The Glute Bridge and Curl

The Glute Bridge and Curl

I love the glute bridge. It is a great exercise to activate the glutes so that you can prevent pain and injury, lift more and run faster.

But doing the same exercise over and over again gets boring. Also, your muscles adjust and need a new challenge to keep getting stronger.

That is why it is important to mix up your workouts and vary the exercises.

You don’t have to constantly use NEW exercises – you just need to use new variations.

For instance, you can do the same exercise but vary it by using different types of equipment (like a glute bridge off the ground or off a box). You can also use different types of weights (kettlebell vs. barbell vs. sandbag bridges).

Or you can tweak the exercise just a bit to target the same muscles from slightly different angles – take for instance the Glute Bridge and Curl.

The Glute Bridge and Curl is a great bridge variation that is more hamstring intensive than many other Glute Bridges. It is more hamstring intensive not only because of the straight-legged bridge that is included in the movement, but also because of the curl. Check out these Glute Bridge and Curl Variations for everyone for the beginner to the advanced exerciser.


Do You Want To Be Able To Do MORE Push Ups?

Do You Want To Be Able To Do MORE Push Ups?

Is there an exercise you want to be better at?

Do you want to be able to do a harder variation of an exercise? Lift more weight? Do more reps?

Well if so, you need to follow the instructions below.

While today we focus on being able to do MORE PUSH UPS, these rules really apply to any exercise you want to get better at.

If you want to get better at an exercise, you can’t simply do a ton of reps and expect it to improve.

You’ve got to actually work on your weak points because you really are only as strong as your weakest link.

If you want to be able to do more push ups, you’ve got to strengthen your weak muscles. Is your core weak? How about your shoulders? Or your triceps?

Identify the weak areas then isolate and work on.

Below are a few common weak areas and exercises you can do to strengthen them.
