Lunge For Stronger Legs And Glutes – Functional Lunge Variations

Lunge For Stronger Legs And Glutes – Functional Lunge Variations

Squats and Deadlifts are often touted as the head honchos of lower body exercises because they are compound, functional exercises. Heck, the deadlift is even held in high esteem as a back exercise. And while both moves are a great way to strengthen your lower body, you can’t forget about lunges.

Lunges very often take a back seat in our programming. They aren’t the main lift and, often when they are used, they are aren’t used in every direction like they could be.

But the Lunge is an extremely functional exercise that we need to include in our workouts.

Lunges work your entire leg and can target your legs from a variety of angles as you move in different directions. While most Squat and Deadlift variations are sagittal plane movements.

Lunges are also a very “reactive” movement as well. Think about when you move or react to change directions or go after a ball or even chase a child around a playground…You’ll be surprised by how often it is a lunge like movement to react and change directions and chase.

So if you’re moving like that and constantly moving and lunging in every direction, why wouldn’t you want to strengthen those same movements in your workouts? Why would you ONLY focus on sagittal plane lifts like the deadlift and squat?


Start strengthening your legs and glutes with these wonderfully functional Lunge Variations.


Lunge in Every Direction With The Lunge Matrix

Lunge in Every Direction With The Lunge Matrix

Our bodies should be able to move in every direction, yet our workouts rarely, if ever, include movements in every direction.

When we lunge, we tend to lunge forward and backward only. With maybe a side lunge or two thrown in there.

But we should be lunging in every direction so we can MOVE in every direction in daily life without getting injured.

The whole point of working out is to make our bodies more mobile and stronger so we can live pain free.

That is why you need to include the lunge matrix in your workout routine!

The lunge matrix moves your body in every direction. It strengthens your legs and your glutes in every plane since you are lunging in every direction.

It makes you functional strong to prevent injury!
