15 Unconventional Core Exercises

15 Unconventional Core Exercises

Often we don’t realize how much our core actually works when we do our basic exercises. We instead think we need to do more crunches or sit ups to specifically target our cores instead of focusing on movements that work more muscle groups at once.

And while including exercises to really target our core is important, there are more moves out there to work our core from every angle than we realize.

Many of them we may even be doing without realizing how much they are already building and improving our core strength and stability.

These moves will target and work your entire core – everything from your shoulders to your knees – in a functional way to strengthen, not only other exercises, but also how well you move in everyday life.

These 15 Unconventional Core Exercises are functional movements because they target your core while making you move or engage muscles in a way you might during everyday life and during exercises that require you to use other muscles.
