, we can ultimately see better results faster when we go all in and do trust the process knowing we will get something out of it no matter what!

FHP 450 – Shed The Ego – Fail Faster

FHP 450 – Shed The Ego – Fail Faster

Why do we have ego, take pride, in doing things alone?

Why do we fear failing?

If we want to succeed, we need to overcome these hurdles. We need to embrace failing faster and embrace an outside perspective.

If you’re finding yourself fighting against “help,” fearing starting something new because you could fail….

Here are some questions or perspectives to get out of your own way and even fail faster honestly….

#1: Why not ask for help?

#2: What pitfalls have others seen when taking on these challenges? Learn from others!

#3: Repeat failing isn’t failure…Failure is never taking risk so you never see your full potential.

#4: You want to put up a wall against doing it? Then do it more.

Learn more about why that coaching, and accountability, may be key.
FHP 449 – It Never Gets Easier…

FHP 449 – It Never Gets Easier…

Talking to Sarah – she’s like…

“It didn’t get easier this week! You lied!”

And I said back, “Did you use a harder variation? Did you finish the workout faster?”

She said…“Yes.”

“Then it DID get easier.”

With training, you will ALWAYS feel challenged, because you’ll always be reaching for that next thing.

But you’ll see the progression in how far you can run and how fast you do it…or the weights you can lift for more reps…

But no…it never FEELS easier.

We are just stronger, fitter, faster, more confident…

I don’t share this to be negative but I think this delusion that things will at some point be “easy” holds us back…because it makes us ignore how much more we can do…

Whether in the gym or other areas of our life.

And even habits that do become fully ingrained…well we don’t always want to do them!

This isn’t a bad thing either.

It’s just a fact.

It’s why you…

#1: Always want to track progress to truly see progression and not let “feelings” derail you!

#2: Focus on tracking all the different ways you’re growing!

#3: Recognize that feeling MENTALLY tired can be a reason to take a diet break, switch ratios or even use a de-load week. Just because we CAN push through doesn’t always mean we should.

#4:  Sometimes embrace doing the minimum to stay consistent.

Realize that strength doesn’t come from NOT doing hard things…it is built going through the hard.

And pushing those limits never feels easier, but you are able to handle more!

FHP 448 – What’s Your Beastette Origin Story?

FHP 448 – What’s Your Beastette Origin Story?

Want to achieve amazing results and reach your goals?

Recognizing where you’re actually starting from!

Create your beastette origin story…By recognizing where you are, you can map out accurate changes to achieve amazing results. And you can motivate yourself by taking ownership of your priorities and even what has caused you to not see results in the past.

To write your origin story, consider these questions…

What does your current day look like?

What are key parts of your lifestyle?

What do you struggle with?

Why do you really want a change?

Where do you feel the negative impact of your situation currently?

What setbacks have you had recently making you want to see a new and better result?

Why is the pain of staying stuck worse than the pain of change?


For more on building your beastette story and creating the systems to reach your goals…

–> My STRONG Systems (and workbook link in video description!)


FHP 447 – Scared of Gaining Weight? Try This!

FHP 447 – Scared of Gaining Weight? Try This!

Travel…the holidays…many of us feel like gaining weight is inevitable.

And in the past, it may have been.

But you don’t have to feel doomed to gain weight during the holidays or when you travel.

You just need to consider some strategies to address the patterns that usually add up.

And more importantly, you need to PLAN AHEAD!

So what did I do?

#1: I stopped to assess prior and plan out options.

#2: I focused on doing the minimum and allowing that to build momentum and motivation.

#3: I focused on controlling what I could control aka the meals AROUND holiday meals or vacation meals out. Even using more “strict” ratios and calories prior and after.

#4: I focused on swaps. Where could I swap things at restaurants. How could I swap things in dishes I was prepping to share.

#5: Used fasting strategically.

#6: Never felt guilty.

#7: Realized too often we emphasize the few holidays or vacation days over focusing on the other 300 some odd days of the year….