When you travel it can be hard to keep up with your workout routine.

You may simply be busy, or relaxing or without access to your usual workout equipment. But that doesn’t have to mean you fall off your workout routine.

While you can take time off on vacation, it can be useful to have some Bodyweight Travel Exercises and quick Travel Workouts on hand, especially if you travel often. These moves and exercises can be something quick you do in your off time, even if all you have access to is the space in your hotel room.

Try these 10 Bodyweight Travel Exercises and Quick Travel Workout.

10 Bodyweight Travel Exercises

These Bodyweight Exercises require no equipment and very little space for you to get in a great full-body workout. And they can help you add some variation to the basic bodyweight push ups and squats we all know.

They are perfect for when you travel or even if you want to do a quick workout at home.

Squat to Alternating LungeCombine the Squat and Lunge into one lower body toasting move with the Squat to Alternating Lunge. This move will work your legs and glutes while getting your blood pumping.

squat to alternating lunge

To do the Squat to Alternating Lunges, start with your feet about hip-width to shoulder-width apart. Squat down, sitting your butt back. Do not round forward as you squat down. Keep your heels down and sink your butt so that your quads are about parallel to the ground.

Then jump up and switch into a lunge stance as you land. One foot will be forward and then other will lunge back as you drop your back knee down toward the ground. Sink low in the low and keep your chest up.

In the lunge, your front heel should be down and your weight should be fairly centered.

Jump back into the squat and then lunge on the other side. Move quickly, exploding up off the ground to switch.

Beginners can start with stepping between the two moves instead of jumping.

Push Up with Toe TouchThis is a great push up variation that will work your glutes, core and shoulders even more.

Beginners can do this from their knees and simply reach back between their knees instead of toward each ankle.

push with toe touch

To do the Push Up with Toe Touch, set up in the plank position on your feet and hands with your hands under your shoulders and your feet about shoulder-width apart. Putting your feet closer together can make it harder to balance and force your core to work harder. Your body should be in a nice straight line.

Then from this plank position, reach one hand back toward the opposite ankle. As you reach back, push your butt up in the air. Reach back toward the opposite ankle and then move back into the plank position, placing your hand back down on the ground.

Perform a push up, dropping your chest toward the ground with your body moving as one unit. Press back up and then reach the other hand back toward the opposite ankle.

Push your butt up into the air every time you reach back, but make sure to come back forward into the plank position before performing the push up.

Side Plank StarsWork your entire core, but really target those glutes and obliques with this Side Plank variation. The leg raise while in the Side Plank, challenges your core stability while engaging your glutes even more.

star planks

To do the Side Plank Stars, start in a side plank position with your elbow under your shoulder and your body in a nice straight line to your feet. You can choose to stack your feet or place your top foot in front. Beginners may need to drop their bottom knee down toward the ground.

Keeping your bottom hip up, lift your top arm up toward the ceiling as you raise your top leg up. Lift them up then lower them back down and rotate into a front plank with your elbows under your shoulders and your body in a nice straight line.

Do not let your hips sag or your butt go up toward the ceiling as you shift into the front plank. Do not touch your knees down or relax in this position although beginners may do this from their knees.

Then rotate into a side plank on the other side. In this side plank position, with your bottom hip up and body in a nice straight line, lift your top arm and leg up. Do not rotate toward the ground or rotate your leg way open as you lift.

Lower back down and rotate back into the front plank before switching to the other side.

Plank Sit ThrusSit Thrus are a great rotational core exercise. When you add in the hop back to Plank, you make them not only more challenging for your core, but also more of a cardio movement. Beginners will stick with the basic Sit Thru.

plank sit thrus

To do the Plank Sit Thrus, start in a bulldog position from your hands and feet, with your hands under your shoulders and your knees bent so that your knees are under your hips. Your knees should be about an inch off the ground.

Then jump  your feet back into the plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your body in a nice straight line from your head to your toes.

Jump your feet back into the bulldog position, then rotate into a Sit Thru on one side. Kick one leg under and through as you lift the opposite hand up off the ground. As you kick the leg under and through, your body should rotate so that you could “sit” on the ground with one leg out straight.

Bring the leg back under your body and place the foot back on the ground so you are back in the bulldog position. Jump back into a plank and then repeat on the other side.

You can also cut out an extra plank between Sit Thrus to make the move slightly easier. Move as quickly as possible and rotate all the way through with each Sit Thru.

Snowboard Hop BurpeesThis Burpee variation is a great way to blast your legs even more while getting your blood pumping.

Beginners can step instead of hopping. You can also choose to do a jump back into plank with each hop or you can do 3 hops with a jump back (shown in the video). Adding in a few more hops works the legs even more!

snowboard burpees

To do Snowboard Hop Burpees, start with your feet in a slightly staggered stance and your back foot out in front of your front foot. Look forward over that front leg and then squat down to place your front hand down on the ground by your toe. Do not simply round over to place your hand on the ground. Squat down. Do not touch the ground if that means rounding over with your butt up.

Then jump up and rotate, switching to land in the slightly staggered stance on the other side. Touch your hand back down to the ground as you sink into a squat on that side.

Jump back up and rotate back to the first side. Then in the squat, place your hands down on the ground and jump your feet back into a plank position.

Keep your core engaged and your body in a nice straight line. Jump your feet back in and come back into the squat.

Jump and switch to a snowboard hop on the other side. Repeat 3 jumps and perform the jump back on the other side.

3-Way Squat JumpsSquat Jumps are one of those basic bodyweight moves we all love to use, especially when we want a cardio workout that will work our legs and we don’t have much space or equipment.

However, the basic Squat Jump gets boring. That is why the 3-Way Squat Jump can be a fun way to mix things up. Plus the three different jumps target your legs in slightly different ways.

This move is a leg burner for sure!

squat jump variations

To do 3-Way Squat Jumps, start with your feet about shoulder-width apart or maybe even a little wider. Sit your butt back and squat down. Do not round over.

Then jump up and as you do bring your feet in a little bit closer so that, when you land, your feet are closer than shoulder-width apart.

Sink into a squat and then jump back up to land with your feet together. As you land, sink quickly into a squat.

Explode back up and repeat, moving back into that wide squat to start.

Square LungeThis is a great move to work your legs from a few different angles and target not only your glutes, but also your adductors. It can be hard when you travel to really work your legs unless you have access to weights or use jumping exercises.

However, if you combine lunges, you can challenge your legs more than you would with a basic bodyweight Squat without adding weight.

square lunges

To do the Square Lunge, start to one side of the space you have to use. Then step out wide to the side, and bend the knee of the leg you stepped out with to sink into a deep side lunge. Keep your other leg straight as you sit your butt back and sink down. Keep both heels down as you sink and do not round over.

Then, drive up through the heel of your bent leg to stand up as you use your adductors to pull the straight leg in toward the leg you stepped out with. You will now be on the other side of the space from where you started.

Then lunge back. You can choose to keep the same leg working or alternate which leg works. Lunge back toward the back of your square, dropping your back knee down toward the ground while keeping your front heel down. Keep your chest up as you sink into the reverse lunge.

Drive off your front heel to push backward and come to standing. You will now be at the back of your square.

Perform another side lunge, stepping out to the side with the other foot this time. Sink down, pushing your butt back then stepping in with the straight leg.

Then lunge forward, dropping the back knee down as you keep your chest up. Step your back foot forward to come to standing and you’ve completed the square. Repeat, moving the same direction for a few more reps or alternate and reverse the square.

While this move doesn’t require a ton of space, it does require you to have a nice square of space. If you don’t, try one of these Lunge variations. ********

Rotational Reach Push UpThis is a great rotational core exercise to build core stability while working your core even more. And the Push Up is a great way to work your upper body without being the same old boring basic Push Up!

rotational reach with push up

To do the Rotational Reach Push Up, start in a plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your feet about shoulder-width apart. The closer your feet are together, the harder the move will be. But don’t place them so close together that your butt goes up in the air, especially as you rotate.

Then reach one hand under your body and rotate slightly that direction. Reach that same hand back open toward the ceiling, rotating your body into a side plank from your hand as you open up.

Rotate back closed and place the hand back down on the ground before performing a push up. Make sure your body moves as one unit as you perform the push up.

Lower your chest down to the ground then press back up and lift the other hand up to reach under and across your body before rotating open into the side plank.

Place the hand back down and perform another push up.

You can keep alternating rotational reaches on each side or you can stay on one side for a number of reps before switching.

Lateral Crawl Push UpThis is a great challenging push up and crawling exercise. It will work your entire core and really toast your chest, triceps and shoulders. Because it combines two different types of push ups (wide grip and narrow grip) it will work your upper body in different ways while your core has to work hard to keep your body in a nice straight line.

Plus, adding in the lateral crawl makes the move extra cardio!

lateral crawl push up

To do the Lateral Crawl Push Up, start in a plank position with your hands in closer together and your feet about shoulder-width apart. Perform a push up, dropping your chest down toward the ground as your body moves as one unit. Do not let your elbows flare way up by your ears.

Press back up to the top of the push up and then step to one side with your hand and foot (your “front” hand and “back” foot will move together). This should bring your hands out wider, probably wider than shoulder-width, as your feet come together. Perform another push up then step your hands back in together and your feet back out wide (this time you will move the back hand and front foot).

Keep moving toward one side, performing a push up each time you step. Then go back the other way.

Beginners can remove the push ups or even only perform a push up every other crawl.

Forearm Plank Bird DogsThe basic Bird Dog is a great way to build core stability and activate your glutes. By doing the move from a plank position, you force your core and glutes to work even harder. Beginners may need to stick with the move from their knees while advanced exercisers can try the Forearm Plank Bird Dogs or even the Advanced Bird Dogs from their hands.

forearm plank bird dog

To do the Forearm Plank Bird Dog, set up in a plank position from your forearms and toes with your elbows under your shoulders and your feet about hip-width apart. Placing your feet closer together will make the move more challenging because your core will have to work harder to stay balanced.

Then, holding this plank position, lift one arm and the opposite leg up off the ground. Reach them as if reaching toward opposite walls. Do not rotate open or let your butt go up in the air as you reach. Also, engage your glute as you lift your leg so that your low back doesn’t take over.

Pause at the top of the lift then lower back down and lift the other arm and leg.

Move slowly and stay balanced. You can also stay on one side as that will be easier to stay balanced.

Do not rush this move or let your core wiggle a ton as you perform the arm and leg lift. You want to keep your core stabile.

Mix up your usual bodyweight travel workouts with these 10 fun moves! Try the Quick Bodyweight Travel Workout below for a great way to use them!

Quick Travel Workout

Often when we travel we are short on time. Or we simply don’t feel like spending a ton of time working out. That is why it is great to have a few short, but challenging, bodyweight workouts in your arsenal.

Try this Quick Travel Workout. It will take you under 10 minutes to complete!

Set a timer for 20 second intervals of work with maybe a few seconds of time to transition. You will complete each exercise for 20 seconds and rest 20 seconds between rounds. During this 20 seconds of rest, you can make it “active rest” by performing jumping jacks or some other low intensity exercise.

Complete 2 rounds of each circuit, resting an extra 20 seconds between circuits. Beginners may need to rest more if needed.

20 seconds Snowboard Hop Burpees
20 seconds Rotational Reach Push Up
20 seconds Star Planks
20 seconds Rest/Active Rest

20 seconds Squat to Alternating Lunges
20 seconds Lateral Crawl Push Up
20 seconds Plank Sit Thrus
20 seconds Rest/Active Rest

20 seconds 3-Way Squat Jumps
20 seconds Push Up with Toe Touch
20 seconds Forearm Bird Dogs
20 seconds Rest/Active Rest

Stay on track and keep moving even when you travel with these 10 Bodyweight Travel Exercises and Quick Travel Workout!