by Cori Lefkowith | Mar 19, 2014 | Blog, Recipes
Salad for breakfast?
Sounds a bit strange, but it is super good (and this is coming from someone who isn’t necessarily a fan of salads!).
Some power greens, poached eggs and bacon make this one DELICIOUS breakfast.
by Cori Lefkowith | Feb 27, 2014 | Blog, Diet, Recipes
Rarely do you encounter a person that doesn’t love bacon.
And, while in our society bacon has become something horrible for you that you should never eat, it really doesn’t have to be.
No it shouldn’t be the basis of your diet, BUT nitrate and nitrite-free bacon CAN be a part of a healthy diet.
Anytime I can, I sneak just a little bit of delicious bacon into my meals I do.
Fat isn’t the enemy.
Bacon isn’t the enemy.
Processed crap…Well that is the enemy.
Anyway, here are some great BACON tacos. Dates, bacon, Manchego cheese and some pistachio pesto make these super different and DELICIOUS!
by Cori Lefkowith | Feb 7, 2014 | Blog, Recipes
I love salmon, especially the fatty tail piece.
But not all salmon is created equal.
Wild-caught salmon is far better for you than farm-raised salmon. (It even contains fewer calories!)

It all comes back to eating the most naturally raised and grown ingredients.
So here are some Wild Salmon Tacos with a great Peach Pineapple Sauce made from some Trader Joe’s salsas!
by Cori Lefkowith | Jan 22, 2014 | Blog, Recipes
Tacos are a great quick easy meal. You can easily prep the meat of the taco earlier in the week or even just throw some leftovers together in a corn tortilla.
Again, though, the key with any meal is to use ingredients that are minimally processed.
Here is a great Seared Tuna Taco Recipe with Peach Salsa and Avocado Cilantro Cream.
by Cori Lefkowith | Jan 13, 2014 | Blog, Recipes
I firmly believe that our bodies need carbs. And that the foundation of a healthy diet is eating as little processed food as possible while eating as many nutrient-dense foods as possible.
When I’ve done a hard workout and need to replenish my glycogen stores, I eat rice, potatoes, fruit and CORN TORTILLAS. I don’t deprive my body of carbs.
However, my carbs are always as minimally processed as possible. I only eat corn tortillas where the ingredients are: corn, water and lime.
The less processed food in your diet, be you Vegetarian, Vegan, Primal, Paleo…or whatever, the healthier you are going to be.
Also, the more SUPERFOODS you can include, the better off you are going to be.