The Hip Thruster – The Best Glute Exercise

The Hip Thruster – The Best Glute Exercise

While a great glute training program includes foam rolling, stretching and activation exercises, if you were only allowed to do one move to achieve results, it would have to be the Hip Thruster.

The Hip Thruster and variations of the movement recruit more muscle fibers than almost any standing lift, including one of our favorite moves of all time, the deadlift. It creates a burn in the glutes that very few other moves out there are able to accomplish.

However, beginners may want to start with a glute bridge variation before progressing to the Hip Thruster to make sure their low backs don’t take over when doing the movement.

It is very important with the Hip Thruster that you consciously focus on squeezing your glutes and fully extending your hips without hyperextending your low back.

Here’s how to do The Hip Thruster (potentially the single best glute exercise out there) and variations!


A Must-Do Glute Exercise – The Glute Bridge

A Must-Do Glute Exercise – The Glute Bridge

Squats have become the popular glute exercise on social media, which honestly I don’t completely understand, especially with all of the far more focused glute lifts we now have out there such as hip thrusters and weight glute bridges.

And while I get that we often turn to the squat when we want to work our glutes because they are compound exercise that allows us to move heavy weights, they aren’t necessarily the best, nor only, exercise to develop strong, powerful and sexy butt cheeks.

While lifting heavy is super important, we also need those bodyweight moves that allow us to really focus on engaging and activating the correct muscles. We have to realize that there are 3 drivers of muscle growth we can utilize and that focusing on ACTIVATION of the actual muscle is also key.

So if you want strong glutes, it’s time you not only squatted, but even started doing this FUNDAMENTAL glute move – the glute bridge!
